Nobody nobody
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sad but true. Is a damn fine Trojan horse too. Only rivaled by the Trojan horse of tropical americas. The original blue sky to what we have now almost feels like a current president move of “introduce outrageous thing the person you are selling doesn’t want (zootopia in DAK replacing Dino) so the real thing you want doesn’t seem as bad and people are willing to accept it (encanto and Indy in DAK.” Not saying that WAS the plan, as I’m sure they would’ve loved to do zoo and Moana at DAK, but it sure as heck had that effect in my eyes.So, here's the whole thing, to ensure proper crowd control and the sort, you kind of need Cars to be built for villains to happen*. It's the finest trojan horse I've seen from WDI.
"We'll give you Villains Land! BUT Larry the Cable Guy and Owen Wilson take the river!"
*Okay not ENTIRELY true, you could do a pathway and bridge that goes Beyond BIg Thunder (hue hue hue) and over the river, and then a pathway near Mansion, but you'd still need to destroy part of the ROA to get the full scope of Villains and make it viable for crowd optics. The ultimate point is that the ROA, at least a part of it has to go to attain Villains.