Videos that make you feel like your there.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I was watching this simple little clip off of youtube of the UoE pavillion and remember sitting there for an hour or so just relaxing. Seeing these clips that have the music loop playing and the guest having a good time just makes me feel like I'm there.. Has anyone seen a video that made them feel like their back at WDW just for a good few minutes?


Active Member
I love videos like that. Of course, I should be studying right now, so I'm trying not to go through YouTube and start watching some more. I have definitely done that for a few hours before and it really does feel like you are there. Sometimes I almost start to feel creepy watching other people's vacation videos...but it does feel like you are there!


Well-Known Member
Call me egotistical, but I like digging out the home movies every once in a while and watching myself do stupid things in the World (dancing with the hippo in front of SSE at F&G, chasing peacocks at POFQ, driving rather erratically on the Speedway, etc.). :lol:

That having been said, I wholeheartedly enjoy the music loops anywhere I sit in Disney, with few exception. With MouseBits and vids like this, my fix is sated. :D


Well-Known Member
I borrowed an HD camcorder on my last trip and recorded a little bit, but I did get the opening to the Magic Kingdom which I watch every so often.


Member has some fantastic videos of just sitting and looking around in various spots around the resort. These make me feel like I'm there more than any ride or show video I've seen. They really capture the atmosphere of being in the parks nicely.


Well-Known Member
We watch Disney videos on youtube a lot. My little boy loves to click around and find new ones. Some people really do post some good ones on there. I love to watch them because it does make you feel like you are there. Oh how I wanna go back!! It's killing me that my inlaws are going for Christmas. Maybe they will take the whole family next year! (not!!) But I wish.:)


New Member
Watching the videos I've taken is usually the best way to make myself feel like I'm there again. Since I took them the memories behind them are more vivid than anything anyone else might do. But yes, listening to the background music for Tomorrowland, EPCOT Center, and a few other transport me there. Also good for making me feel like I'm there - watching Martin's tributes. Like my videos, he attempts to catch everything...from the approach to the queue to the preshow to the attraction itself to the exit. The more complete the video for me, the stronger the feeling of being there.


New Member
my iPod is chock full of disney media,everything from ridethrus to planning dvds to..well almost anything you can think of,i get my fix watching them which usually happens every other day or so


New Member
whoever posted the 'if you had wings' ride through on youtube deserves a medal. I loved that ride as a kid and whenever i'm really down at work i watch IYHW and many others to cheer me up and remember the fun things that work money can afford for me (like trips to wdw and dole whips!)



New Member
One of my favorites was a Sing-along video I had bought when my son was about 4. It was all scenes from Disneyland with the Characters signing near a number of the attractions. My son used to always get very sad at the end. They would sing "When you wish upon a star" and Mickey & Minnie would wave good-bye and walk away. It really gave a great feeling for being at the park.


after I got home from my CP I used to watch this every day and just bawl my eyes out- I doubt any of you guys can watch it without getting teary eyed!! :lookaroun It's footage from DLR and the song is "Remember When" by Leann Rimes- it was made for DL's 50th anniversary....
this one is ALMOST as good as the first one- it's Disney World footage with music from the castle show

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