If by little cards you mean micro SD cards then the best thing to do is just get a 32gig card for $32 from a website like Newegg, buy more then one if you really need it, it is not possible to transfer the pictures directly to the ipad
First, standard SD cards might be considered to by "tiny" - relatively speaking - by non photographers. To the best of my knowledge, there are no Sony "Handycam" series cameras that record directly to the Micro SD format. Micro SD is more common for much smaller devices, such as phones, or the old school "Palm Pilot" style PDAs. So, the OP's camera most likely uses standard SD/SDHC cards.
Second, in the off chance that a Micro SD card is used, there are adapters that allow Micro SD cards to be inserted into the more standard SD card format, as shown below:
Third, yes, you
can transfer pictures directly to iPad. You just need an iPad Camera Connection Kit. There are third party versions out there, but this is the one made by Apple, and costs $30:
The "kit" comes with 2 pieces, a SD card reader, and a USB adapter. An SD card plugs into the "reader," which plugs directly into the iPad, and looks like this:
The USB adapter allows USB devices (with some limitations) to plug directly into the iPad, and looks like this:
For the OP, your best (and safest) bet is to just get more memory cards, and return whatever you don't need after your trip. Also, if you have additional photo/video/technological questions, make sure that you're getting correct information from someone who
understands the technology and hardware that's available on the market. :wave: