Using Polynesian Beach


My family will be staying at the Shades of Green Resort this March. We usually go to the pool there but were thinking of walking over to the Polynesian and going to the beach one day. Is this allowed or is it frowned upon?


Active Member
In general it's frowned upon, but it would be an extremely rare case if you were asked to leave. Just be courteous and you should be fine. Spend money at the resort for bonus points!:D
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Well-Known Member
Just be aware that there is no swimming in the lagoon. You can sun on the lounge chairs, kids can play in the sand, but you cannot go in the water.

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Well-Known Member
You can visit any of the hotels to sightsee, eat & shop. You can hang out on the beach, but there is NO swimming allowed in the waters so sunning yourself and playing in the sand is ok; you cannot use the pools as they are for the hotel guests only. I have seen people asked for their room ID's and escorted off the hotel property when they did not match up.
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New Member
We stayed at the Shades of Green this past July and we sat on the beach one evening to watch the fireworks from the Magic Kingdom. We had no problems. Actually is was very nice!!
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Well-Known Member
I doubt you'll have any issues. I met people last spring who were in the hot tub at the Grand with me. They were staying at Coronado Springs and were pool hopping all day. Nobody seems to mind as long as the crowds aren't outa control...
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Well-Known Member can...Maggie used the pool at the Poly when we were there in June..I have never seen anyone ask for ID or escorted out.

We never use the pools anywhwhere but where we stay usually but we needed to cool Maggie off in June and give her a break so we took the monorail there from MK and let her swim and play in the fountains and on the beach..:D
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Well-Known Member can...Maggie used the pool at the Poly when we were there in June..I have never seen anyone ask for ID or escorted out.

We never use the pools anywhwhere but where we stay usually but we needed to cool Maggie off in June and give her a break so we took the monorail there from MK and let her swim and play in the fountains and on the beach..:D

For you, it's ok :animwink:... but if everyone did that, the guests who pay to stay at the Poly will then have a very crowded pool/pool area, which isn't fair. We were debating between Yacht/Beach Club or Poly for a summer trip, and ended up choosing YC cause at least there they do ID anyone trying to use the pool. At the Poly, I would be highly annoyed if I came back from MK to use the pool and found it packed to the gills with people not staying there. How would you know, you ask? As the previous poster said, the folks in the GF hot tub were not shy about telling him that they were staying at CS..... I'm sorry, but that would bug me. If you want to use the pool at a deluxe resort, pay to stay there. :shrug:
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Well-Known Member
For you, it's ok :animwink:... but if everyone did that, the guests who pay to stay at the Poly will then have a very crowded pool/pool area, which isn't fair. We were debating between Yacht/Beach Club or Poly for a summer trip, and ended up choosing YC cause at least there they do ID anyone trying to use the pool. At the Poly, I would be highly annoyed if I came back from MK to use the pool and found it packed to the gills with people not staying there. How would you know, you ask? As the previous poster said, the folks in the GF hot tub were not shy about telling him that they were staying at CS..... I'm sorry, but that would bug me. If you want to use the pool at a deluxe resort, pay to stay there. :shrug:
Well, naturally...;)..:lol:

I never said he should use the pools..I just stated what we did for Maggie....and that was that one I said..we always only use the pool at the resort we stay at.

I have also never seen the pools anywhere overflowing with people any time we have gone.

I also know that many of the resort employees do not care if you are staying at that resort or not..we heard a couple say they asked the Poly staff at the front desk if they could use the pool though they were staying at WL and they were told of course..:shrug:

Not saying it is right just that it happens..and I have never seen anyone escorted away or asked for ID.

I don't know..I always try and follow the rules at Disney..:D

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Well-Known Member
You can defiantly hang out on the beach at the Polynesian. It is a great place to watch the MK fireworks. As long as you aren't creating a disturbance you can pretty much visit any part of any resort while your at WDW.
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The last time I stayed at Poly, I had to circle the lot for atleast 20 minutes to find a parking spot. After wishes, there were TONS of spots.Hmmmm :shrug: Poly needs a bigger parking lot to have enough room for resort guests AND day guests.

I honestly don't mind the pool/beach hopping...I like to see other people get enjoyment out of it. It's just a slight inconvenience having to circle for so long for a parking spot.
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Well-Known Member
Pool hopping = :zipit::zipit:

Stayed at the Poly and were asked for our card keys when we arrived at the pool, stayed at the WL and have been asked four our card keys at the pool (on more than one trip), saw people come off the ferry from Fort Wilderness to the pool at the WL and settle in and kids jump in the pool. The lifeguard went to the parents, asked for the card keys (I was sitting nearby) and they were told to get the kids and go back to FW as the pool was for WL guests only. :shrug:
We were not asked for card keys at the Contemporary or the Boardwalk Inn

Using the beach at the Poly to hang out, watch the fireworks (they pipe in the music) and watch the Electrical Water Pageant is fine and many people from other hotels (and even those staying off site do so).
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I go pool hopping every time I stay on property. I've been asked to see my card key, but have not been asked to leave, even when I'm staying at another resort.

Oh wait, it's because I'm DVC and that's one of the benefits!:ROFLOL:

It's GOOD to be me!
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Well-Known Member
There's absolutely no problem with using the beach at the Poly. It's beautiful. Enjoy!

But pool hopping is a different animal.
I love the Disney Resort Pools. But I would never pool hop. Not because it's not allowed, but because it's LAME.
Why would somebody want to travel to a pool at a resort they're not staying at? Lounge around. Then travel back?
What's the point? :shrug:
I love the pools, but are they really worth commuting to? Really?

Walk to the pool at your own hotel, enjoy it, then walk back to your room when your done.
If your staying at a hotel without a pool (or a crap pool), save up your money, and come back when you can afford more than a dump.

Just because your allowed too, doesn't mean you need to.
I'm also a DVC member, and I personally think poolhopping is a joke of a perk.

But that's just my opinion.:fork:
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I stay at the Poly yearly. The pool is always jammed daily and it is obvious (from overheard conversations, seeing other people use the pool area to change back into clothes) that in many cases a good number of people have pool hopped. As someone who's shelling out a good deal of money per night to actually stay at the Poly, an exclusive pool area should be a guarantee. I blame Disney for being so lax. It should be a private perk, not something open to the public.
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Well-Known Member
I wonder if the instances of asking people for ID occur at the special pools and not the quiet pools. I would figure the quiet pools aren't anything special and there isn't a huge rush for them. The special pools like the Volcano at Poly and Stormalong Bay would be more of a draw for people.

I've only been tempted once to pool hop. And it wasn't even really technically a hop. Just a quick dunk after spending all day in the sweltering heat of Epcot in May. I resisted but wondered if I was to have a suit on and take a dip in the Poly quiet pool, would anyone even suspect or question?

I'm not a DVC member (personally I think its overcrowding the property, just look at the old Yacht and Beach Club area when it first opened compared to now) but I don't think Pool Hopping should be a perk for anything. No Pool Hopping should be No Pool Hopping, period. Because that could also be crowding some of those big ticket pools.
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New Member
There is never a right way to do the wrong thing we save all year to stay at the poly and to enjoy the pool and beach. Just because you do not get asked dosn't make it right. 2 yrs ago we had a problem at the pool there were 2 family's in the pool with all there kids being loud and they were from another hotel they said as long as no one asked it was ok good lesson for the kids and it is not fair for those of us who save and give up other things during the year to stay at a delux hotel when others pay for a hotel that is less expensive and then go to the other delux hotels and enjoy things they did not pay for. I am sorry if I hurt anyones feelings but I would not stay at motel 6 and go down the street to the Ritz and use there pool and feel it was ok just because I was in the same town.
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