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Active Member
Thanks for the updates!

I was also there this past week. Not to gripe, but just hoping that these things will get fixed soon on Splash Mountain: Poor Brer Rabbit was broken, and also there was no jumping fish through the net of the goose, and in the flood scene, the turtle on his back had no water flowing up onto him (and also no jumping water, but I haven't seen this for a while now). I was kinda bummed that so many effects weren't working.
Any news on whether this is going to be fixed?
On the brighter side, Test Track had the car crash car effect working - I hadn't seen that in my last few trips.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Well...the car crash doesn't really "work"...not in the way it used to anyway. They just added that effect where the car bounces a little...not as kewl as the car crashing like it used to, but I suppose it's better than nothing.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by ISTCNavigator57
Well...the car crash doesn't really "work"...not in the way it used to anyway. They just added that effect where the car bounces a little...not as kewl as the car crashing like it used to, but I suppose it's better than nothing.

Now it's like a wrecked pimped out Saturn VUE with hydraulics :lol:

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