Update on Universal's new nightly show


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Lest people forget the theme park's heritage, Universal Studios' new multi-spectacle, nightly closing show is all about reminding them: movies.

Universal 360, a show that premieres at 9:45 p.m. Saturday, has fireworks exploding, fire leaping, lasers spraying, music pumping and projected images dancing across Universal's lagoon, the building facades surrounding it, and the sky above.

But if the four, 30-foot-tall "light balls" (as one park visitor kept calling them just before a test run Wednesday night) floating in the lagoon don't command attention all on their own, then their montage of 160 movie clips, internally projected onto the spheres' 360-degree screens, likely will.

Jaws. Frankenstein. Bruce Almighty. Jurassic Park. Rear Window. King Kong. To Kill a Mockingbird. On Golden Pond. Gladiator. Psycho. Shrek. The Breakfast Club. The Fast and the Furious. Out of Africa. Schindler's List. Scarface. True Grit.

For 16 minutes, as theme music plays, films flicker past a few seconds at a time, offering fleeting glimpses of stars, snippets of dialogue and iconic moments, and bouncing through the history of the movie company. Meanwhile, the lighting and pyrotechnics build around the projection spheres.

Director Tom Vannucci said he strove to evoke "remember when?" moments in the crowd.

"One of our super objectives was, if you're standing next to a boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, and you say, 'Oh, remember where we were when we first saw that movie?' That type of emotion. That memory. Memory emotion is one of the strongest things," Vannucci said. "What that is going to do is either make you see that movie again, or see another movie."

Universal hired film director John Landis to help select and sort the clips. The production features three of his movies -- Animal House, Blues Brothers and An American Werewolf in London -- but Landis said his struggle was to include enough vintage moments. He said the process demanded "a huge amount of give-and-take from everybody."

"There were tons of things: I felt you should have this, and they kept saying, 'Yeah, but people who are 15 don't know what that is.' Cary Grant. Rock Hudson," Landis said. "What was interesting was, to make sure they had Abbott and Costello in there, to make sure they had W.C. Fields in there."

The "light balls," which reportedly cost more than $10 million apiece, are not the only high technology worked into the show.

Various scenes are projected onto the lagoon-front building facades in synchronization with the movie clips. In one example, technicians laser-mapped the facade of one building to the millimeter, then reconstructed the edifice's image by computer. In the virtual image, computer animators set the place on fire, including flames visible inside the building.

As a clip from Terminator 2: Judgment Day rolls, the computer image is projected back onto the building, making it look as if it bursts into flame.

Those sorts of effects can scatter the crowd's attention -- and easily can be missed entirely. Vannucci said he doesn't mind.

"The word that I always use is immersive. You can be immersed in something. So that you can be looking at one thing and I might be looking at another. We have a shared experience even though we are seeing different items," Vannucci said. "You're in the middle of it, and it's going to evoke the emotion whether you're seeing a slightly different image than me."

Universal producers and engineers, who ran the full rough-cut of the show through for the first time Wednesday night, are rushing to complete details in time for Saturday's premiere. Timing, planning and technical issues haven't been the only concerns. Last Saturday night, a power surge, probably caused by a lightning strike, shorted out the video-control system, sending technicians scrambling for a few hours to get it working again.

"So for the last two days they've been ahhhhg!" Landis said.

The show also faces some hostility from residential neighbors, who live within a few hundred yards of the lagoon. Many have been complaining for months about late-night noise and occasional debris fallout from previous Universal fireworks shows. While planners responded by pulling much of the fireworks deeper into the park for this show, they've added other booming effects and a 300-speaker sound system for music.



Well-Known Member
I have a question about these residents who are complaining. Was their property there before Universal was built or did they build back there after the park was already there. IMO, if they built next to a theme park they have to expect this. If they were there first then I understand but anybody who builds their home next to a theme park and then complains because there's a theme park next door gets no sympathy from me.

Secondly, I'm still curious as to how long this show is going to be run? Is it only a one - two month thing or will it be a permenant fixture? I'd love to see this show, but I don't visit the parks in the summer months because it's too crowded. I'd hate to miss this.


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A friend of mine has lived in the Dr Phillips area which is right next to Universal (they could see the coasters from their house). More than likely the people complaining have lived there for a long time.


New Member
Right now the show is scheduled through August, however I have heard that if the show does a good job at pulling guests in and keeping them all day long then the show will be extended more along the lines of a Disney fireworks show and be shown more then just the peak seasons. Cant wait to see how it all works out.


Well-Known Member
I hope the show is good and is a drastic step up from previous Universal night shows. However, the concept art doesn't get me very excited.


Well-Known Member
The only complaint I've heard is that it lacks a cohesiveness of story. The story is really just a journey through movies over time. I've heard there are some very special effects such as having the terminator building look like it bursts into flames during the terminator sequence or putting images of dinosaurs on buildings during Jurassic Park scenes, etc...


New Member
no matter how the show finally turns out (the tech rehearsals were good, some improvements could be made) ANYTHING is better then that horrible Shooting Stars fireworks show they have had over the past 5+yrs


Premium Member
kcnole said:
I have a question about these residents who are complaining. Was their property there before Universal was built or did they build back there after the park was already there. IMO, if they built next to a theme park they have to expect this. If they were there first then I understand but anybody who builds their home next to a theme park and then complains because there's a theme park next door gets no sympathy from me.....

The one women I've seen on most of the local news reports surrounding this has been there for I believe it's at least 20 years. However she has complained about every single nightime fireworks show Universal has ever had since the very beginning and started the complaints on this one as soon as they started testing.


Premium Member
beyondthepalace said:
no matter how the show finally turns out (the tech rehearsals were good, some improvements could be made) ANYTHING is better then that horrible Shooting Stars fireworks show they have had over the past 5+yrs
Definitely :lol:


Premium Member
So I saw the show tonight :D

It was very nice....really lacked a good amount of fireworks and the lasers could've been better but I'll take all those movie clips over them any day. :lol: Loved the projections on MIB & BTTF, they were awesome and the quality was excellent from where I was standing in front of Richter's. It was great how they did the clips and explosions too....loved how right after Steve Carrell said "AAGGHH, KELLY CLARKSON!" in the 40-Year-Old Virgin scene a bunch of fireworks went off. :lol:

Job well done Universal. :)


Well-Known Member
NemoRocks said:
.loved how right after Steve Carrell said "AAGGHH, KELLY CLARKSON!" in the 40-Year-Old Virgin scene a bunch of fireworks went off. :lol:

Never thought I'd see anything from THAT movie used in a theme park :lol:


Premium Member
dxwwf3 said:
Never thought I'd see anything from THAT movie used in a theme park :lol:
The clips were great, they had the Bob Barker scene from Happy Gilmore and stuff from The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, American Pie, etc. :lol:


Well-Known Member
NemoRocks said:
The clips were great, they had the Bob Barker scene from Happy Gilmore and stuff from The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, American Pie, etc. :lol:
How long till a video surfaces...


Any nightime firework show Universal does will never be able to compete with Disney because of the neighbors and noise issues... :rolleyes: I mean, if they have to quit running their rollercoasters at 10pm because they're too loud, do you think they can have a huge fireworks show that late?


Premium Member
napnet said:
They have been running TV advts for this in Tally and now in Melbourne...
Yep, been seeing a ton of them here in Orlando too.

Here are a few photos from last night (I'm going to get better ones tomorrow):

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v236/NemoRocks/DSC02995.jpg">

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v236/NemoRocks/DSC03007.jpg">

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v236/NemoRocks/DSC03004.jpg">

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v236/NemoRocks/DSC03012.jpg">

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v236/NemoRocks/DSC03014.jpg">

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v236/NemoRocks/DSC03019.jpg">

There were clips from movies like Back to the Future, E.T. - The Extra-Terrestrial, The Fast and the Furious, Jurassic Park, Happy Gilmore, The 40-Year-Old Virgin, Scarface, Peter Pan, Along Came Polly, Bruce Almighty, Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club, American Pie, 8 Mile, The Mummy, Meet the Parents, The Nutty Professor, The Flintstones, Erin Brockovich, Psycho, the Universal Classic Monsters movies, Child's Play, The Blues Brothers, Dante's Peak, Dragonheart, Gladiator, Apollo 13, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Shrek, Jaws, National Lampoon's Animal House, American Graffiti, and much, much more.

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