
Well-Known Member
Kadee said:
I LOVE UofE. As Grizz so wonderfully pointed out, it is very informative and accurate! I notice these things; I guess it comes along with my job (science teacher). Also, 8th graders think Bill Nye is cool. They LOVE his videos and sing right along with the theme song. Our school purchased many of his videos (I wish we had all of them) and all of the science teachers show them anytime we are covering a topic we have a video on. They learn a lot from watching his videos. They are very informative and VERY entertaining.

I don't think Ellen is "out of date." I love her commercials for American Express where she is dancing all over the city. Her talk show is pretty popular, too.....at least here in the US.

Last year my high school chem teacher showed us a few Bill Nye videos on topics we were learning, they do help :lol:


New Member
Original Poster
I think it be a whole lot cooler if it where hosted by macguyver instead of skinny old nerdy bill nye and silly ellen.

"duck tape miracles & sweet swiss army knife escapes"
I really like the current UoE. Its both informative and entertaining despite the length of it. The only issue I have with it is the transitionfrom the dinosaurs to the second part of the movie. I didn't exactly enjoy sitting in the dark for 10-15 minutes not knowing what will happen. But other than that I enjoyed the ride :D

For curiositys sake, what was the old UoE like? I remember going on it (or rather sleeping through it) when I was about 5 and I don't remember what happens.


Well-Known Member
HotPinkMidNite said:
I really like the current UoE. Its both informative and entertaining despite the length of it. The only issue I have with it is the transitionfrom the dinosaurs to the second part of the movie. I didn't exactly enjoy sitting in the dark for 10-15 minutes not knowing what will happen. But other than that I enjoyed the ride :D

For curiositys sake, what was the old UoE like? I remember going on it (or rather sleeping through it) when I was about 5 and I don't remember what happens.

Thats exactly how I remember the original UoE too :lol: ...bored me to tears. But I can't remember anything that happens

Tim G

Well-Known Member
DLP Fan said:
How long does the ride take? Are you sitting in the ride cars for ages or do you get out and walk at stages? Probably a daft question but I remember seeing on a map it lasted about 30mins.
Actually 25mins. 30 secs... :D


Well-Known Member
HotPinkMidNite said:
For curiositys sake, what was the old UoE like? I remember going on it (or rather sleeping through it) when I was about 5 and I don't remember what happens.

This site should tell you everything you would like to know about the original UOE.

As for the current ride, I think it is great. I love the humor of the attraction, I think choosing Bill Nye to be in the attraction was a great call. Bill Nye is very entertaining and fun to learn from. Ellen is also very funny, they brought humor to a pavilion that really needed it and yet they are educational. While I did enjoy the original UOE, I like the current version somewhat more. Not to mention, the attractions musical score is great! Its right up there with Timekeeper's score.

Oh and HotPinkMidNite, your avatar rules! The Angry Beavers are awsome.
And this is my 300th post! :sohappy:


New Member
Tigger1988 said:
The 2005 edition of Birnbaum's official WDW guide states that the ride is 45 minutes long

Well, Corrus is actually correct. The ride itself is only 25 minutes long. The attraction lasts 45 minutes due to Ellen's opening pre-show, which occurs before riders even board the moving theateres. Take in time to load and get started, and to exit the pavillion, and you've been in there for 45 minutes.



Well-Known Member
In the Parks
marni1971 said:
Oil Shale. The Rock that burns.

1982-1996. EPCOT Center.

Sir oil shale is where most gas comes from today! Its true and believe it or not Canada is the #1 supplier of gas for the United States with the Saudi's coming in at #2. The problem with yesturyears UoE is that oil shale was a newer thing coming out. Now its just standard procedure. I learned that in Enviromental Science 2 :D


Well-Known Member
worfbb77 said:
But to call this show educational is a bit far fetched, to call the green house effect an "arguable fact is totally wrong.

Not a place for an extended discussion of this, but there are many scientists who do not believe in it and would argue the facts. Chief of their theories is that we've only been measuring temps for a very thin sliver of the time Earth has been here. While you can't argue that in many cases the average temp has gone up in the hundred-ish years we have been calculating it, there is great debate in many circles as to why. Many believe the Earth naturally does this - it will get warmer for a few hundred years, and then colder again. There is evidence to support that, say, in the middle ages it was even warmer than it is now (though, of course, none of it is conclusive as they could not accurately measure temp).

Although I can't say I know enough either way, much of science is like this - people have theories and they become accepted, but that doesn't mean it is correct. It wasn't that long ago we were shoving ice picks under people's eyelids and poking holes in their skulls and brains in the name of science - but the truth is scientific "fact" is many times very debatable.



Account Suspended
Corrus said:
Actually 25mins. 30 secs... :D

Not 25mins by any known measurement. It does begin to depart theater 1 at roughly 9 minutes - and returns after an additional 17-18 minutes, so some might say that is that long as a ride, but the vehicle begin moving before the first film begins, as they have to rotate 180 degrees to see the screens. That occurs at just under 4 mins into the show program.

The typically stated length is 8min preshow, 37min ride, equalling 45mins total. This a little off - the show runs is 17min some-odd second loops, creating the entire experience in the 4 areas (pre-show, theater 1, diorama, theater 2) but has slight pauses when rollover occurs (twice per "full show") and also random delays due to mechanical slowing. If a turntable moves slowly, the entire show can be delayed, same for vehicle movement. It has the ability to sorta run behind, and can actually run up to 7mins off schedule (never all at once, but rather in cumulative delays throughout the day).

To sorta try and make sense of that statement - say the ride/show is really just two 18min loops. Turntable 1 has a delay, and slows the show by 10 seconds. You exit the ride 20 seconds after you technically should (you have to go through 2 show loops) but at the end of the night it had added up to several minutes, with the final show starting at after 7pm.


Account Suspended
Rough energy timeplot:

P = Preshow
T1 = Theater 1
T2 = Theater 2

0:00 Mins - Show Rollover, T1 loads from P, T2 start of 2nd film.

4-5 Mins - T1 Begins show 180rotation, P Loads

9:00 Mins - T1 departs to diorama, T2 atomic energy, P begins film

13:00 Mins - T2 travels to T1, diorama sequence through T2 radio tower

16-18mins - T1 unloads, T2 regroups from diorama, P begins warning sequence


Active Member
A Long Wait

I love this ride. Think it's really great! Just think they need to add something more to the part of the ride where you first see the dinos. The last car sits there for FOREVER before it starts moving.
Horizons1 said:
This site should tell you everything you would like to know about the original UOE.

As for the current ride, I think it is great. I love the humor of the attraction, I think choosing Bill Nye to be in the attraction was a great call. Bill Nye is very entertaining and fun to learn from. Ellen is also very funny, they brought humor to a pavilion that really needed it and yet they are educational. While I did enjoy the original UOE, I like the current version somewhat more. Not to mention, the attractions musical score is great! Its right up there with Timekeeper's score.

Oh and HotPinkMidNite, your avatar rules! The Angry Beavers are awsome.
And this is my 300th post! :sohappy:

Thanks for the link. Always cool to see another Angry Beavers fan. :wave:

The original ride sounded cool, but it also sounded too much like a film I would have watched in my high school earth science class. It seemed too information centered minus a lot of the entertainment value. And people's main reason for going on these rides is to be entertained in the first place. I think Ellen's version is better in that regard.


Well-Known Member
Heres what I think UoE needs:

1. A little editing. Its a bit long. Knock off 5 minutes somehow. It can be done.

2. Clean it up, fix curtains/walls etc. Just general refurb.

3. Re-record filmed pieces? Modernization? Just a bit.


Account Suspended
It was already cut and editted from the refurbishment - a whole sequence about going to see her parents, one of which was played by Golden Girl Betty White was cut. That's where she gets the light bulb she gives to Einstein. After it was cut, they had to add in the voiceover describing the lightbulb as a parting gift since it no-longer made sense.

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