Unmagical Day at the Magic Kingdom


Well-Known Member
Possibly a troll...or possibly a story that is at least true in the mind of the ill-content who wrote it. I dunno.

I recognize that Disney World has its share of problems. And I'd be disappointed if I were to arrive and find a crane near the castle and an empty moat. (Actually, I'm going to be disappointed if the moat is still empty when I go back in May.) And I'd be disappointed if for some reason I couldn't see/meet/ride/eat something that I had planned on, no matter what the reason. Things happen, though...maintenance is required. There's no way a park can stay open 13+ hours, 365 days a year, every year without there being a few things being under construction or less magical. Is it disappointing when that happens? Yes. But it's to be expected.

While I would like to think that Disney World is a place that everyone would enjoy, I must recognize that is simply not true. There are people who simply "don't get it". Some people think that of the thousands of people in a park on a given day, *they* should get *their* way. And there are others who find a way to complain even if Cinderella and Mickey both personally met them at the gate and joined them for a meal at Cinderella's Royal Table (after getting them a table, despite no reservation). There are just some people who aren't happy unless they're griping about something.

The OP here seems to be one of those people. I've also encountered *SEVERAL* of those people while in the parks. (My mind goes to one particular fellow last year who was waiting for a bus to his resort after Wishes and was loudly complaining that the first bus filled up before he and his family could get on and that he'd have to wait for another bus...which showed up almost as soon as the first bus pulled away.)

If Disney World fails to make those people happy and they want to never return, then I wholeheartedly support that decision. In fact, I beg them to not return--Please stay away from Disney World. I do not want them there ruining my fun.


Well-Known Member
It still amazes me coming back here every once in a great while and seeing someone post their opinions and getting lambasted for it.

I actually read everything she posted, and while I don't agree with every thing she posts, I'm not going to pick her apart for not knowing TTC trams, or the fact that she's a travel agent, who cares.

You SHOULD. Why?

Because her first sentence was about how much she loves Disney and has been visiting for 20 years. For her to claim that she had no clue that she'd have to park at the TTC and take the monorail to the park despite that being the way the park was opened in 1971, and the claim that she was a regular guest means that either she is deliberately lying or is just plain stupid.

Dog Ate Mouse

Well-Known Member
I could see the first timer going to WDW and then showing up and realizing that planning is needed to be able to get the most out of your visit. That had happened to us our first visit. We didn't fully know and understand a few things. Boy the second visit we learned and had a blast. That first visit was a ton of fun and I remember all of our eyes wide open and our jaws dropped in awe of everything to see and do. WDW CM'S and people at the resorts and parks helped us out tremendously. Now keep in mind this was back in the 80's and it was a little simpler but with a little education and asking questions we had a wonderful first visit as a family. Our second time we rocked the House of the Mouse. When I listen to a person that claims to have gone multiple times then I do not get it or understand. But when I hear a travel agent, it makes me wonder what vacations do they book and really makes me scared of going on a vacation that might really need to be redone with extra money upon arrival. I am like everyone else, I go through the WDW website, or contact via phone or call Kingdom consultants or have gone through my Triple AAA. My point is there is a ton of help out there for planning not to mention this great web site where a ton of the best information and help can be found. Honestly when I read the thread I truly feel the whole OP is just pure fabrication.


You SHOULD. Why?

Because her first sentence was about how much she loves Disney and has been visiting for 20 years. For her to claim that she had no clue that she'd have to park at the TTC and take the monorail to the park despite that being the way the park was opened in 1971, and the claim that she was a regular guest means that either she is deliberately lying or is just plain stupid.

AND add in there those prior trip reports of hers elsewhere where they had so many of the same issues, like not getting anywhere on time, complaining that Akershus was too far from the front gate, that it took too long to get from MK parking to the MK, etc.
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Well-Known Member
#I have since learned to plan ahead:

Last summer we tried to wait out a rainstorm at TL. After 45 mins or so we decided it was going to keep raining and we would just get ready for our ADR at Sanaa early and relax in our room at AOA. The park had actually cleared out quite a bit already, but at about the 1 hour mark waiting for a bus to AOA I began to complain. At the 1:20 mark we were put on a bus that read Saratoga and transported to AOA. It was a mess...In hindsight I realize that we were some of the last people out of TL and the buses had scrambled all over the world due to the rain- I am a little embarassed to say that I showed my hind side (no profanity and not loud enough to draw attention- but I complained to guest services at AOA about 90 mins to get home). I will also say that AOA got us a shuttle to dinner so we would not miss our reservation and we returned to the room to find 2 plush toys for the children.

We have since purchased AP's and visited often, I'm not even sure I would make the same complaint again- but in the heat of a magical vacation and with a 6 and 9 years old about to lose their minds (and cold due to the rain) I may admit to being less reasonable than I might otherwise have been.

I'm not sure how many visitors are on property at a time, 250,000? Plan ahead, get in line, hurry up and wait.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Know what's cheaper than Disney tickets?

Birth control.

You could have saved a lot of money if you hadn't produced two more mouths to feed ten years after the the first two.

Extra bonus: if you insist on raising them as royalty and to be as spoiled rotten as you, you're going to be paying out the wazoo until the day you die.
Have a Magical Rest Of Your Life!

What if these kids.. GASP.. become a reality show for a travel channel in the future? D:

Two things caused her OP to get lambasted.

1. Saying she had been to WDW 20 times before and then complaining about things as if they were "news to her".

2. Calling her kids prince and princess.

Bring that kinda of mess on any Internet forum and you get what you get IMO.

You forgot the part about the maintenance and refurbs going on and how she didn't read anything?

Possibly a troll...or possibly a story that is at least true in the mind of the ill-content who wrote it. I dunno.

I recognize that Disney World has its share of problems. And I'd be disappointed if I were to arrive and find a crane near the castle and an empty moat. (Actually, I'm going to be disappointed if the moat is still empty when I go back in May.) And I'd be disappointed if for some reason I couldn't see/meet/ride/eat something that I had planned on, no matter what the reason. Things happen, though...maintenance is required. There's no way a park can stay open 13+ hours, 365 days a year, every year without there being a few things being under construction or less magical. Is it disappointing when that happens? Yes. But it's to be expected.

While I would like to think that Disney World is a place that everyone would enjoy, I must recognize that is simply not true. There are people who simply "don't get it". Some people think that of the thousands of people in a park on a given day, *they* should get *their* way. And there are others who find a way to complain even if Cinderella and Mickey both personally met them at the gate and joined them for a meal at Cinderella's Royal Table (after getting them a table, despite no reservation). There are just some people who aren't happy unless they're griping about something.

The OP here seems to be one of those people. I've also encountered *SEVERAL* of those people while in the parks. (My mind goes to one particular fellow last year who was waiting for a bus to his resort after Wishes and was loudly complaining that the first bus filled up before he and his family could get on and that he'd have to wait for another bus...which showed up almost as soon as the first bus pulled away.)

If Disney World fails to make those people happy and they want to never return, then I wholeheartedly support that decision. In fact, I beg them to not return--Please stay away from Disney World. I do not want them there ruining my fun.

agree with you, there are people who complain to the sake of complaining... nothing will ever be perfect or good enough for them.


Well-Known Member
It still amazes me coming back here every once in a great while and seeing someone post their opinions and getting lambasted for it.

I actually read everything she posted, and while I don't agree with every thing she posts, I'm not going to pick her apart for not knowing TTC trams, or the fact that she's a travel agent, who cares. Let her rant, thats what this board is for, isn't it?

Ok, thats all, you can proceed to labeling me a troll now!

No wait, I'm actually going to go all critical too, so I don't have to start a new post:

- Fastpass+ is ridiculous - 3 fast passes a day is stupid
- Quick service dining plan has ruined my beloved quick serves
- Designated Smoking areas should be abolished, can't stand walking through clouds of smoke, I'll give smokers a hut underground, where I don't have to walk through!
- Disney bus drivers have gotten so bad, they drive about 25 mph around the entire property, its utter nonsense, being stuck behind a bus trying to go the back routes is pure torture.
- And of course, the parking CM's continue to be complete jerks, let me park in my AAA Diamond!!!

Let me guess, your the husband??? LOL


Active Member
You SHOULD. Why?

Because her first sentence was about how much she loves Disney and has been visiting for 20 years. For her to claim that she had no clue that she'd have to park at the TTC and take the monorail to the park despite that being the way the park was opened in 1971, and the claim that she was a regular guest means that either she is deliberately lying or is just plain stupid.

What if she's stayed at a MK resort every time she's been, and she only drives/parks at MGM/Epcot or AK? Or she always takes a bus that drops you off next to the gate? I've often been stopped by random people referring to the bus stations at MK as the TTC, so a mix-up is not out of the question.

Bottom line, every one needs to calm down, not everyone is a WDW expert, and she never claimed to be, so she's been 20 something times, that may not make her an expert, we're all different!

Let me guess, your the husband??? LOL

LoL, I am not.


Well-Known Member
It still amazes me coming back here every once in a great while and seeing someone post their opinions and getting lambasted for it.

I actually read everything she posted, and while I don't agree with every thing she posts, I'm not going to pick her apart for not knowing TTC trams, or the fact that she's a travel agent, who cares. Let her rant, thats what this board is for, isn't it?

Ok, thats all, you can proceed to labeling me a troll now!

No wait, I'm actually going to go all critical too, so I don't have to start a new post:

- Fastpass+ is ridiculous - 3 fast passes a day is stupid
- Quick service dining plan has ruined my beloved quick serves
- Designated Smoking areas should be abolished, can't stand walking through clouds of smoke, I'll give smokers a hut underground, where I don't have to walk through!
- Disney bus drivers have gotten so bad, they drive about 25 mph around the entire property, its utter nonsense, being stuck behind a bus trying to go the back routes is pure torture.
- And of course, the parking CM's continue to be complete jerks, let me park in my AAA Diamond!!!

I don't think folks are just picking her apart simply for being ignorant -- OK, probably some are, but I think most are pointing out the flaws in her rant as proof that she's nothing more than a troll, and not, as she claims to be, an experienced WDW guest, let alone an experienced travel agent. She has cut-and-pasted the same "complaint" on multiple travel review sites and WDW forums, nearly all of which she joined the very day of her post, using several different screen names with phony profiles (at least, some of them have to be false, as they contain varying first names, ages/DOB, hometowns, etc.).

If she was simply an unhappy WDW guest who came here for comfort, sympathy or advice, that is, as you say, what this board is for. Many just don't believe that's what she is (and for good reason). She isn't asking anybody for advice or assistance. She hasn't returned to any of the boards/forums on which she posted in order to engage in meaningful discussion or participation. She is simply demanding that the Disney corporation apologize and compensate her, and hijacking our forum (and others) as convenient billboards to publicize and amplify her own personal gripes to the company.
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Well-Known Member
Oh your poor little princess! LOL I agree with others... poor planning and perhaps not a legit post. I too have 4 kids. Granted we haven't been to Disney 20 times, only 4, but even we know you can't go sit down at Rays without your food. (We tried that on our first visit and learned.) Think of all the people that just want to come into the A/C and sit down. I'm sure that's why they have that rule. Anyone who has been to Disney 20 times should also know how far in advance you have to make those dinner reservations.


Premium Member
What if she's stayed at a MK resort every time she's been, and she only drives/parks at MGM/Epcot or AK? Or she always takes a bus that drops you off next to the gate? I've often been stopped by random people referring to the bus stations at MK as the TTC, so a mix-up is not out of the question.

Bottom line, every one needs to CTFO, not everyone is a WDW expert, and she never claimed to be, so she's been 20 something times, that may not make her an expert, we're all different!

I have never driven to the parks in a car yet I know that you park at TTC and then take monorail or ferry to MK.
I know your not defending her and your just giving her the benefit of the doubt but some of her complaints are simply inexcusable. Like @Master Yoda said, you cant go many places nowadays without planning.


I have never driven to the parks in a car yet I know that you park at TTC and then take monorail or ferry to MK.
I know your not defending her and your just giving her the benefit of the doubt but some of her complaints are simply inexcusable. Like @Master Yoda said, you cant go many places nowadays without planning.

In the comments section elsewhere out there under this same OP, someone (husband? OP herself? You be the judge) complains that planning shouldn't be necessary to visit WDW, that basically you are paying for a service to cater to your every whim. So if that's the entire family's mentality....

And again, in her prior trip reports, she DID drive to the MK.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Your such a smart "little princess", you should get to see Cinderalla inside the castle...and should be allowed in even when they are doing construction.
Im surprised she didn't asked to be guided to Walt's crypt, demand it to be open.. and then force a hug from him.

That ship has sailed....

never to return back! never looking back!

Ohhhh, sorry... did I mention I am blonde? LOL :oops:

just blonde? or LEGALLY BLONDE?

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