Originally posted by EchoOfOphelia
Wow..well first of all you can start by NOT JUMPING DOWN MY THROAT. I said that EACH park was a half day at best... so 1/2 and 1/2 equals 1 day. And I can make that judgement because last year I did exactly that! Spent a half day at IoA and a half day at US. I don't care if Islands of Adventure and Universal Studios have more rides, they certainly don't have enough GOOD rides to hold my interest! That's MY opinion! If you like Universal, more power to you! I could care less! And second of all, I didn't even mention Animal Kingdom in this post. I don't even like Animal Kingdom, so don't suppose to tell me what I'm going to bring up to you. How can you say that a ride like The Hulk has themeing to it (which is what I was talking about)? Its painted green and has a sign that says The Hulk over it, I don't call that themeing. I said nothing to justify your unreasonable comments.