Universal now charging for their Express tickets...is Disney next?

Can anyone confirm which rides/attractions are included on Universal Express Plus in US and IOA?

I have just checked out the official website which says not all rides/attractions are included. To me, which ones are would decide whether I not I would buy the $25 pass.

Also, it says the pass cannot be used until an hour after the park opens, which seems rather odd :hammer:


Well-Known Member
While I'm not goint to get into the whole Disney vs Universal, i see this as another way to gouge the public for more money. Yes, there are people willing to pay EVEN MORE to avoid waiting in line.

I hope disney doesnt go this route, but if you bear in mind that (I read thsi in the Unofficial Guide) the UPass can also be used by your universal Room ticket, or something like that if you stay on the (Soon to be Sold) Universal Studios property.

That was a perk taht albeit was nice, didnt seem to make a huge dent in Disney. And they didnt match it then.

This seems like a way for Universal to try to get more and more people in the parks. Disney wont match it mainly because they dont need to. Theyre the top dog in the business, and i dont see them needing to resort to a gimick.

I like the idea but i dont think that it's going to be as profitable as US thinks. The average family or group of four is not going to plop down an extra hundred just to avoid the lines.

But lets just say that everyone - or a sizable majority of the US crowd - buys this? Then wouldnt everyone be in the FP line and it would still be the same, everyone in line in front of me? Food for thought there....

My Take - The mouse wont even acknowledge this. Their FP system works fine.


New Member
Originally posted by AndyMagic
How is it stupid exactly. It is something that Disney simply doesn't offer. If you don't purchase the plus ticket, you are in the same boat as you would be at Disney.

No, you're not, now you are being passed in line therefore are waiting longer because people have paid for the priviledge to do so. Now, with Fastpass you are passed in line but you have the same ability automatically with your park ticket, and there is a limit on how many times it can be used.

"but you get to ride everything in the park once, EVERY THING"

I have never spent a day in a Universal park (and I do thoroughly enjoy Uni by the way) and not ridden nearly every major attraction.


Well-Known Member
I think this a great idea! Disney could adopt a FastPass Plus system. And once they did that, they could create multiple levels of FastPass Plus based on the scope and scale of the attractions covered.

Here's what I'm proposing:

After you pay your entrance fee to the park, you have the ability to purchase booklets of FastPass Plus tickets covering all levels of attractions or simply individual tickets. I'd break the levels down like this - smaller rides, say the Teacups, would have the cheapest FastPass Plus tickets. Let's call them A tickets. As you progressed down the alphabet, the tickets would get more expensive and the attractions covered by the tickets would get broader in scope and scale. The headliners, like Space Mountain, would be E tickets.

I think Disney would be crazy not to implement this new idea! :D ;) ;) :D


Well-Known Member
Last time I was in WDW FastPass was just starting to spread out, but I didn't feel the need to use it because it was Winter and the lines weren't very long. Now, I'm still to actually use it and enjoy its "benefits" for myself, but from what I've read, and I've posted it before, I don't like the idea very much. I mean, it kinda controlls your day. If I'm a casual Guest who doesn't want to have my day SO planned out, if I don't use FastPass I'm basically ruining my visit, because a line that would usually take 60 minutes takes 90 to 120 because of the FastPass line.
But to CHARGE for the benefit, that would make that extra line much shorter, therefore not affecting the casual Guests experience so much. As much of a success as FastPass may be, I don't think EVERY WDW Guest uses it, probably only us die-hard veterans.

Just my opinion, of course. :wave:


Well-Known Member
This is an interesting topic, Fast Pass is a funny system, and from what I remember of Universals - I liked it better.... I can't remember why though.... anyways, I think I would pay the $25 for the Express Plus - why....?

First of all, I hate waiting in the queues, it so un-producitive, so I was looking into the prices of the Universal resorts - my are they expensive, this way I could use the Express line all the time, to pay $25 is a lot cheaper.

Another point is that after travelling 3000 miles to get to Orlando, I want to be able to do as much, and experience as many attrractions as possible, I would rather pay a little extra and do everything, than not do the stuff I wanted to do.

What concerns me is the logistics of it all - how will it work? If a Express Plus booklet is sold, will a regular Express Ticket be removed? If Universal sell 5000 books per day, the Express lines will be longer than stand by? Do these books have a time slot?

I can actually see Disney doing something like this, if it brings in the extra dollar - then why not?


New Member
Someone already said this, but i agree, that a Disney park experience is about equality. They want you to start with a level playing field. The only people that receive special treatment as far as riding attractions are celebrities that have guest relations escorts. It doesn't matter whether you're in a $26/night room on 192 or the Presidential Suites in the Grand, once you enter the parks Disney provides the same opportunities as everyone around you. Its up to you to be savy enough to plan your experience out to maximize your days in the parks.

The Magic Kingdom has the "Keys to the Kingdom" tour which is an extra per person fee but is something that is well worth the money and along the lines of the Living Seas SCUNA experience in that yes its an extra fee, but not something that infringes on the rest of the guests' enjoyment.


New Member

Universal offers 2 forms of Express, the " normal " free one, where you basicly have one at a time, and a $25 dollar fee one that allows you to ride each Express attraction one time at anytime you wish. IF you are an Universal resort guest you are given unlimited Express passes.

I am not a huge fan of Universal Studios. I like some things at Islands of Adventure and would problay go to that park everytime I come down to FL, but the Studios are a pain to me.

The waits there are almost insane, and the attractions in my opinion are not even close to anything offered at Disney / Islands of Adventure. Add to the fact how large and spread out that park is and you create a lot of frustration.

I say all this because when I just went I was with a 1st timer that had not been to any parks before so she insisted on going to the Studios. I bought the Express Plus passes just to get in and out fast. If that is your goal, then I highly suggest the Plus pass. You just go in a clockwise circle and use it at each major attraction, and your out in half a day.

Universal uses Express passes at almost every attraction they have. I notice even with a Express pass you tend to wait longer than a Disney Fastpass, probaly about the same when you have to go through a Disney preshow, Rock N. roller Coaster, tower of Terror Etc... but nothing out of control. Maybe 15 minutes.

I hope this explains it for anyone who had questions. :)



Well-Known Member
I don't think the problem is necessarily the cost. The problem is they may be creating a rift between normal guests and those that can afford the extra cost of the passes, which could really tick some guests off.

That being said, I couldn't care less. I still liked Univ when I was there .. they won't be seeing an extra $25 from me though, that's for sure :animwink:


New Member
personally, i kinda like standing in line for disney rides. most of the queues help you build up the attraction. granted, when you're in a hurry and really want to experience the attraction, fastpasses are great, and granted this IS a thread drift (sorry, everyone) i really do like standing in the queues.


Account Suspended
Universal Charging

Let's face it. Universal will "never", I repeat, "NEVER" be what Disney World is to the vast majority of us out there. First of all, Universal is built with more than just 'the kids' in mind. Disney was built for the young and the young at heart. And no park offers all that Disney does at the same location. Comparing Universal to Disney is like comparing a plant to a fully grown Redwood. NO COMPARISON!!!!

So let them charge people twice for riding the same rides. I say to those of you who prefer Universal, please go!!! That leaves more Resort space, and less wait times for rides at the GREATEST THEME PARK IN THE WORLD.



Well-Known Member
I still say with teh concept of unlimited FP's , if EVERYONE buys one then everyone will be in teh FP line, creating the problem of lines all over again. Mathmatically, it wont work if a lot of people use it. And if a lot of people dont use it, wont they lose money?


New Member
Originally posted by Simba1
personally, i kinda like standing in line for disney rides. most of the queues help you build up the attraction. granted, when you're in a hurry and really want to experience the attraction, fastpasses are great, and granted this IS a thread drift (sorry, everyone) i really do like standing in the queues.

Well no, you bring up a good point. When i'm doing an attraction for the first time, or the first time in a long time, i like to wait in the regular queue line and read everything, or watch every animatronic loop that they've setup. I mean that is afterall why we're there right? :)

Disney puts ALOT of effort into theming attractions and in most cases, if you were to only get on the "ride" you're missing out on half of the story/experience.

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Glasgow
I don't think the problem is necessarily the cost. The problem is they may be creating a rift between normal guests and those that can afford the extra cost of the passes, which could really tick some guests off.

I understand what you are saying but let's not forget there are a million things like this.... EXAMPLE: I love the Disney hotels but I will never sleep in one!!! Why? The costs are too much!!! That DOESN'T make it less of an experience for me because I experience the most important thing which is the parks!!!!

And for the one that said Disney will never charge for these things, guess again......... It's a buisness before it is " The happiest place on Earth" (sad but true) so if the time comes and they will need extra incomes they will do just the same.... Bad times calls for desperate actions!!! Again, sad but true!!! :brick: :cry:


As djmatthews and photodave mentioned Disney couldn't adopt the system as it is. The fastpass system has been cleverly designed to control the amount of guests that can enter an attraction and any given time period, if you gave 2000+ guests a fastpass plus system as they entered EPCOT then at the moment they would all likely hit upon Mission:Space at the same time leaving the fastpass queue longer than the standby queue, Fastpass was designed with manageability in mind, so Disney controls the guest flow through an attraction, a fastpass plus system would undermine the control Disney currently have and need.


New Member
It is kind of funny, this whole express pass PlUS. I am going to say I almost bought one. Not first thing in the morning but later in the day. I went to USF a couple of weeks ago and totally forgot about the new Shrek and Jimmy Neutron ride. Anyway we started on the normal way we do stuff....T2, Men in Black. By 10:30 it occured to me to go get an Express Pass for those two new rides. Unfortunately, at 10:30 in the morning neither of the two rides were distributing anymore Express Passes. They were out for the day. It is 10:30 in the morning....even TT doesn't sell out that fast. The stand by lines were both over two hours. We weren't standing that long. Well, within an hour it was pouring. Now it is not even noon and we have no Express Passes and all I want to do is see Shrek. We look at one of the tips boards to see if there was anything to do. Men in Black 100 minute wait, T2 90 minute wait, and the list went on and on. This is when I was tempted to spend the extra money just so I could do something other than stand in a store and not get soaked. Well I didn't buy and instead I stood in the stupid 2 hour line for Shrek. Which I did think was awesome but my fiance was not happy with that long wait.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by nikechic
It is kind of funny, this whole express pass PlUS. I am going to say I almost bought one. Not first thing in the morning but later in the day. I went to USF a couple of weeks ago and totally forgot about the new Shrek and Jimmy Neutron ride. Anyway we started on the normal way we do stuff....T2, Men in Black. By 10:30 it occured to me to go get an Express Pass for those two new rides. Unfortunately, at 10:30 in the morning neither of the two rides were distributing anymore Express Passes. They were out for the day. It is 10:30 in the morning....even TT doesn't sell out that fast. The stand by lines were both over two hours. We weren't standing that long. Well, within an hour it was pouring. Now it is not even noon and we have no Express Passes and all I want to do is see Shrek. We look at one of the tips boards to see if there was anything to do. Men in Black 100 minute wait, T2 90 minute wait, and the list went on and on. This is when I was tempted to spend the extra money just so I could do something other than stand in a store and not get soaked. Well I didn't buy and instead I stood in the stupid 2 hour line for Shrek. Which I did think was awesome but my fiance was not happy with that long wait.

Ohhh good story - yeh I would pay the $25 so I could do the stuff I wanted to do - plus I am very impatient when it comes to standing in line. Adding $25 to the cost of my holiday isn't an awful lot of money considering how much I would actually spend for flights, two weeks accomastion, food etc - it just isn't that much..... I shall sell a few extra items on ebay to cover the cost :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Simba1
personally, i kinda like standing in line for disney rides. most of the queues help you build up the attraction. granted, when you're in a hurry and really want to experience the attraction, fastpasses are great, and granted this IS a thread drift (sorry, everyone) i really do like standing in the queues.

Interesting point, really. I don't like to stand in line as much as the next guy, but I was really ed when I went to IoA and wanted to soak in Spidey's queue theme and watch the videos but couldn't because the line was moving so fast...
And today's Jim Hill column talks about it, bringing up some interesting rumors about queue theming and attraction attendance. Click here to check it out.

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