From the site that shall not be named, Tom says the bookings are not as high as Universal expected.
First we need to take this info from where it came. Tom just got back on Disney’s media list and apparently Tom is not on Universal’s media list.
In fairness to Tom, He mentioned Universal may not want it to be super MOBBED initially while they are learning how to run this new park.
He also mentioned that for folks visiting right away it’s a good thing for the guests that the place not be MOBBED in these first days and weeks.
Another thing he mentioned, another really good thing for guests is that except for the Helios Grand, all the other Universal hotels still have great room rates.
To be honest, I do hope Universal does not panic and begins to offer super deals for the initial opening to get folks to show up for the sake of attendance because in my opinion, the most important thing in these opening weeks and days is that the guest experience is as good as possible because if not, the YouTubers will immediately report this; likewise if there is a good guest experience that too will be reported immediately.
I personally hope EPIC has great opening days and weeks as it will serve to force Disney to do better.
In my opinion, a poor start for EPIC will only serve to make Disney pull back, slow down, cut costs, something Disney would really prefer to do.