universal 360


New Member
I saw 360 about two weeks ago and I thought it was a nice show. I'm with everyone on how annoying it is with people saying it's a rip off of Disney.

It's a different show plain and simple. When it comes to images on globes, 360 wins hands down. Because with Illuminations I can never make out what is being shown on the globe.

With 360 I like the projections on BTTF and MIB buildinds, they come out very clear. I also like the little moments like the Scarface scene, that's probably something you won't see at Disney.


Premium Member
meggavot said:
can you see the 360 show from city walk or is it inside one of the parks
It's in USF. The only thing you'll see from CW is the fireworks (and there isn't that many of them either). You can't see the globes, the lasers, etc.


New Member
Universal 360 is nothing like Illuminations because it's complete crap (Illuminations may have some boring moments, but it also has moments that rock extremely hard). It's basically just a commercial for Universal movies that's not thrilling, fun, or exciting. While the USF rides are glorified commercials for their movies, at least they have some value to them, be it comedy, or thrills, or adventure. The show itself has a couple interesting moments, but that's about it. If I want to watch Universal movie trailers, I can do so from home, and with a better video system and much better sound.

I hate to say it, but I like their previous fireworks show significantly better than U360. When 9:59 rolls around, I'd much rather get in line for a spin on the Mummy or something awesome at IOA than waste time watching that abysmal show again. I'll never willingly see the show again.


Well-Known Member
Sorry you don't like it. I actually think it's better than fantasmic which bores me to tears. I love illuminations and Wishes and this doesn't meet up to them in my opinion but it's at the very least on par with fantasmic.


But we have to remember that Universal can't do big firework shows because of its proximity to local businesses and residential areas... Too many people complain... As soon as they began testing 360 there were already news reports on tv about angry residents... Universal doesn't have the luxury Disney has of being built miles from civilization...

I think the projections in this show are excellent, and VERY clear (better than Illuminations)... Sure the subject matter may be dull, but the technology is great... More fireworks would be better, but it's baby steps... baby steps... This is better than nothing...


Well-Known Member
which just goes to show the genious walt had in building his parks so far out and giving himself buffer zones. I think it's a shame. Universal has a great show as it is, but I sure wish we could see what they'd come up with if they had the chance to do whatever they wanted and not have to worry about neighbors.


Well-Known Member
No, I mean the fact that he purchased land for miles and miles in what was essentially nothing so that he'd have all the room he ever needed. The only negative thing he would have tried to build if you want to look at it like that would have been the form of govt necessary for epcot to work, but I see nothing unethical in the way he purchased the land. Some people complain that he did it with shadow companies, but that's just good business sense and has been used more than once over the years.


New Member
Walt certainly learned the hard way about buying land w/Disneyland, where he quickly ran out of room. That's why he bought more than enough land for WDW. And he had to use shadow companies to buy the land because the surrounding land would have all been sold quickly if people saw WED Enterprises was officially purchasing land.

If there was a real problem with that method, plenty of local government organizations could/would have intervened.


DigitalDisney said:
Walt certainly learned the hard way about buying land w/Disneyland, where he quickly ran out of room. That's why he bought more than enough land for WDW. And he had to use shadow companies to buy the land because the surrounding land would have all been sold quickly if people saw WED Enterprises was officially purchasing land.

If there was a real problem with that method, plenty of local government organizations could/would have intervened.

Not only that but property prices would have soared had they known WED was moving in...

But yes, unfortunately for many of our great theme parks, location is key... Disneyland is now surrounded by cheap motels and strip clubs... Universal and IOA are surrounded by neighborhoods, as is Sea World which had trouble trying to get their upcoming water park built... It's sad that they all can't be like WDW and have tons of property, but then again, maybe that's why WDW is so special...


Well-Known Member
agreed, I wish Universal had the options that Disney does. I'd love to see what they'd do with the space. Funny enough, seeing how they've been so afraid to spend money too often lately, they'd probably just sell it all off and wind up with the same problem they have now.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for posting that video, I had been looking for one.

The show definitely uses some really cool technology. the globes look great, the projections on the building are cool, and the lasers and fireworks are nice. I just don't like the fact that its basically just a string of movie clips, there just isn't anything going on. If they created an actual story, I think it would be the best nightime show in the area.


Well-Known Member
It's something I think they can easily update. I'd like to see it be more story driven as well. Maybe in the future we'll get that.


Well-Known Member
kcnole said:
It's something I think they can easily update. I'd like to see it be more story driven as well. Maybe in the future we'll get that.

Doubtful (don't mean they couldn't, though). Universal thrives on its films. That's what the "UNiversal audience" tends to want. Clip shows are much cheaper to produce, and I think it goes more with the theme of what USO presents.

I do have to say that on its face, large globes on a lake with projections and fireworks HAS to look like a copying of Illuminations. That's been Epcot's approach for years. However, that does not mean that is a bad thing. Instead, they took something out there and did something different with it. Universal does tend to capitalize on existing ideas, but so do 95% of theme parks in existence. I don't think it's proper to call Disney guests ignorant. It's approach. No one knows if Universal is merely lifting off Disney. There is a good chance they are. There is a good chance they are not. Instead, the point is that it doesn't matter. THey have to right to create what they want, regardless of the foundation of the idea. However, if someone doesn't like that approach, even if it merely "appears" that way, they have the right not to and not be considered "ignorant." Sorry for the soapbox, but needed to point that out.


New Member
kcnole said:
It's something I think they can easily update. I'd like to see it be more story driven as well. Maybe in the future we'll get that.
Easily update? Absolutely. But would they really update something that's (as far as I know) designed to be a temporary show for the summer? Probably not, especially when updating the show costs time and money. No doubt the show would have to go down for a short amount of time to apply and test the updates as well.

The U360 shows are probably busy because they promote the hell out of it in both parks. There are regular announcements in USF about the show. Heck, IOA even has a friendly announcement in the evening that reminds you that you can pay extra to upgrade your ticket to a park-hopper so you can see U360. HA! Oh man, do I feel sorry for the people that used that option solely for that purpose. :)

The real measure of an item's success is the audience's collective reaction, of course. It determines whether or not they were satisfied with their experience and would consider seeing it again, even if it means making an excuse to experience it. Do people really ooh and aah during the show? Are there moments when everybody's jaw just drops? When the show is over, do people look happy? Ultimately, is there any applause after the show is complete?

I know I've seen happy people and heard applause after experiencing ROTM, Shrek, T2, and other attractions. Can't say I saw the same thing after seeing U360.

That is all.


Premium Member
DigitalDisney said:
The U360 shows are probably busy because they promote the hell out of it in both parks. There are regular announcements in USF about the show. Heck, IOA even has a friendly announcement in the evening that reminds you that you can pay extra to upgrade your ticket to a park-hopper so you can see U360. HA! Oh man, do I feel sorry for the people that used that option solely for that purpose. :)
When did they start making announcements over the speakers? The only ones I've ever heard are "Universal 360 will start in __ minutes."
I know I've seen happy people and heard applause after experiencing ROTM, Shrek, T2, and other attractions. Can't say I saw the same thing after seeing U360
There was last night.


Well-Known Member
Easily update? Absolutely. But would they really update something that's (as far as I know) designed to be a temporary show for the summer? Probably not, especially when updating the show costs time and money. No doubt the show would have to go down for a short amount of time to apply and test the updates as well.

Because they've as much as said they would. It's one of their selling points on the show, they stated it's easily updatable. There's already plans to update it with a different format for HHN. I'm still hoping that it doesn't close on the 12th but I'm not holding my breath. But it's been a decent success this year, if it is just a summer show I wouldn't be surprised to see them bring it back in a different form next summer.


Universal 360 will hold its final performance on August 12th... But it is confirmed to be returning during Halloween Horror Nights as a nightly show called, "Universal 360: Cut!" ... So there you have it!

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