universal 360


Active Member
pictures dont look *impressive* but ill be going to see it DEFINATLY. Since moving to scotland (and living in a flat) i try and catch the fireworks whenever i can :) dont get to blow things up nowadays :( no room :p (5th November btw)


missionspace said:
Why didn't they call it Illuminations 360 reflections of earth? Does Universal have to copy everything Disney does?

Except it's not Illuminations Reflections of Earth... it's a fireworks show with movie clips on four kevlar globes that use projectors not LEDs, and it has no story... Universal doesn't copy everything Disney does... how about the new attraction replacing Millionaire where Disney said, "It'll be like Universal's Men In Black and our Roger Rabbit..." think Disney 'copies' Universal? :brick:


Active Member
JROK said:
Except it's not Illuminations Reflections of Earth... it's a fireworks show with movie clips on four kevlar globes that use projectors not LEDs, and it has no story... Universal doesn't copy everything Disney does... how about the new attraction replacing Millionaire where Disney said, "It'll be like Universal's Men In Black and our Roger Rabbit..." think Disney 'copies' Universal? :brick:

you got to admit though - it does look a bit shi.. :animwink: i mean crap :rolleyes:


New Member
JROK said:
Except it's not Illuminations Reflections of Earth... it's a fireworks show with movie clips on four kevlar globes that use projectors not LEDs, and it has no story... Universal doesn't copy everything Disney does... how about the new attraction replacing Millionaire where Disney said, "It'll be like Universal's Men In Black and our Roger Rabbit..." think Disney 'copies' Universal? :brick:
Keep in mind though, that wasn't 'disney' that said that. It was a Cast Member that was interviewed. Disney has never made an official announcement on what is replacing millionare. I was very disappointed that this specific Cast Member would quote something that is not fact. I'd be willing to be that Cast Member had a coaching after the management team at WWTBAM found out about the article. Cast Members are supposed to refer media to their management teams.

Back to the point at hand, true, Universal does things on their own, as does Disney. Compare Citywalk vs DTD. MUCH different. There is a similar plan that is followed at most theme parks. It doesn't mean that one is copying the other. Just points of reference.


New Member
I don't know but It sure seems like Men in black is alot like Buzz lightyear spin! And how about City Walk it sure looks like Downtown Disney to me!


New Member
missionspace said:
I don't know but It sure seems like Men in black is alot like Buzz lightyear spin! And how about City Walk it sure looks like Downtown Disney to me!

It's quite rediculous to compare the two, as they're completely different. The only thing similar is that you shoot targets and accumulate points. Of COURSE there are going to be some similarities in rides. Rock'n'Roller Coaster and the Increadible Hulk both have launches. Does that mean Disney copied Islands of Adventure? Or maybe I should say they both copied flight of fear at Kings Island, since it had a launch before either of them did? Or maybe flight of fear copied the matterhorn, since the matterhorn had a steel track first, or maybe the matterhorn copied the switch-back railway since it was the first coaster.....

get the idea?

Of course their are going to be similarities, but by no means are any of these things 'copies'.

And even if they were (which they're not) isn't immitation the sincerest form of flattery?


New Member
missionspace said:
Why didn't they call it Illuminations 360 reflections of earth? Does Universal have to copy everything Disney does?
It's nothing like Illuminations. Does Disney fans always have to be so ignorant of Universal or anything besides Disney?


Well-Known Member
abian said:
It's nothing like Illuminations. Does Disney fans always have to be so ignorant of Universal or anything besides Disney?

Yes. Ignorance seems to be a major requirement of being a Disney fan these days. Sad, but true.


Active Member
JT3000 said:
Yes. Ignorance seems to be a major requirement of being a Disney fan these days. Sad, but true.

wouldnt worry my friend, i like *love* BOTH parks for the fact that if i want extreme faster rides i can go to universal.

If i just want to relax and *drift* for a day ill go to disney :wave:

if i want to be TOTALLY chilled out ill go to sea world....

oh can i put this in my sig? it seems to sum up these boards atm.... :hammer:


New Member
I gotta agree with the ignorance thing. I love both parks and I can honestly say Universal 360 is nothing like Illuminations. Also unless Disney created fireworks, movies, lasers, fire and more they are not copying Disney. Anyways, the show is awesome and I cant wait to see it again
I think it looks awesome!

Does anyone know when it's on until? I'm visiting september 10th - 24th and I really want to see it.

Oh and for the video go to universal-excitement.com


Premium Member
Currently the guides in the park that show where the best places to see the show from are dated until 8/12 but who knows.


New Member
missionspace said:
Why didn't they call it Illuminations 360 reflections of earth? Does Universal have to copy everything Disney does?

I did see universal 360 and thought that it was actually very well done. They didn't try to copy Disney besides the projection on the ball. It was fireworks to movie clips as well as projections on the buildings and special lighting. I thought it was very well done for a universal production. I wouldn't be universal for plagarism because it is really not that similar to illuminations.


New Member
I still have yet to see Universal 360, and I plan on once I get my Universal ID this week.
IMO, anything is better than Illuminations, and I'm a born and bred Disney girl, so for me to say that is a big deal.
And for the love of Pete, both parks have their strong points and weak points, and this whole "Universal is copying Disney" thing is so 1992. Both resorts have amazing attractions to advertise (heck, I worked at 2 of the top Disney attractions and now I'm working at the coolest USF attraction) and one is no better than the other. Yes, there are similarities, but if you sit back and look at every single theme park in existence, they all have something in common. So get over the whole Universal/Disney feud. Because it's old.


Well-Known Member
As to when the show is closing, I contacted guest services yesterday. According to the them the show is listed as temporary but has not been officially end dated yet. They're still being told it may become permanent but no official decision has been made. I was told it should be made in the next week or two and to call back August 1 for what should be an official answer.

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