Unexpected acts of kindness by CMs


Well-Known Member
I love these stories too! Now that I am about to start my journey as a cast member, I want to create special magical moments for people as I do what I love

Welcome to the family!! Where will you be working?? If you have any questions feel free to send me a personal message. I did the CP as well as a PI and MI and am now a leader so I'd be more than happy to answer any questions you might have! See you around the world. =)


Well-Known Member

I have no idea if this is real or not but it makes my day every time I see it

It is real! And it is fabulous to witness it firsthand. :)


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to add another CM story from our April trip. My family and I were exiting Playhouse Disney and planning our next move when we heard a child and adults scream it wasn't the happy screams you hear in WDW it was an I'm hurt scream. I look over and see a small child around 6 had been run over by a scooter and was on the ground crying and her parents were frantic. Now being a firefighter/EMT I have to do something but being out of state I can only do so much and I had my two boys with me. I went over identified myself to CM's and asked if I could help to which the parents said yes. I had ice brought over checked the little girls foot and ankle and by luck it was not broken only bruised and waited for the paramedics to arrive to confirm.
Now, the whole time I'm doing this I'm wearing a ballcap I had made years ago and on it the cap it has "Disneyword Fire" and I see all the CM's looking at it. I speak to the paramedics when they arrive and give them the info they need and the brother firefighter/paramedic comments on my cap and asked where I was a firefighter and I tell him. He thanks me and takes over care of the little girl and both parents thank me for helping. As I start to walk away with my boys I'm stoppped my a CM manager and asked how many people I have in my party and I say well I have seven but only have my two boys with me now. The CM opens a binder and hands me 3 FP's for automatic entry for any ride in DHS and I thank her.
Now, this is where I pay it forward, we used all our FP's for the day and were going to leave DHS and realize we still have the FP's given to us so we wait and watch. We see a family of three enter the park walk over welcome them to DHS and tell them we won't be needing our FP's and enjoy their stay. To say they were excited was an understatement as they wanted to get on Toy Story Mainia but FP's were gone and line was long. Was good to help two families...


Well-Known Member
When I was little, I took my cabbage patch doll with me to the MK. She made it through the whole day with me, until we got on the monorail to head back to the room. We just happened to be riding with the driver, who noticed when we got off at the Contemporary without my doll, and the CM took her to the concierge desk. From what my parents tell me, I hardly slept that night because I was so upset about losing her. The next morning, we checked the desk and discovered her waiting for us! I was reunited with my best friend, thanks to a watchful CM. That was an expensive doll, too! She's one of the fully cloth ones that was handmade and "adopted" directly from Babyland General Hospital. To this day, I still have her :)
I used to collect the soft sculpture CPK originals. Been to Babyland many times. I still have prob'ly 20 or so of them. I even have one I made changes to, made clothes for, and took on a WDW vacation with me in 2010. ;)


New Member
Years ago our family was pick to do the tree lighting at Mk and my wife's camera did not work. The CM ran down to the gift shop bought us a new one. When she got back most of the event was over and the kids missed most of the time to take photos the CM felt sorry for the kids and she set up a private meeting with Mickey and Minnie in the back offices.


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In the Parks
My DBF and I were over at POFQ doing some pin trading. I spotted a pin I wanted on a lanyard but the CM was just getting off so I missed her. A different CM noticed and asked me which pin it was (topiary Ariel). The next day, the CM had the pin! He tracked down the first CM and held onto it for me...gave it to me...didn't even trade!


Active Member
Just have to share this one. We are at Animal Kingdom right now and we missed our fast passes for Kali River Rapids. (They were for this am.). The CM at the line just gave my hubby and princess a paper fast pass so that they didn't have to wait in the 60 minute standby line!


Well-Known Member
So this happened to me today when I was hanging out at Hollywood Studios. I was riding on Tower of Terror faithfully as I always do. This was about my third time on this afternoon. Our loading Bell Hop Taylor was really into his character. Like legitimately into it. I ride this ride a lot and I don't see as many cast members as into it as he was. It was nice to see. So I got on and then I got off and got back in line again and I intentionally got into his line. When I got up to him I said "I came back to see you again!" and he was like "Oh I'm so glad you came back!" Then he put me in line. When he walked by me he slipped me a Fastpass. I couldn't believe it. I actually thought I was going to cry. I really want to give him some recognition. I told some of my fellow CPs about it when we were waiting for the bus back home. They said to go to Guest Relations. So next time I'm off I'm going to go back and tell them.
These stories are so great; thank you all for sharing! Quite timely, since I am rolling out a Customer Service Training at my healthcare facility this week. I am using a good deal of Disney Customer Service books and material for the research and real life examples are just icing on the cake. :joyfull:

It just goes to show that while some of these are gifts in which WDW would incur an expense, much of what's been talked about are FastPasses, which cost little to no money at all. My husband and I have no children but we continue to book WDW vacations because I wholeheartedly believe in the CMs that go above and beyond for guests.

Disney love, y'all! :inlove:


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure about this one but here goes. We decided to do one more trip around MK via the railroad on our last day. Our plane was mid afternoon and we thought we had time. We left and stood at the area designated for our resort and waited for a bus. None came. I was beginning to get worried. After a while a security guard came walking by and said something "waiting for a bus?" to which I said something like, "yes but they better hurry because we have a plane to catch." He kept walking away and said nothing else. Just few minutes later a bus pulls up, the driver smiles and says "somebody looking for a ride?" We hopped on, he didn't wait and took us to our resort. I am not sure if the guard called someone or not but I always thought that he must have.


New Member
On our trip this past September, while the rest of the family was going on TOT, I had my niece and we were walking up Hollywood Boulevard. All of a sudden a CM from the ice cream shop jumped out in front of us with a big bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream and asked if my niece would like it. She looked at me to see if it was ok, and was very happy when I said it was. It made her day.

A couple years ago we were looking at all the hand prints in front of the Great Movie Ride, my nephew was putting his hands in Mickey's print and we were taking pictures. All of a sudden Chip and Dale (who had just finished a meet and greet by the hat) came up behind him. They started putting their paws in Minnie's print and posed for pictures w/ my nephew and niece. It was very cute and one of our favorite memories.
My son and I both have a gluten allergy and the chefs and ASM and AoA made us gluten free entrees. It only takes about 15 but they give you a pager and personally give it to you when it's ready.
Really makes us feel special!;)
Both of my kids have dairy and tree nut allergies. Disney is so wonderful in general how they address food allergies at the parks. Each time we went to eat, the chef came over to our table to talk to us personally and made special food for them. Additionally, at Cape May for breakfast last year, the chef brought out special donuts for all of us from Babycakes in DTD as we were celebrating my son's birthday. It was such a nice way to start our day.

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