Unbiased Stitch Comments


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My Aunt and Uncle went to WDW yesterday and today, after fleeing the Atlantic coast during their Florida vacation this week. They called me for advise and were able to see MGM yesterday with no waits, and all of the MK today, almost twice.

They called me today at 4:00pm and in part of their conversation they said, "Hey Tom. Have you done that Stitch show? I guess it's fairly new. It was really neat - lots of special effects, good audio and was pretty entertaining. I think you guys would like it, next time you're down here..."

Now, they haven't been to WDW in about 6 years and never even experienced Alien Encounter. They aren't Disney freaks like I am, and all of you, but at the same time they appreciate the parks for what they are, and understand that they should respect them more than Universal :lol:

So, they have had no brainwashing with all the Stitch marketing. They haven't been on the internet studying all the rides and attractions, or reading blasphemy on forums, and they didn't have AE to compare the revised attraction to - and they enjoyed it. They don't have kids. They're in their early 50s and they REALLY enjoy parks like Kings Island and Cedar Point because they love thrills.

I just thought it was refreshing to hear an unprovoked positive comment on Stitch from a couple of people who went in with no previous knowledge of the attraction nor predetermined impressions. I hear (read) a lot of Stitch bashing on here, and, well, I'm sick of it just as many of you are. I haven't seen it yet, since it was being transformed last June when we were there...but I WILL see it next June. I'm going to see it with an open mind. I wish more people could do that.


Premium Member
That's cool I guess. I went into Stitch telling myself that I would love it and I would prove the opinions of WDWMagic to be wrong, but nope, I still didn't like it. I had a hard time following the story line.


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Laura22 said:
That's cool I guess. I went into Stitch telling myself that I would love it and I would prove the opinions of WDWMagic to be wrong, but nope, I still didn't like it. I had a hard time following the story line.

I don't have a positive or negative opinion of the attraction, at all, yet. I can't judge it before I see it, so I won't. However, I do respect the opinions of people like you, who actually state valid reasons for disliking it. If the storyline is hard to follow, or the animatronics are sub-par, or the special effects are cheesy....ok, you can dislike it. There are other attractions I just don't like, period - and it's not because I had a predetermined hatred for the main character in the show. People who hate the Stitch show just because Stitch is in it - well, I just don't have any respect for those opinions.


Thanks for posting this, Tom. It gives me a bit of hope. :)

I'm going next week with a WDW newbie. I've never done Stitch before, but I've read all the Stitch-bashing here and I've been really nervous about doing it.

I don't love or hate Stitch as a character, but I laughed my head off at the marketing campaign when the first movie came out. (If you don't remember, it was a series of trailers for popular Disney films - The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, The Lion King - in which Stitch appeared partway through the trailer for each film and ruined the scene. My favorite was the one for Beauty and the Beast when he sent the chandelier crashing down in the middle of the ballroom scene. LOL!) It sounds like the promotion at WDW right now is similar, with Stitch "taking over" things.

I'm not a purist and I don't mind change, so I don't have a problem with it in concept. I was, however, a huge AE fan, so I'm sad that it's been replaced by an attraction that so many people seem to dislike. I'm reserving my judgment, and I haven't said a word to my newbie friend about any of this, so I'll let you know what he thinks when we get back. :)



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edwardtc said:
People who hate the Stitch show just because Stitch is in it - well, I just don't have any respect for those opinions.

People have a right to dislike something based on any reason they want. Whether it's the storyline or whether it's because of a particular character that is in it. Just out of curiosity, why is that you don't have any respect for someone's opinion based on that? Just seems like an odd reason not to respect someone's opinion. I think a dislikable character is a perfectly legitimate reason not to like something. A lot of people didn't like Star Wars Episode One because of Jar Jar Binks.

That aside, I do agree the attraction bites.


New Member
I know I'm in the minority but I actually enjoyed SGE, particularily the second time around. I never was a fan of AE. It didn't seem very Disney to me, nor did it frighten me. I actually thought it was pretty boring. I've never really been a fan of Stitch either, particularily after Disney has overmarketed him to death. Despite that I enjoyed SGE because I was able to appreciate the audio-animatronics (they truly are amazing). I think this attraction deserves high merit for this reason alone if not for others. While the story wasn't Disney at its best I don't think it is as terrible as everyone says (although it is inconsistent with the movie). Soarin' has zero story and people love it. I honestly believe that some people are so eager to get swept into the craze of hating this attraction that they haven't really given it a fair chance. JMHO.


New Member
I was a big AE fan, but I haven't been on Stitch yet. I will be going in December and I plain on going on Stitch. My husband is more of a Stitch fan then I am, I know that I will not like it. He will love it, he has never been on AE! He didn't want to go on it last time we went to WDW.



The Story for Stich is very simple to follow, and fits in with the film very well. he's ben caught, as he does in the film (which is when the show takes place after the Galactic council meet and sentence him), and he's to be transported to a maximum security Prison, while he's there he breaks out, hence the way the rest of the ride plays out.

Personally I prefer Stich over AE, I seen it before they revamped it and after they added the projections, and I do agree that the original version had a lot of time in the middle where you would just hear Stich in the Dark, not very fun. But the new Projections rock and really make the show a hellova lot more fun.

But like any Disney ride with a strong character story, it helps you enjoy the ride/show if you actually like the characters in the show. So not liking Stich will ensure you dislike the show. I love Pleakly (Disney's first gay character :lol: ) so the more he's in any ride/show will be a sure fire hit with me.


Well-Known Member
Despite everything that I have read on here (and other sites) I will be experiencing SGE next year - I will go with an open mind and will not compare it with AE.
Then, and only then, will I judge it :)


*looks at sig*

SGE is really not a bad show. The AAs are great and so are the effects. The storyline (at least for me) is very easy to follow. Kids love it. Last time I went on it, all the kids there were laughing and having a good time. It is better now that they have fixed it up.

When you go there for the first time, keep in mind that you shouldn't expect the greatest Disney attraction ever, but it's still enjoyable. Try to keep an open mind and try not to think about what you read on the forums.

I guess it depends on the person. Some people like it, some people don't. It's just one of those things.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I wish that every time we visited Walt Disney World, we could just erase the part of our brain that remembers, so we could experiance it for the first time, every time.

People who frequent Disney World a lot can sometimes become judgemental and jaded.

I go at least once a year and even find my self doing it.

I say things like..."Gee...that ride was better last time" or " This place needs a paint job, it's looking dirty and nasty."

One of my favorite attractions is It's Tough To Be a Bug at Disney's Animal Kingdom.

I have seen it at least 10 times, so there's no surprises anymore.
I think that the reason I keep going back is to see and hear the sights and sounds of the people who have never experianced it before.
I know whats coming...but 90% of the audiance, who has never seen this attraction doesn't.

Even now, as I think about it, that Butterfly curtain always makes me smile.
The ooohs and ahhhs of the audiance makes the experiance wonderful.

So whether it be Stitch Great Escape, It's Tough to be a Bug, or even The Enchanted Tiki Birds, I think that if we tried to imagine it being our first time seeing it, every time, the experiance would be a lot more magical.


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Scooter said:
Sometimes I wish that every time we visited Walt Disney World, we could just erase the part of our brain that remembers, so we could experiance it for the first time, every time.

People who frequent Disney World a lot can sometimes become judgemental and jaded.
That's really where I was going with my post. My Aunt and Uncle, in theory, had no "memories" of WDW, just that they had a good time and remembered a few rides they really liked. To them, the original magic and service and wonder was all there - because their impressions aren't being tainted by having obcessions like we all do. I too, Scooter, wish I could be "going for the first time" every time I go - so I try to at least fake it! :lol:

CHAPPS said:
Just out of curiosity, why is that you don't have any respect for someone's opinion based on that? Just seems like an odd reason not to respect someone's opinion. I think a dislikable character is a perfectly legitimate reason not to like something. A lot of people didn't like Star Wars Episode One because of Jar Jar Binks.

I don't have to respect every opinion...that's the beauty of living in America...and it's the same right that entitles you to your opinion of not liking Stitch. However, what I was getting at, and I guess I poorly worded it, was that if someone has never even been on the ride, or even if they have, and they just decide that it's a "BAD" attraction because of the character used...that's just not a smart opinion, in my opinion. Would you go up to the Imagineer who designed it and say, "You know, you designed and built a God-awful attraction here, by using Stitch...you should be ashamed of yourself."? Well, some people probably would, but I wouldn't.

Your examply hits close to home for me....I don't like Star Wars or anything to do with it...however, I HAVE ridden Star Tours and was impressed with the attraction because of the special effects, synchronization of video/movement, etc. I won't ever say I hate Star Tours just because I don't like the movie they based it around, because it was still a "good attraction." If I did that, I would sound like a 3-year old. You don't have to like Stitch. I saw the movie once, and, well, I don't need to see it again...but that doesn't mean I won't go see the attraction, because I'm in WDW to be entertained, be excited and experience the magic that can be found in no other park in the world.


I really have no idea why everyone bashes Stitch so much. I did love Alien Encounter, but I also loved Stitch. I know I'm gonna get my head bitten off for this, but it's pretty much the same experience. The only difference now is that the creature that's running through the theater actually has a personality. I know some people are like "Yea, but Alien Encounter had a scary alien". But this is pre-movie Stitch. He was pretty bad. Lord only knows what he was capable of. It's a fun show, people! So they made it a little more kid-friendly. Big deal! WDW is supposed to be kid-friendly.


Well-Known Member
I'll tell you one thing. I got to go on Alien Encounter once. It was OK. Stitches great escape stinks. I have nothing against stitch, but the ride really is as bad as people say it is. It seems that most people that are saying it was good are stitch fans. I am a big muppet fan, and even if it was Kermit's great escape, I would still have to say it sucks. I don't really think there is anything else they can do with that building, but rip it down.

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
PamelaNiebergal said:
I know I'm in the minority but I actually enjoyed SGE, particularily the second time around. I never was a fan of AE. It didn't seem very Disney to me, nor did it frighten me. I actually thought it was pretty boring. I've never really been a fan of Stitch either, particularily after Disney has overmarketed him to death. Despite that I enjoyed SGE because I was able to appreciate the audio-animatronics (they truly are amazing). I think this attraction deserves high merit for this reason alone if not for others. While the story wasn't Disney at its best I don't think it is as terrible as everyone says (although it is inconsistent with the movie). Soarin' has zero story and people love it. I honestly believe that some people are so eager to get swept into the craze of hating this attraction that they haven't really given it a fair chance. JMHO.
you are not alone, my family and I liked stitch, the first time we rode it only one cannon was working but this past Aug. they were both working, 1, if you like the stitch movie and everything after that and just look at it without comparing it to AE it's a good attraction. 2, since the last time we saw it it is not as dark as when it first started, in fact I really don't think at any point in time it goes completly dark. but of course there is always one parent who drags their child on who is so obvious that they don't want to be there and,"WON'T STOP CRYING", get the idea, if they don't want to go on "you" not them ruin it for everybody else.:confused: :veryconfu


Active Member
I went on SGE in last December for the first and only time. I avoided all posts about it before that because I didn't want to ruin the experience. Well, I hated it and my kids (8 & 11) hated it. We hated it so much it has become the family joke...

"If you don't stop that I will make you ride Stitch the next time we are at WDW." " No Please Daddy. Anything but that"

And when I went on it, Stitch spit on me and got me all wet. Made me very mad. It was freezing out side and my shirt and jacket were wet.

Anyway, I glad I'm entitled to my own <b>unbiased opinion</b> since I don't dislike Stitch as a character, I have never been on AE, I had no <b>previous knowledge</b> of the attraction nor any <b>predetermined impressions</b>, even if my opinion doesn't agree with others.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Well, I can pretty much say that I have not been really happy with what Disney has replaced classic rides with. I have not done SGE yet. But just the fact that its totally out of the timeline of the story, it starts off with negative points for me. Second, the fact that Disney defaced alot of the MK, monorails, wake up calls, etc, with the abomination, even digs its hole alot deeper.

I thought it was a so so movie. I have a plush stitch doll. They could have put Poohs Playful spot there and left the lagoon alone.....but thats just my opine.


New Member
I just came back from WDW and experienced Stitch for the first time. I thought it was pretty good, but I don't know if that was because I enjoyed the movie so much. However, it was fun to watch all the little things, like silhouettes of Stitch crawling everywhere. I have to say I also really enjoy audience reactions to rides/shows, and Stitch was a good one for that. :)

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