Ultimate trip! Read to believe!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Just got back from a magical week at WDW, and I can't wait to report on it! This is incredible!

I won't bore you with the day to day stuff, but I have to tell you about our visit to MK on Thursday the 26th. We had originally intended to do a waterpark that day, but I talked my wife into the MK instead. As we walked down Main Street, we were passing in front of the ice cream parlor when my wife reminded me to get a park map for show times. There was a cart with a CM and manager there. The manager had maps, so I joked that I would help him lighten his load. Just then, a squirrel ran by and my wife pointed and said, "Cue the squirrel!" which is an inside joke about a friend who claims that EVERY animal at WDW is fake. This cracked up the manager, and we began to chat. He asked where we were from, and if the weather was bad there from Isidore, and small talk like that. He finally asked if this was our first time to the resort, and we said that we come every year, because something magical always seems to happen to us that makes us return every year. He paused, then said that he would like to do something special for us, because he could see that we loved WDW and the magic there. I thought he was giving us a couple of fastpasses or lunch coupons. Instead he calmly takes us aside and says, "How would you guys like to be the Grand Marshals in the 3:00 parade today?" I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP. They had picked a family already, and he asked us as well. We agreed (DUH!) and got the time and place to meet him later, and then spent the next ten minutes searching for a phone to call our families! The rest of the day was a blur. We met... well, we agreed not to use his name, so let's just say we met Bob at the parade entrance in Frontierland at 2:35, and met the other family. They were from PA. We all got Mickey ears with our names on them, and instructions on how we should smile and wave to everyone, and we met the marching band, and got to meet Gus, the wacky prospector street performer from Frontierland. Then it was time to go. The family got to ride in a horse drawn stagecoach, and we rode in an antique car that Walt himself used to drive in the parades at Disneyland! We were the LEAD car. We headed out, and it was amazing to see thousands of people lining the empty street, waving at US. We shot pictures, which I will try to post, and the CMs shot some for us as well. It was incredible! People were taking pictures of us and filming us. The kids were great. You would make eye contact with one and wave at them, and they would smlie and wave back. The best part was hearing our names announced over the PA system as the honorary Grand Marshals! It was the coolest. When we got to the end of the parade route, "Bob" was there with certificates for us for being honorary Grand Marshals. We thanked him profusely, and then watched the rest of the parade.

Words cannot describe the feelings my wife and I hold for this day. We are HUGE Disney fans, and to have the chance to experience something like this is truly amazing. This trip was a chance for us to celebrate our fifth wedding anniversary, and to have this happen on this trip is unbelievable! Walt Disney World has truly become the most memorable place for us. I could not wait to share this experience with everyone here at WDWMagic, as I know you guys will love to hear about it!

I have writer's cramp from typing this, so I'll stop here and post this. By the way, was anyone in the MK that day and see us? That would be interesting to hear about. Did we look like dorks?:)


Active Member
Thanks for the report

That must have been fun. Sounds like you made the most of it and the people along the parade route shared the moment as well.

Congratulations on that fifth wedding anniversary... it was great to hear that your celebration had that touch of magic you can think back on in many future anniversaries.

All the best to you both!

Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
I am SO HAPPY for you!!!! That is fantastic that you and your family were Grand Marshals for the parade! Congratulations on being chosen for such an honor. I can't wait for the pics!



New Member
Man, that is awesome! Glad you had such a good time. Hurry with those pic's, we can hardly wait.

:wave: ACE

The Mom

Premium Member
What a wonderful experience! I'm a little shy (hard to believe :lol:) so I don't think I would ever want to be in the parade, but I'm so happy you were! Thank you for sharing with us. :)


Well-Known Member
that's great news, tigger1968!! i'm glad you and your wife had such an excellent experience! i've always wanted to be Grand Marshal of a parade! i envy you! :animwink: :D

btw, i LOVE the cue the squirrel comment! that's hilarious! :lol:


Active Member
Oh WOW! That must have been so amazing for you!

Thank you for letting us all know that the Magic is still turning up from time to time! :sohappy:


Account Suspended
The Magic Still Lives!

We left WDW the day before your parade experience. Had we been there I am very sure we would not have seen you because we always avoid the various parades in all the parks. We find all the parades to be very intrusive to our guest time and that's why we plan ahead. Thanks, that's a wonderful report and I'm so happy to hear about your experience!:wave:


Active Member
And, uh, at about what time did you meet this CM and Manager, and can you describe what they look like? I am going to WDW next Sunday, and although I would not want to be the Grand Marshall, ( clears throat) just IN CASE I see someone who "might" want to have such an unblievable, incredible, life changing experience at the parks, I would be able to pass it along to them.

6 days to go!!!



New Member
:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

That's so kool!!!! I've always wanted to be Grand Marshels. But we have never gotten asked to do it :cry: You think after 24+ trips by the ge of 18, we'd been asked! Oh well!! I'm so happy for you guys though!!! I'm glad you got picked!


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
wow 2 sets of Grand Marshals for the 3pm:eek: :)
Very Cool....thanks for sharing the info! Sounded like you guys had a blast! :)

Got any video or pics you could post?

Beauty and the

New Member
How wonderful I remember how excited we where when one of our kids got to carry an icream cream in the parade!

We would have died with happiness if that ever happened to us!!


New Member
Glad you had such a great trip. I only hope our trip coming up for our 10th anniversary can be as magical!

41 days 'til check-in:sohappy:

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