TSM Troubles


Well-Known Member
I've yet to ride TSMM, and I don't know that I will on this trip. I personally don't wait in anything with longer than a 45 minute wait, just my own personal policy. With that policy, and going down in September, I've been able to ride everything else in the parks. What I don't get is, is the ride really that good? Or is Hollywood Studios just that much in need of more rides?
I wouldn't wait a quarter-hour for this ride, let alone 45 minutes, but obviously most people like this much more than I do. To me, it's just a bunch of screens, and some very simple games, or rather, the same game over and over. It is technically a ride, but the ride simply gets you to the next screen. Would you wait a long time to play a 3D shooting gallery game? That's the question to ask yourself.


Well-Known Member
We were disappointed it was closed completely our entire trip a couple of weeks ago, but I figured it was at least for a good cause. Now it turns out the "rehab" just made things worse for everyone.


New Member
Toy Story Mania

We were just at WDW/DHS a month ago and didn't even attempt to get near TSM. Luckily we got to experience it June '08, so maybe by next time (01/12) it will all be worked out. We like DHS but are considering not going there at all on our next visit. It could definitely use another popular attraction to buffer the mess at TSM.


Well-Known Member
I'm lost, where were these gates added that is causing such a slowdown? They already had station gates.

EDIT: I realize these are exit gates but are they like a mirror of the load gates? If they are, why were they necessary?


Well-Known Member
It never ceases to fascinate me how WDW parks have Fastpass on so many rides, while Disneyland parks don't.

Toy Story Midway Mania at DCA does not offer Fastpass. I went on Midway Mania on a busy summer afternoon at DCA two weeks ago with two young cousins, and the wait was posted at 40 minutes and it took 35.

Little Mermaid will be the same, as Al Lutz has said that the DCA version won't have Fastpass in 2011 but the Magic Kingdom version will have Fastpass when it opens in 2012.

It's very interesting how and why they make those decisions. I think a park should only have Fastpass on three or four major attractions, thrill rides mainly, and then let everything else just operate normally. In my opinion, WDW parks have totally gone overboard on the Fastpass thing.


Well-Known Member
I was on this the first full day it was open (and posted something similar in another thread). The operational capacity of TSM prior to the refurb was 1175, but they were regularly reaching 1200-1300. After the refurb they were getting around 800 per hour. The air gates are part of the problem, but it seems they also reduced staffing.


Active Member
I was on this the first full day it was open (and posted something similar in another thread). The operational capacity of TSM prior to the refurb was 1175, but they were regularly reaching 1200-1300. After the refurb they were getting around 800 per hour. The air gates are part of the problem, but it seems they also reduced staffing.

That is a huge drop. Do air gates really make the ride that much slower?


Well-Known Member
I didn't think TSMM was all that great. In fact I thought it was really quite boring. You just spin around and "shoot" at 3D screens in a big open room. No real sets, no AAs, no nothing really.

Buzz Lightyear at MK and MIB at Universal are much better in my opinion.

I agree!!!

And I would NEVER wait 2 hours in a line for ANY RIDE!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I waited 80 mintues. It was pouring and the ride was inside. But I have to say, I would never do that again, rain or shine. The ride was not at all worth the wait. A 10 minute wait maybe.

I wasn't impressed and found the whole thing very lackluster as far as what Disney is known for. The queue was more interesting than the ride. With all they could do with Toy Story, I can't believe that this was the best they came up with.

There already was a 'game' ride for Toy Story. A good one. Why not do something totally different and do a dark ride? One for the whole family that isn't a coaster. And add in Pricklepants and Buttercup. :lol:


Well-Known Member
It is a shame that the capacity went down. The gates at the exit were added as a safety feature to prevent people from running onto the track. Occasionally, a small child would do that from what I used to hear.

But here's the thing. If the gates were supposed to be an added safety feature and to also cut down on having to e-stop the ride and reset after each incident, does the reduced capacity outweigh the downtime caused by these events?

If they can legally remove a new safety feature such as these gates, it wouldn't surprise me if the next refurbishment and all the complaints from long lines and no fastpasses this holiday season cause them to remove the gates.

Something is wrong when Toy Story has a 90 minute wait at the least when all the other lines in all the other parks are near walk-ons this week. I did not see the wait for Toy Story today, but RnRC and Tower were walk-ons almost all day, not to mention all the other rides. Two days ago, Space Mountain had a 5 minute wait, and that is with the new audio! Peter Pan only had a 20 minute wait.

So, if Toy Story is having considerably longer waits during a time when all the other parks have walk-ons, imagine what it will be like on New Year's Eve!!!


Well-Known Member
That is a huge drop. Do air gates really make the ride that much slower?

Toy Story cannot accommodate every person in the park, yet nearly every person in the park wants to go on it. What happens is the air gates open up, but they don't open wide enough, and guests on one side of the vehicle have to squeeze past the air gates to get into the vehicle. Then the cast members who are on the other side of the air gates have to wait for them to close to check the vehicle, and that also slows it down.

I don't remember exactly how things ran prior to the refurbishment but it is definitely slower, and they need to work out the kinks pretty quickly. The parks were dead last week, yet Toy Story was sporting 120+ minute waits all week. For me, I try to see it twice a day, and it's next to impossible to do it without significant time in the standby queue. We lucked out on our recent trip because we had the give a day get a day fastpass cards, but that's not always the case.


Active Member
I really do not think Fast Pass is the issue with TSM. I assume DCA has a single rider line, HS certainly loses capacity by often having available seats go unused. I would think they could put a fence up on the stairs to stop the single rider line (we once had) from jumping over to the regular line (or staff it during busy times).

Anyway, I understand that during the pass holder preview, they were still working on timing/training and all, but there was no Fast Pass when the ride was open for Pass Holders and I know we waited 2 hours (posted as 60 MIN).

I really think part of the issue is that the ride was not designed with an off load area. I know every time I ride TSM, we end up stopped shortly after you see your score (not to mention the occasional 'slowdown' between game screens). It just seems like we spend a lot of time waiting to get off the ride after it is over which must say something about the load process being at the same time as the unload (and this was all prior to the new gates).


Active Member
I was in the right place at the right time yesterday and overheard some CMs saying that since the refurb, things have been slower loading and unloading and numbers have been down because of those new gates, resulting in crazy long lines (150 minutes--two and a half hours--yesterday) and fewer fastpasses distributed in an attempt to keep the FP line short, which would also keep the standby line moving.
But it didn't work. 150 minutes is too long for a child to wait in line. A poor little boy got all the way to the front of the line and peed his pants just beside us because his parents didn't want to get out of line and I overheard another CM say that it was the second one that day. Management needs to suck it up and get rid of fastpass. Most people won't understand, but it'll be for their own good. People are not meant to wait in a line for two hours+.

Toy Story Mania is a very popular attraction.... I have seen waits at Soarin exceed 600 minutes...I kind of miss the old days of no fast passes.... Things seemed to go along just fine... Of course we used to get along fine with out cell phones... I rarely if ever get a fastpass... Because if its a long wait I know I can always come back.. One of the advantages of working for a mouse :)


Active Member
Toy Story cannot accommodate every person in the park, yet nearly every person in the park wants to go on it. What happens is the air gates open up, but they don't open wide enough, and guests on one side of the vehicle have to squeeze past the air gates to get into the vehicle. Then the cast members who are on the other side of the air gates have to wait for them to close to check the vehicle, and that also slows it down.

I don't remember exactly how things ran prior to the refurbishment but it is definitely slower, and they need to work out the kinks pretty quickly. The parks were dead last week, yet Toy Story was sporting 120+ minute waits all week. For me, I try to see it twice a day, and it's next to impossible to do it without significant time in the standby queue. We lucked out on our recent trip because we had the give a day get a day fastpass cards, but that's not always the case.

Once I managed to ride it 6 times before there was any significant waiting time. I got a FP, walked into the stand-by queue and kept going around and around until the line was 40 minutes long. Then I used my FP.

Talk about a fun day. :D
I often thought that it would be a great idea to have one small bathroom in the log cabin, where they give out the 3D glasses. Since the wait is usually long for that attraction, it would be nice if there was a bathroom close by, and easier than cutting all the way through the line, twice.

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