Trying to get into Spring Advantage 2007


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Hey guys!
I'm a prospective CM from Louisiana, and I'm planning on going to the presentation at LSU on Oct. 26th. I kid you not, the last couple of nights, I've been dreaming about DisneyWorld and Florida :eek:'s been weird. Anyway, I know that they do group interviews, but how exactly does that work?

Do they just throw the question out there and whoever answers first just answers first or do they address different people at a time? :veryconfu Also, what kind of questions do they ask?

One more thing, is it really competitive for the Spring Advantage? I really really want to do this, and would love the opportunity to. How are my chances of actually getting in? ;) :)



New Member

Hey Britt!

First off, good luck with your interview! Secondly, the group interview thing, I am not sure where that came from, maybe they used to do it. Anyway, last Spring I interviewed, and how it happened was, I went to a Presentation then at the presentation they set up phone interviews. My interview lasted about 12 minutes. They ask you questions based on the roles you are interested in and based on guest interactions. Just remember to be positive, let them know you are excited, and let them know where you would like to work, they value your opinion! If you need more help let me know!


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Ohh, I saw in some other posts from former CPs that they did group interviews following the presentation if they didn't go to the school where the presentation was being held. Hmm...I wonder how it's going to be when I go to the presentation. They might only do phone interviews've been interviewed pretty recently so I wonder if that's how they do it now...I guess I'll have to find out when I get there! :) I'd also heard that if the presentation was early enough they just did the interviews right after.



New Member
I know when I applied for Spring '03 they were doing group interviews. THey were a lot of fun, but from what I hear...those are no more.

I interviewed over a month ago for Spring '07 and have been accepted for Operations. The phone interview was really great and seemed more professional(don't let that worry you). I just feel like the phone interview allowed them to know more about me than the group interviews ever could.

Good luck with your application...maybe I'll see you in January!


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I hope so! Yeah, I think I'll be more comfortable with a phone interview as well. I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed...the anticipation is gonna bother me for a month, haha! I wish I wouldn't have missed the presentation that was on the 20th of this month, but that was the night I found out about it in the first place. I'd already missed it. :(



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Tonight seems to be my night for poking my head into threads and asking questions. :p

So is phone interviewing the only way they're doing it, now? I was going to drive out to a nearby campus to watch the presentation and then sign up for an interview, but if they're not even doing interviews there anymore, is it worth going to the presentation (as opposed to just watching the e-presentation)?

An inevitable phone interview brings a new level of stress to the whole process, since I haaaaaate telephone conversations! Of course, I'll suck it up and deal, lol, but I feel like my personality comes through much better in person (not to mention I'm able to gauge facial reactions and go from that)!


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Haha! I've actually never done a phone interview before. I'm not a huge fan of talking on the phone either, but...if it needs to be done then it'll be done. :) Don't you have to turn in the application and role checklist at the presentation anyway? If so, it wouldn't hurt to go.



New Member
Haha! I've actually never done a phone interview before. I'm not a huge fan of talking on the phone either, but...if it needs to be done then it'll be done. :) Don't you have to turn in the application and role checklist at the presentation anyway? If so, it wouldn't hurt to go.


Oo, good point! You can email all of that, apparently (or no, I think the e-presentation said you had to mail it in), but it would probably work better to hand it all in in person. I plan on going to the presentation anyway, just because it'll be fun to talk to other people who are interested in going! :D


Active Member
All interviews are being done by phone now. (Except that our area's recruiter has set up for face-to-face interviews for people who would prefer that at a very few schools where he happens to have extra time to spend. I wouldn't count on that, as he's only doing it at 3 schools in our area, and it's voluntary for the students.)
If you really want to get the process started early, you could watch an e-presentation online at There's all kinds of info on the site that you can check out in the meantime. Last year, I went to the live presentation, but felt that I needed to discuss it with my family before I signed up for anything, so I didn't sign up for an interview there. Then I had to watch the e-pres online and got a phone number to call in and schedule an interview. The e-pres last year included exactly the same videos that they showed at the live presentation, except that you didn't have the opportunity to ask questions or meet the campus rep team (always a bonus! :p ). The campus reps are all alumni who work on campus to promote the program, and love to answer questions. This year, they've re-done the videos, and according to our recruiter, the videos take up a lot more of the presentation time now, with him spending much less time talking. That may make the difference between the e-pres and live presentation minimal. If you do decide to do the e-pres, I would definitely recommend checking out the live presentation too, just so you have the opportunity to interact with some other interested people. If you go to the live presentation, bring the role checklist and application with you, and if you do the e-pres, you have to mail them in.
As far as the phone interview goes, don't worry about it. I can't stand talking on the phone, and I was pacing nervously in my hall's study lounge waiting for the call to come. I suspect the interview went well though, since I got accepted and placed on one of my top choices. Try listening to your favorite music while you're waiting for the call. It can relax you or pump you up, depending on what you're looking for. Also, smile while you talk. It sounds weird, but you really can hear the difference in your voice. Just be yourself, and if you're passionate about the program, the interviewer will know that. If they just chat with you at the beginning before they get to the serious questions, ask them where they're from. Try to find something that you have in common with them. They'll appreciate that you're interested in them too, and that's also the kind of traits that they like to find in CMs. You'll do just fine.
If you have any more questions, PM me and I'll be happy to answer them. After all, that's my job.


I actually ended up doing the e-presentation just because I didn't want to wait the extra like two months to get the ball rolling- SO glad I did! then I found a disney facebook group and ended up finding a campus rep in there, so I asked him any questions I had.... and I HATE talking on the phone as well- the entire time I was interviewing I was pacing the floor, dancing around my room, I just couldn't sit still! haha definitely agree that they can tell you're smiling and excited even though they can't see you! good luck!!!


Well-Known Member
For my first CP, I did the presentation at mt school. It was still live interviews then. But for my 2nd CP, I wanted to audition, and the closest audition took place 2 months before the presentation at my school. So I did the e-presentation. I didn't mind it.


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I'm way too excited to wait until October, so I just finished watching the E-Presentation. I ended up calling to make an interview FIVE MINUTES after the office closed, so I have to do it before I go to work in the morning. Hopefully I can get my intervew scheduled for Wednesday afternoon.


EDIT: I just scheduled my interview about 15-20 minutes ago and it's going to be tomorrow at 4:30 (Central time). I'm so excited! -Britt


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I had my interview yesterday! I was actually a lot less nervous than I thought I would be...but I couldn't keep still. I was sitting for the first part of the interview, then started walking around my house and pacing the room, lol. Theresa (interviewer) said that should hear back by Oct. 15. I just have to put my application and role checklist in the mail. I already had Merchandising, Character Attendant, Operations, Full-Service Food and Beverage checked off (in that order), but then I added Quick Service Food and Beverage to it as well. I can't really tell how the interview actually went, though, because it felt more like a casual conversation rather than an interview, but hopefully it went well because I thought I gave them good answers :) Guess I'll just have to WAIT and see, haha! I'll be glued to the mailbox until I receive something from Disney.



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Just letting you guys know that I got my acceptance packet today, and I'll be a merchandise castmember! :) Thanks for all of your help!!



New Member

Hey everyone, I just got accepted into the spring program yesterday in operations. I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This has been my dream!!!!!!!!!!!!! Feel free to contact me if your doing the spring program and maybe we can the way the phone interviews are awesome just be very excited they can hear it in your voice and the questions are fairly simple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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