News Tron coaster coming to the Magic Kingdom

Mr. Sullivan

Well-Known Member
So, this is now going to cause a damned stampede when the huge crowds are let past the rope at 9am!!

Can Disney not do ANYTHING right? What brainbox thought not letting its resort guests onto the most popular ride during early entry? And instead have to be part of a stampede with non- resort guests at 9am.
I’m sure it will join early entry later but I think it would be unwise to have it on early entry right at the very start of it having standby. The CMs need time to adjust for one thing, and they also need to be able to see what the plan of attack for opening it in the morning is. They would not get an accurate view of that with early entry off the bat. It will be weened off EE closure eventually but this is for now the right move.


New Member
What do you mean by filter in the queue? They can’t stop an unofficial queue forming just outside where they block it off. there becomes a huge congregation of hundreds of people up against where the staff block the walkway...THEN once this is opened there is a full on stampede to the rIde.

Why they cant just open the ride queue when early park entry starts so everyone who wants to get on Tron gets in a first come first served basis rather than whoever is fastest or barges past others the most


New Member
I’m sure it will join early entry later but I think it would be unwise to have it on early entry right at the very start of it having standby. The CMs need time to adjust for one thing, and they also need to be able to see what the plan of attack for opening it in the morning is. They would not get an accurate view of that with early entry off the bat. It will be weened off EE closure eventually but this is for now the right move.
Not sure why that makes a difference.

The safest way is to have a steady filtered flow of people making their way into the queue line (rather than a stampede)

The BEST way of doing this is the actually entrance to the park itself. The steady flow is caused by everyone having to scan their magicbands at the entrance, so there is always that few seconds gap in between every entering guests. By congregating hundreds of people in a holding area (which gets more and more packed the closer to rope drop) and someone saying, "we are now open"..just causes an unnecessary stampede...people running, barging and heaven forbid someone falls over.

Not opening Tron at early entry is potentially going to create quite a few issues.


Well-Known Member
I favor “running with bulls” style.

I miss the days of running at your own risk at rope drop. Great times!!
At least Tokyo somewhat still does it—— a bit watered down these days but it’s still there.


Well-Known Member
I haven’t ridden tron yet. I heard it’s short but is it good?


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