Trips with an Infant?


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Hi everyone..Im taking my 7 month old on his first trip to WDW in August of this year (2011) dh and I are veterans, but have never traveled with a small child...Does anyone have a completed trip report that they have done or that they know of that discusses taking a small child...Im trying to get a good idea of what to expect...Thanks!!


Well-Known Member
I do not know of a trip report or did not actually do one but we just brought our 7 month old last October. I would be happy to help you any way I can or answer any specific questions. But I will say that it was by far the easiest age that we have done yet! Also brought DD 5 and DS 3 on the trip. We have gone once a year since the first was 1. Our baby girl was so great on her first trip, loved the characters, handled the schedule like a trooper. No major hard days or over exhaustion at all.
Where are you guys staying? Some of the resorts can bring a crib to your room which I preferred over the pack and play for her, was more like home.


Well-Known Member
Good Morning! We have four little darlings under 6 :p and have taken them all as advice could be about 10 pages long...but here it is in a nutshell
*have an infant carrier, we favor wraps over bjorns nice break from the stroller and give you more freedom and hands for your other kids, like in FL in MK where you can park your stroller and walk to the attractions...
*nurse on dark rides or dark shows, it is cool and dark so others have no clue and you don't have to stop later (I have nursed through SW, HM, Pirates, SSE, GMR, TTBAB, Mupptes, etc NEVER once did anyone look twice I am very sentive about nursing in public)
*take the Medla steam bags to really CLEAN your cups, bottle, pump parts, pacifers etc...I would take them to the hotel microwave with water for 2mins, each bag can be used 20x, washing in the hotel sink was not enought for me to think they were really clean
*have a fan in the stroller, espically for naps...ours is works on batteries and was 6.00 at Target we attached it with velcro strips...
*have a rain cover, I know people say the ponchos work but they don't when the wind is blowing. Our kids were always high and dry, in fact I had a man offer me 50.00 for mine in EPCOT b/c his kids were SOAKED and crying and more rain was coming for the next day.
*have an extra onise in your diaper bag, if the baby had a really yucky diaper, burps up 1/2 a bottle or is too hot and sweaty a onsie will work as a costume change and not take up space.
*have a towel in your stroller, we put ours down under the baby, because our stroller fabric seemed like it held heat and was not soft...then we could use it to sit on for parades or to dry our stroller or oursleves off from rain, Splash or Kali
*Use the baby care centers, they ROCK and are a nice break, our 3rd a girl was just in foul mood at EPCOT and we were about to leave for the day when we stoped in...I rocked her in a quite room while my other kids played with a lego table with my husband. She calmed down and we stay the rest of the evening to see Illmunations. It was a nice break for the family.
Enjoy and take pictures! I say take them as much as you can before you have to pay:):p


Well-Known Member
Baby care centers are trully great place to take a nice cool quite break with the little ones with out having to leave the parks. Be it diaper change,nap time,feeding time or just hot and cranky the baby care centers are the place to go.


New Member
Glad I found this thread.

We're bringing my daughter to WDW in June/July when she'll be about 6 months so was after some tips and suggestions.

I'll pass all the above onto my wife.


New Member
I never brought my kids that young but my cousin was with us once and had a 6 month old, in August! He was great. Definitely one of the easier ages. Once they start to walk it gets a little dicey!!

I dont have specific advice but the baby just went with the flow. She didnt nurse at this point and just had the bottles packed in cooler bags, did diaper changes in any bathroom (bring something to cover table with, like those inserts in diaper bags that can be disinfected!) and had extra clothes. She also had a fan and made sure to keep the baby out of the sun as much as possible. I think he was the easiest going member of the family on that trip


New Member
Took my 6 month old last October. It was great. She had a great time and napped in the stroller often. I was surprised how many rides she was able to do with her 3 year old sister and my wife.


New Member
We took my daughter for her first trip in July 10, she was 8 months then and had a blast. loved characters! i agree with others on here, the baby centers were great. My wife could nurse while I kept 3yr old son busy coloring, resting in the AC, etc. We went back in Oct 10 and things were great. Can't wait for our July 2011 trip. Both kids are really excited.


Well-Known Member
i can't say garden grocer loud enough. i first found them when we took our 10 month old grandson. as i thought about how much room in our suitcase that the diapers/formula/wipes/babyfood were going to take, and how closely they check the weight of your suitcases now, i knew we couldn't carry it all with us. garden grocer delivers everything you need to your hotel, and it was sooo much easier than bringing it all.
we also got disposable bibsters from them, they're great. no cleaning the bib or carrying bunches of food makes quite the mess of a bib, not like just a bottle!
i agree, it is far easier to take an infant in arms than a toddler. we just took the same little guy back at 2 years old, had to make sure he was always well rested ( which meant going back to the hotel, wouldn't fall asleep in the parks anymore), filled with food, and happy and entertained while we ate at restaurants (translate- actually had to pay attention to him in restaurants, read him a book, etc)


Active Member
Took our daughter last June when she was 7 months and had a blast. She traveled really well and we were able to do much more than expected. Here's a few tips we learned (found a lot of this on the forum!)

- Purchase a sun shade for your stroller - our stroller had a canopy, but it wasn't the best for napping. I found one on Amazon for about $20. It attached to the stroller and completely covered our daughter - a life saver!

- Pack outfits together in ziploc bags. When you leave for the park in the morning, grab a couple extra outfits for your bag. Since they're all packaged together, you don't have to worry about grabbing a top and no bottoms, etc. PLUS, the empty ziploc is a great place to store the dirty outfit until you get back to the resort.

- Baby care centers are awesome...used them multiple times during the day!

- We carried several clean wash cloths in our bag. If she got too warm, we'd take her into the baby care center, soak a wash cloth and wipe her down. Helped tremendously!

- Before we left for the trip, my wife made a little daily "check list" of supplies we'd need each day for feeding, changing, etc. It was easy to go over that in the morning before we left so we remembered everything, but didn't haul around 10x more stuff than we needed.

- Schedule time to return to the resort for "actual" naps at least once during the day. Trying to nap on and off in the stroller just didn't cut it!

- If you are doing a character meal, and are unsure of how the baby will do with the characters, at check in, ask to be seated towards the "end" of one of the characater sections. This worked great - our daughter had plenty of time to see the characters coming and gave us time to get ready. Better than her being surprised when they just showed up at the table.

Have fun and take tons of pictures....we know she'll never remember that trip, but we will!


Active Member
We took our twin daughters to WDW for their first trip when they were 8 months old. The thing we learned really fast was to just to go with the flow. If we didn't see everything or go on every ride it was ok. We booked meals when they would normally eat. We went back to the resort every afternoon during the hottest hours and took naps. We shipped down their food, formula and baby wipes to the resort a week before we got there. We packed a suitcase of diapers and when we left we had an extra suitcase for gifts. We utilized the nice air conditioned baby centers several time. We attached lightweight white receiving blankets to the front of the stroller and it helped block the sun.

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