triplets and twins...amd a teen...HELP!


New Member
I've been "blessed" with 6 children...
4 boys...2 girls...
ages range from 2 - 14

ok now I have a big problem...
as you can tell from the title of my thread...

the triplets are 2 1/2...
twins are 4...
and teen will be turning 15 while there...

we have 2 rooms at the Polynesian...we figured we'd sleep with the twins...while our eldest son sleeps with the triplets...

ok a few questions....

-the triplets still need a crib...although they can get away without one...can we work something out with the resort....we would prefer to have cribs to be on the safe side...

-strollers...does anyone have any tips...we usually have two doubles and a singal between the the three of us...but now that it's our son's birthday I'd like him to be sibling free (his best friend's family is coming with us)....
Does any one know what we can do....our friends have 2 younger children as well....

-dinning...we'd like to be able to dine at some of the resort and park restuarants...but like I said with 5 kids under the age of's quite difficult...any suggestions....

-most importantly...ride situations....will they let 3 people in some vehicles....

we're quite excited....we even bought matching outfits for everyone...we'll be there for 11 days....and have been saving for nearly 5 years....


New Member
WOW... I thought my parents were crazy for taking me, my brother, sister, and 2 cousins with them (ages 8-16). I wish you alot of luck.

Cribs- Haven't needed them in forever. Can't help you there...

Strollers- I know you can't rent them, but after having a mom in the infant room at a day-care for years, the make strollers that seat 6. They are collapsible, but are still bulky when the fold up...

Dining- I personally would suggest character meals. Young kids can eat for pretty cheap and the noise level is pretty loud. But I wll say that not all chilren like the characters. My brother jumped in the bushes at the MK when Goofy was coming by. He also ate a meal under the table a Chef Mickeys. If you're brave enough, you might want to leave one parent in the room with the kids, while the other ones takes the teen out for a nice meal.

Rides- They will let 3 people ride together on rides like Peter Pan, Spaceship Earth and stuff like that. It's no problem.

I hope all this helps!
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by BRER STITCH


I second that.

God Bless you.

Ok here is my advice. Poly will give you a crib, there is no reason they won't give you 3. If you ask in advice they might be able to give you 3 pack in plays instead of the normal hotel crib that can be kinda flimsly (I don't know how big your triplets are). Great that you are on the monorail line.

Maybe bring one double, and rent one if needed or get a tripple for the trip and and take a double too. (the 4 year olds might only need the stroller in the parks ect... ) The price of a rental can add up and make it worth it to buy a good one yourself. Get rain covers for what ever kind of stroller you get. They are really important while at WDW.

Many rides do allow 3 people, especially if one of them is small. (most of the "dark rides", pooh, peter pan, snow white ect...) Others hold much more then 3 (small world, PC, ect..) you should be fine with the rides and using baby swap if you need it for hight requirement rides. My sugestion is get fast pass and spilt up for those kinds of rides. Also get some walkie talkies. (you should get a set with 3 or more so the teen can have one too, better yet 2 sets and give one to your friends also.) This can really help with spilting up and meeting up again, even for small things such as one person getting a fast pass while others get the food.

All you can eat should be good, under 3 is free and it has something for everyone (3 to 10 is around 12$ and 10 and up is normally around 20$ per person.) I like the Land in Epcot, Crystal Palce in MK. There are ones at each resort, and many in each park. There also are some good fast food places, that have large eating spaces, but you might want to plan to eat at off times. (Tusker house in AK and Colmibia Harbor House in MK are our favorties.)

Poly is wonderful, you will have a great time. If you find yourself crazy enough to return in the future, consider renting points for DVC, there 2 bedroom would be great for you and that way you would have a full kicthen and washer and drier too.

Good Luck and God Bless again.

Mrs. PhD.
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:lol: :lol: I guess I forgot what a shock my situation can be...
my son likes to refer to us as the "ghetto" Brady Brunch

Thank you very much DisneyPhD and Kosherkid411...and Brer Stitch your comment made me laugh....

I'm glad we can get pack in plays...I feel much safer this never know....our toodlers aren't that big...the tallest may be 26 inches....

we've worked park arrangements like this:
the older boys will venture on thier own....together!
both husbands will take the three girls....
us ladies will stick with the 4 toddlers....
Thanks for the suggestion on the walkie talkies...that will help greatly...
we can probably get away with a rented double at the parks...this would be perfect for the three girls...they're tiny enough to fit in this way they can sit for the parades and walks between the rides....
we'll stick with 2 doubles that we'll bring from home for the toddlers...

I'm glad to hear that we can get away with three on a ride...the children aren't that they're shouldn't be any problem....

OH...I would love to get a few character meals in....that slipped my mind....since the younger kids eat for less we may be able to squeeze an extra one in.....

New question.... (sorry):rolleyes:

- we'd like to take our son out for his Birthday Dinner...just the 6 of us....4 adults 2 they're any way we can get in-room baby sitting....the girls will love the kids club at the resort....but since the toddlers will be sleeping....I'd rather just have someone watch them in the that possible

Thanks for all your help and blessings...I'm really thankful...
It may sound like a lot....and believe is....but we can't even think about what out lives would be like without even one of them....

Personal opinion time....from my son...
"Do you guys think it's cute to have the kids....(both twins and triplets are identical...what are the odds) wear matching outfits...."

thankyou again...
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Well-Known Member
yikes you are gonna need a vacation from that vacation. hopw you guys have a great time, im coming down in jan maybe youll still be there trying to get organized
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My goodness....I just realized I made an error on my first post....sorry...

bhg...I'll wave to you as you drive by us....we'll be the family with juice box stains, sunblock noses, and 3 sure to wave back...we'll still be trying to get all the kids to the parks....I wouldn't put it past us if it takes nearly 7 months to figure disney out:veryconfu

my husband called the POLY tonight....they said that 3 play in pens would not be a problem....they could also accomadate us with a fridge and high chair if well as a personal golf cart....

bought the cutest hawaiian shirts for the kids....teen didn't want to participate though :rolleyes: we'll change that....I bet $10 he'll be dancing with mickey by the second day!
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Originally posted by Yellow Shoes
I know you've already decided on the cribs, but the hotels also have bed rails available.

the only problem we found with that the kids were still able to "escape" and roam the rooms....
when the twins were 3 they ransacked the mini-bar early one morning....our bill was nearly $400 more from our little devils....

although now that you mention it....we're not sure of what the pack and plays are...size maybe it will be something to consider....

thanks for your help...
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I'm only taking one set of 4 year old twins and a 7 year old so God bless you!:sohappy: Question for Yellow Shoes--Do all the resorts have bed rails? We're staying at the All Star Movies and they would be a big help. Do I call and make a request for them or just ask when I arrive? I had thought I would rent 2 strollers but after reading about strollers on here I got on and bought 2 chicco caddy umbrella strollers. They come with a rain shield and carry bag and only weigh 11 pounds. I bought a mesh bag for storage as it doesn't have any storage bag. I figured it would cost me $100 to rent 2 strollers for 5 days and these cost $95 so when I come back I can sell them and make some money.
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Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
I know about the bed rails because one was left in our room at the Wilderness Lodge. It was one of those Fisher Price mesh ones that folds down.

Because I tend to be a worrier and over-planner, I think I would call the hotel directly and ask if they have them. Then I would call whomever you made reservations through to get "needs bed rails" added to your reservation. (as I recall, the hotel doesn't get your information until 3 days or so before you check in)
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momx3....what a small world....I hope you enjoy your trip...I would have liked to have gone down sooner...when my son was younger...but I figure this would be the best time....
Hope you guys have a great time!

Thanks for the babysitting link sounds perfect...

:lol: :lol: RU42....I second that...most likely I'll stick hubby in the boys room with the bed rails to be on the safe side....:lol:

thanks for all your help...

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Well-Known Member
Shey, I just realized that your advatar must be your tiplets, how adorable and wonderful! I just love it. :)

They have graco pack and plays, just the standard size, but it worked fine for DD who weighed around 21 pounds at the time. (she is a tiny todler!)

I have heard a only good things about Fairy Godmothers. I even booked them for our last trip, but we used the money on centra care instead. Plan on trying it again next trip. It is pricey (I think 12$ and hour, but it might not be a limit on how many kids, I forget.) I will PM you with the number if you like, I have to look where I put it :hammer:

Go for the dressing up, everyone is going to be looking at you anyway, might as well make it good! Also helps in finding lost members of the group.

On that note there is a bit of advice on not lossing tolders on line. Many people suggest getting ID tags for them, putting their names and your names on them along with the resort youa re staying at. BTW, WDW cast members are very good with lost children, but you don't want to find that our 1st hand.
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Well-Known Member
Shey, my 2 year old DD just walked in the room and saw your advatar and said "wow mommy 3 babies!" She laughed for a while and thought it was great!
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Shey--About the matching clothes (which I still do with my daughters) I wondered if you saw the personalized tees in the summer Disney Store Catalog. They are neat! You can pick from 6 different character art and then get whatever you want them to say on them up to 3 lines of 36 characters each. They are on page 56.
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i think it would be cute to have matching clothes for a should have the whole family wear matching stuff like the same color or something :)
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Oh why thankyou...

yes those are the little was actually a photo shoot done by one of my husbands best friends....that was the only one that really came out well...

Momx3...Oh that sounds great! we don't have a Disney store catalog yet...but I'm heading to the mall this weekend...maybe I can pick one up....that sounds like it would be perfect...

DisneyPhd...I love the name tag idea....actually now that you mention it...I forgot that my sister picked up three baseball jersey's while down there this summer....I sent them to My mother-in-law and she sewed on each of my son's names....and included a number in which they came out...
Adrian- 01 (tigger jersey)
Brant- 02 (mickey jersey)
Christian- 03 (pluto jersey)
they're quite cute....
we were thinking of getting the younger kids the mouseketeer hats as well....each with they're name on the back....
maybe ID braclets for the older boys...just in case

crmatch- we may just give you a call....although I found out that my husband's brother will be moving down there in May....just outside the Orlando area....he said we can give him a call if we need a baby sitter....not sure if I trust him with 6 kids though...

I'm so glad matching outfits is liked....I've already bought several outfits form baby Gap.....and limited two...
my oldest son still won't participate...but I'm sure he'll come I said we already have our hawaiian shirts when we check in...

:lol: :lol: just got the cutest idea for a homemade shirt....snow white and the seven dwarfs....
myself- snow white...
husband- doc....
teen- Grumpy...

thanks again for all your help!
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Well-Known Member
With your teen, I wouldn't push him to dress like you guys, he's a teenager, and probably doesn't want to look like a dork with all those cute girls down there. However, you might want to mention that most girls think it's cute to see a big brother taking care of his siblings, especially if they are young.
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