Trip Report July 26 through August 8, 2008

Hello everyone!

Like some have done before, I thought I would start my trip report to WDW before I go and finish it up when I return. I'm starting it now because I know I won't have time later this week.

My family consists of myself, Male 43, my wife 45, and my two daughters ages 8 and 10. This will be me and my wife's 5th trip and my kid's 2nd trip back to WDW. We last visited last summer, this is our first back to back WDW vacation and we probably won't return for a few years after.

Our vacation will start on Saturday, July 26th and we will return home on August 8th. We'll be driving down and back in our 2006 Chrysler Town & Country touring minivan.

On this trip my wife and I will be celebrating our 21st wedding anniversary.

We decided to make an effort to finally visit Universal this time, we've never been, and we will do SeaWorld as well, before we do WDW. It is the fact that we haven't visited Universal before that we are justifying our return to WDW again so soon, not that anyone needs to have a reason, my wife's idea.

On the first day we're going to drive south starting at 5:00 AM from northern Illinois to just south of Chicago through Indiana, Kentucky Tennessee and stop in northern Georgia overnight. Sunday morning we then will continue south and take the bypass around Atlanta to avoid the road construction that is going on downtown and continue south through Georgia into Florida. We plan on being on Universal's property mid to late afternoon Sunday before 6:00PM, hopefully earlier. We have reservations at the Portofino Bay Hotel, we requested a bay view room. We are staying on Universal's property for 4 nights, we want to do both Universal parks and SeaWorld. If we have time we'll do other diversions we don't normally get to do, pool time for the kids, shopping and other such frivolities around Orlando proper. We'll also do some resting up around the hotel before embarking on our WDW adventure, because that is one thing we won't be doing once we get there. We don't have a real plan as far as which parks we'll do when, probably SeaWorld last. We like to plan but we also like a little spontaneity as well.

We will leave Portofino on Thursday morning 7/31/08 and check into the Contemporary resort early, before noon if possible. We requested an MK view, on a higher floor. We have ADRs for Chef Mickey's that morning, the last seating time. We haven't done Chef Mickeys since 1987.
We plan on hitting MK that first day with no real itinerary, I would like to hit the Haunted Mansion imeadiately because I missed it last year due to the refurbishment and haven't rode it since 1990, but my kids have never seen it before and I want them to experience it the same way I did for the first time as a kid in 1973, at night, I'm a sentimental fool, I guess.

The next day August 1st is our Anniversary and as I mentioned we're staying at the Contemporary, which was our honeymoon hotel 21 years before. When we made the reservations last summer the person we talked to said we could request the same room we stayed in then, but that isn't important to us, so we didn't request it. We will do MK on this day as well, we have ADRs for dinner at CRT for our anniversary, not necessarily me and my wife's first choice, our kids wanted to do it. We decided to celebrate our anniversary as a family instead of just as a couple. There will be plenty of opportunities to do the couple thing when the kids are grown and out of the house. We will do MK again on our last day before going home, too depressing not to.

We plan on hitting MK, Epcot, AK and DHS on their late EMH days, my wife has written down the days, we'll have to check to make sure they don't change, I think as the days fall we won't be able to do late EMH at DHS, I don't remember. One thing, we will be doing less TS dining than we did last time. We wasted a lot of time sitting in restaurants last year.

That's the general plan, we have been preparing for this trip since last July. We are now about 95% packed thanks to my wife. The only thing left is my stuff. I had the van cleaned out, washed and waxed and had the oil changed.

Our trip is only 7 days away and the pressure is on. It seems I've been counting the days and it's here all of a sudden! Just yesterday I remember it being 368 days away! My wife has been cleaning the house and I have to mow the lawn one last time, if it ever stops raining, it's raining now as I write this.

I've been preparing things at work, I'm at work now. I've been ordering extra supplies and delegating some of my responsibilites so my absence won't be too keenly felt. Being away from work for two weeks is not something I normally do, it does make it worse coming back. Not only will everything be piled on my desk and my computer filled with unread emails but being in the zombie state that first day back is a killer. I'll try not to think about it and let that foul day worry about itself for now!

I'm really looking forward to this vacation. We did the awkward "first time back in 17 years" last year and got through most of the new stuff that we never experienced. Our touring, I anticipate, will be better this time around. Our kids have matured a bit more and since this trip is not a surprise to them I've been coaching them about the rides they were too scared to try last time and the new ones they'll see at Universal. I think they may want to try some of them, we'll see. If not, I won't push them too hard, but I really think being more ready this time they'll want to do more. They're adamant that they won't do ToT, they won't negotiate on that one for sure, disappointing, but not unexpected, after the "freak out" they had last year when my wife and I did the swap thing in line and they thought they were going to ride, despite our reassurances that they weren't. They also told me most certainly they are not doing Dr. Doom's fearfall either.

I'll continue to add to this post before we go if I have anything else to report, otherwise I'll add what happened when I return.

Thanks for reading in advance!


New Member
Nice report. I look forward to reading any additions before or when you return. Maybe I'll find some time and do a "pre-trip" report as well (we leave 9/1 for 8 nights at the Coronado for our 25th wedding anniversary).


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Nice report. I look forward to reading any additions before or when you return. Maybe I'll find some time and do a "pre-trip" report as well (we leave 9/1 for 8 nights at the Coronado for our 25th wedding anniversary).
Thank you and congrats on your anniversary, I hope you have fun!
Getting up this morning (Sunday) I see that it has rained overnight, I may or may not get to the lawn today. Rain is in the forcast today and tomorrow. I really hate mowing during the week and I like to do it on the weekends. After work yesterday I helped my wife by ironing and folding her shirts. I have a special way of doing it so when you pack them they won't get wrinkled much. We played Millebornes with the kids till 10:00 PM. If the grass doesn't dry out, I'll work on getting my stuff packed today.


New Member
You will LOVE the Magic Kingdom view from the Contemporary. Make sure you plan a night where you can watch Wishes from the balcony. The music, unfortunately, isn't too loud, but it's a great view [no back's of people's heads!] that not too many people get to experience.

Have fun!!


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You will LOVE the Magic Kingdom view from the Contemporary. Make sure you plan a night where you can watch Wishes from the balcony. The music, unfortunately, isn't too loud, but it's a great view [no back's of people's heads!] that not too many people get to experience.

Have fun!!
Thanks Belle15, when we last stayed at the Contemporary we watched Fantasy in the Sky (1987) and it was great. We could hear the music very well. I'm anticipating wishes to be even better.


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Have fun. Nothing like celebrating at the World!

Safe journey's!
Thanks K&K, We'll be driving right through Louisville this Saturday on I-65, right around noon, if we keep on schedule. I hate driving on bridges, especially really long ones. The JFK bridge that crosses the Ohio river into Louisville from Indiana is one of two that I have to drive over on the way to WDW.


New Member
So did you ever get to cutting your lawn? My husband was supposed to ump six baseball games Saturday at a tournament that were a total wash out. They were going to do six yesterday starting at 9 a.m. and had to push the start time back to 12:30 p.m. because it POURED at 3:30 in the morning and they had to refix all the fields. They finally got five suspended games in (I think they cut them to 1 hour and 15 minute each).

I spent the afternoon while he was gone washing my car and my youngest son's car (he's in Dubuque working a wrestling camp). Then I pulled weeds and then I got my Mousekeeping envelopes printed up and wrote out all my ADR's.


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The weather stayed dry the rest of Sunday in my area so I was able to get the lawn mowed, the grass was wet in the morning from the storm you mentioned at 3:00 AM, but dried up by noon. I have a very large yard so it takes some time, no 30 minute job. It usually takes me a few hours. That was one big monkey off my back! We still have to call and stop the mail we're continuing the newspaper because we don't know the people who are delivering it and we don't want to tip anyone off that we're gone. My father-in-law lives across the street so he's watching the house for us. He'll pick up the paper, he reads our paper anyway when we're done with it the rest of the time. We're on a first name basis with the person who delivers our mail (also a WDW fan) so there are no worries there.


New Member
Thanks K&K, We'll be driving right through Louisville this Saturday on I-65, right around noon, if we keep on schedule. I hate driving on bridges, especially really long ones. The JFK bridge that crosses the Ohio river into Louisville from Indiana is one of two that I have to drive over on the way to WDW.

I'll wave! I can see the I-65 from my front porch!


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I'll wave! I can see the I-65 from my front porch!
From which direction? I'd like to wave back!:wave:

Yesterday afternoon at work during a meeting the subject of vacations came up, my boss is on vacation the same time I am. I was asked if I was bringing a GPS mapping system with me for my drive down to WDW. I said I wasn't though my father-in-law offered me to use his. Everyone at the meeting pushed me to borrow it, they said it comes in real handy. I'm still one of those guys that likes to memorize the route and carry paper maps with him, in case of a detour, sooo 20th century, right! They convinced me to give it a try.

When I got home last night my wife's parents were over. My wife was showing them pictures on the computer of the Portofino Bay hotel at Universal, my FIL being of Italian descent really appreciated the look of it. They were leaving on a senior citizen casino bus trip to some casino in Iowa, and stopped by to see us, because they wouldn't be back in time before we left on our trip this Saturday. I asked to see his GPS thingy and he gladly went across the street to his house to get it.

When he returned we talked a bit about the detail of our drive down and he asked when we were leaving. I told him we planned to go at 5:00 AM Saturday morning. My wife interupted and corrected me and said that we were leaving at 3:00 AM. I looked at her as if she was joking, seriously thinking she was. When she reiterated I became confused. She told me that her and the kids had decided they wanted to leave earlier and that was that, but since I was the driver it was up to me if it was too early.

Now, I'm no wimp when it comes to sleep deprivation, but I was taken aback by the females in my life suddenly telling me they didn't need sleep, since I'm the only one in the house who doesn't get enough of it!

I made the argument that leaving at 3:00 AM means getting up a lot earlier, sure, we can have the van packed the previous day, but just getting herself and the kids ready to go is a marathon. I can get showered, teeth brushed, dressed and out the door in 20 minutes if need be. My wife and daughters are another matter, they would need to get up at 1:00 AM to get out by 3:00 AM minimum, and we probably still wouldn't get out the door until 4:00 AM!

She thought about it and said maybe they would consider leaving at 4:00 AM instead. As of now it is still in the air as to when we're taking off, I still say we'd be lucky to leave by 5:00 AM. That was our goal last year and we weren't on the road until 8:30 AM!:brick:

I used my FIL's GPS for my drive to work this morning and it works very well, I may never use a paper map again!

We bought the license plate sticker for our van a little early, because it expires in August, and we heard that in some states their interpretation of "expired" is August 1st instead of August 31st, never had a problem in Illinois, but I don't have a clue about the other states we'll be driving through. We didn't want to take a chance. I'll stick that baby on when I get home tonight.

My plan is to pack the van partially this Thursday afternoon and complete it Friday, now that I'll be going to bed earlier Friday night. I still say I'm going to be the only one up, drinking my coffee in the wee hours of Saturday morning all alone reading weather reports and road conditions on the internet. Maybe they'll suprise me, let's hope!

More later.


New Member
From which direction? I'd like to wave back!:wave:

Yestersday afternoon at work during a meeting the subject of vacations came up, my boss is on vacation the same time I am. I was asked if I was bringing a GPS mapping system with me for my drive down to WDW. I said I wasn't though my father-in-law offered me to use his. Everyone at the meeting pushed me to borrow it, they said it comes in real handy. I'm still one of those guys that likes to memorize the route and carry paper maps with him, in case of a detour, sooo 20th century, right! They convinced me to give it a try.

When I got home last night my wife's parents were over. My wife was showing them pictures on the computer of the Portofino Bay hotel at Universal, my FIL being of Italian descent really appreciated the look of it. They were leaving on a senior citizen casino bus trip to some casino in Iowa, and stopped by to see us, because they wouldn't be back in time before we left on our trip this Saturday. I asked to see his GPS thingy and he gladly went across the street to his house to get it.

When he returned we talked a bit about the detail of our drive down and he asked when we were leaving. I told him we planned to go at 5:00 AM Saturday morning. My wife interupted and corrected me and said that we were leaving at 3:00 AM. I looked at her as if she was joking, seriously thinking she was. When she reiterated I became confused. She told me that her and the kids had decided they wanted to leave earlier and that was that, but since I was the driver it was up to me if it was too early.

Now, I'm no wimp when it comes to sleep deprivation, but I was taken aback by the females in my life suddenly telling me they didn't need sleep, since I'm the only one in the house who doesn't get enough of it!

I made the argument that leaving at 3:00 AM means getting up a lot earlier, sure, we can have the van packed the previous day, but just getting herself and the kids ready to go is a marathon. I can get showered, teeth brushed, dressed and out the door in 20 minutes if need be. My wife and daughters are another matter, they would need to get up at 1:00 AM to get out by 3:00 AM minimum, and we probably still wouldn't get out the door until 4:00 AM!

She thought about it and said maybe they would consider leaving at 4:00 AM instead. As of now it is still in the air as to when we're taking off, I still say we'd be lucky to leave by 5:00 AM. That was our goal last year and we weren't on the road until 8:30 AM!:brick:

I used my FIL's GPS for my drive to work this morning and it works very well, I may never use a paper map again!

We bought the license plate sticker for our van a little early, because it expires in August, and we heard that in some states their interpretation of "expired" is August 1st instead of August 31st, never had a problem in Illinois, but I don't have a clue about the other states we'll be driving through. We didn't want to take a chance. I'll stick that baby on when I get home tonight.

My plan is to pack the van partially this Thursday afternoon and complete it Friday, now that I'll be going to bed earlier Friday night. I still say I'm going to be the only one up, drinking my coffee in the wee hours of Saturday morning all alone reading weather reports and road conditions on the internet. Maybe they'll suprise me, let's hope!

More later.

Where in Northern Illinois do you live? We live in the west suburbs of Chicago but have been all around the state with our son for his wrestling.
We used to drive when the kids were young and then when we went in 2000 for our oldest son's baseball trip where they played games at Disney we finally decided to fly (which was like pulling teeth--I hate to fly).


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Where in Northern Illinois do you live?
I'm live now in Northern McHenry County, unincorporated town, I'm from Chicago originally. I lived on the northeast side in uptown as an adult for a few years. I was born on the westside and lived as a small child in the Austin neighborhood.


New Member
I'm live now in Northern McHenry County, unincorporated town, I'm from Chicago originally. I lived on the northeast side in uptown as an adult for a few years. I was born on the westside and lived as a small child in the Austin neighborhood.

My best friend and her husband who are traveling with us live in McHenry. I'm from Chicago originally--lived on the northwest side, my husband grew up 2 miles from Wrigley. We lived in his parents building the first 10 years of our marriage and then moved to Carol Stream.


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My best friend and her husband who are traveling with us live in McHenry. I'm from Chicago originally--lived on the northwest side, my husband grew up 2 miles from Wrigley. We lived in his parents building the first 10 years of our marriage and then moved to Carol Stream.
You and your husband must be big Cub fans like me, this is our year!
I love Chicago, I'd move back if it were just me, but the McHenry area is a better place to raise kids, IMHO.


New Member
You and your husband must be big Cub fans like me, this is our year!
I love Chicago, I'd move back it it were just me, but the McHenry area is a better place to raise kids, IMHO.

Die hard Cub fans! We better start playing...this road trip has been brutual. My oldest threw out the first pitch at Wrigley when he turned 16; he's going to the game tomorrow night and we are all going on Sunday and sitting in one of the skyboxes (a once a year treat from my boss).

You are is better to raise your kids where you are. I love Chicago, but would not want to raise my kids in the city.


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Die hard Cub fans! We better start playing...this road trip has been brutual. My oldest threw out the first pitch at Wrigley when he turned 16; he's going to the game tomorrow night and we are all going on Sunday and sitting in one of the skyboxes (a once a year treat from my boss).

You are is better to raise your kids where you are. I love Chicago, but would not want to raise my kids in the city.
Our sales manager where I work is giving up some Cubs tickets to the salaried employees, unfortunately I'll be in Florida when he does, RATS! The same thing happened last year! I haven't been back to Wrigley since I left the city, I used to catch the El at N. Lawrence and get off at Addison.
My wife's from Chicago originally as well, she was from near Laramie and Belmont Aves.


New Member
Our sales manager where I work is giving up some Cubs tickets to the salaried employees, unfortunately I'll be in Florida when he does, RATS! The same thing happened last year! I haven't been back to Wrigley since I left the city, I used to catch the El at N. Lawrence and get off at Addison.
My wife's from Chicago originally as well, she was from near Laramie and Belmont Aves.

I grew up Montrose and Central; hubby at Irving and Western. My husband and his dad used to take the kids to the games and they would walk (rather than drive and pay to park) and they would play stink fish on the sidewalk all the way there.

I'll lift a beer to you when I'm there on Sunday.

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