Just a blog post about some guy who probably was fired and wanted to get even. Also I don't know if this blog article should be featured here do to its abundance of vulgar language.
I am a CM, and I, for the most part, enjoy working for this company. So no, not everything is bad like the article states. And yes, it does come off as just a disgruntled rant.
However, I am also a 120lbs 5'4", female and I have been shoved, grabbed, spanked, spit on, told "I will put you into the ground!" asked if I masturbated, called every colorful word you can imagine including (but not limited to) "racist," "b****," "a******," "c***" among others. In only ONE of these examples was the guest chastised in any way (the guy who threatened to kill me.)
In one situation, a guest tried to use a Fastpass during extra magic hours at night, even though he wasn't staying at a Disney resort. The guy working the FP line wouldn't allow him (as per the rules), the guest started causing a scene, so I joined in to support my fellow CM (I.e., "I'm sorry sir. These are the rules. The CM is doing the right thing. I'm sorry for your troubles, but unfortunately the park is only open to resort guests right now...." Stuff like that.) The guest then called me a "f-ing b," and he called the other guy "retarded," and a "f-ing f****t," and then shoved me out of the way to push the guy CM to the ground and yelled that he was gonna have "all [our] f'ing jobs," in front of TONS of kids, mind you.
Do you know what happened when the manager got out there? Not only did he let him use his FP, he also gave him tickets that would allow him to stay in the park for all of EMH (back when it was 3 hours!) as well as enough FPs for all the rides in the park.
Or how about the time a 4 year old punched my even more petite co-worker in the stomach for telling him he wasn't quite tall enough (just FYI, I was in the position next to her and was pregnant at the time, so had it been me getting punched, the situation could have been worse). The dad then told her, "You deserved that, !" So we called a coordinator, who not only DIDN'T measure the kid, he also just immediately backdoored them and put the whole family on the ride, safety regulations be d*mned.
These things happen every day, and the worst of the worst guests are being rewarded for their bad behavior, while decent ones who accept the rules and would normally walk away from being told "no" get absolutely nothing for complying with that answer graciously and with a kind, though maybe disappointed, acceptance.
Yeah, maybe it was "just a rant," but CMs have a LOT to rant about when it comes to the treatment by guests and management.
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