Treasure planet!


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I didn`t know where to put this thread and I figured if it didn`t belong here Steve or one of the mods would move it.
I saw Treasure planet tonight and I thought it was breathetakingly awesome! has anyone else seen this movie? If so what did you think of it?:D

General Grizz

New Member
I haven't seen it. But how do you compare it to Atlantis and why? I think I might wait for doesn't have that appeal that other films have had...

Quentin Disney

New Member
Can someone please give me a really good reason to see this movie? I just can't connect with any of the characters from the previews and such.

In jest, I like to refer to Treasure Planet as "Alantis II: Treasure Planet" for obvious reasons.


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Original Poster
Originally posted by grizzlyhall
I haven't seen it. But how do you compare it to Atlantis and why? I think I might wait for doesn't have that appeal that other films have had...
Compared to ATLANTIS I would say treasure planet blows Atlantis out of the water! Much Much Better! I will definately see Treasure planet again. Why? cause for one thig it flowed better and I love the story.:D


Well-Known Member
People should go see this movie. It's simply amazing. It's a great story with incredible action sequences. Jim Hawkins and John Silver are really strong characters. I think this is the best pure Disney movie (Non-Pixar) since Tarzan. Though, a bit of warning. It's not a cute, fuzzy movie like Lilo & Stitch and Monster's Inc were. It's dark and violent and may not be suitable for young children. But if you can handle that and accept the futuristic setting, you should really enjoy this film. I think the problem most critics had with it was that they couldn't accept the science fiction style of the movie, but the story itself was fine. One critic was right, it's basically Treasure Island with a Star Wars twist and it's really well done. This is what Atlantis should have been.


New Member
i have not seen it. but i will say this much. my local movie critic liked he's the type i dislike he hates 90% of the good movies out there no plots, blah blah blah....he liked treasure planet. good enough for me.


Originally posted by Quentin Disney
Can someone please give me a really good reason to see this movie? I just can't connect with any of the characters from the previews and such.

In jest, I like to refer to Treasure Planet as "Alantis II: Treasure Planet" for obvious reasons.

Come on guys, Treasure Planet is not Atlantis!!! They are two totally different movies, aside from both being adventure type expiditions. First of all, Treasure Planet is based on a classic novel, so you know the storyline must be better than Atlantis.

This movie has everything Atlantis didn't: characters you can grasp onto, hilarious sidekicks, an awesome villain, a montage with a great song, Not to mention some of the most amazing animation I've ever seen (this last part is excluded from the "things Atlantis didn't have" category)

Don't wait for the DVD, go see Treasure Planet NOW on the BIG SCREEN where every movie was meant to be seen, and if there ever was an animated movie meant to be seen on the BIG screen, Treasure Planet is it!!!! The action sequences and well, Long John Silver will blow you away!!!!!


Saw it last night and thought it was the best animated movie that Disney has done for a long time. My ten year old son loved it. It's simply stunning visually, they've done a great job adapting the story and I don't think it's really any scarier than most Disney animated films. The robot and Morph are great comic relief and Jim Hawkins is the most likable hero since Simba. Go see it, don't wait, it's a big screen experience.


Well-Known Member
I saw Treasure Planet and thought it wa great! You know, for the past umpteen animated films Disney has released in the past ten years, just about every one of them has gotten at least 3 stars from the local critic here, and numerous other critics I listen to. This was the first to only get 2 stars (!), but I'd have to disagree here. (The same guy gave Atlantis a higher rating, and although I liked Atlantis, I like Treasure Planet more). Besides all the great effects, the real fun part is the classic story.

The one downside I could actually notice, though, was that Ben, the robot, came into the story really late and there was little chance to develop his character. But I still liked Ben!

I keep hearing critics complain that Treasure Island has been adopted into a movie too many times, but for the children out there, this is a great movie to introduce them to the classic story (unless they have already seen Muppet Treasure Island, another superb movie :) )


Well-Known Member
I second everything that has been said here. We saw Treasure Planet last night and it was really great. I thought the animation was awesome. I had heard that Disney recommended seeing it in IMAX theaters or large-format screens, but since we don't live real close to an IMAX we just went to the regular theater. After seeing the animation I'm thinking we may need to track down an IMAX. I think it would be stunning on the huge screen.

Mr D

New Member
Excellant movie!

There is really a serious problem at Disney, for some years now Eisner has been the object of ridicule, skepticism and animosity from multiple directions. The media, stockholders, and mostly the public has lost faith in Disney and yes ITS EISNERS FAULT.

So the critics automatically condemned TP while wearing their blinders.

The public was afraid of a repeat of Atlantis.

And yes it came out at least a year late, Eisners money managing of course.....

My absolute take on it all....

My 5 and 8 year olds, myself saw TP last night, we loved it!!
It reminded me of the Iron Giant, our favorite.

IMHO it was nearly as good as Tarzan, animation and background stunning, a pure original Disney film.

Those of you that felt it was nothing less have no real idea of What makes good Disney anymore and again thats Eisners fault.
This film should have been greenlighted and pushed into release a long time ago, again there was nothing at all wrong with it and for those kids that were not impressed it just shows how conditioned society has become of the lackluster leadership Disney has had to endure these last few years.


New Member
I loved Treasure Planet. It really was an awesome movie. The perviews don't do it justice.
I can't wait to see it again.:sohappy:


New Member
treasure planet was awsome, the best characters were Morph and BEN. BEN was really funny anf morph just cracked me up every time he would do somthing. Go see this movie, I hope it doesn't bomb it has some really tough compitition in the box office.


Well-Known Member
HAven't seen it yet, but stories like this one don't offer me much encouragement. :(

Disney's latest film, Treasure Planet, has become a box-office disaster in the US.

The film, an updated version of Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island, cost over $140 m (£94m) but grossed only $16.5m (£11m) in the US and Canada over the Thanksgiving weekend.

The film was such a gamble for the famous studio that Disney's animation unit chief, Thomas Shumacher, is reported to be thinking about leaving the division because of its failure.


Well-Known Member
Well, I saw it at an IMAX theater last week and I thought it was very good. It seemed to start off a bit slow but began to pick up considerably after the first fifteen minutes or so.

Besides being possibly one of the most lavish and rich animated features to be made by Disney to date the story gets its origins from a well established classic that truly has time tested appeal.

People who haven’t seen it seem to want to compare it to Atlantis for some reason but the two are nothing alike… What strikes me as funny is that this movie is far superior to Atlantis in just about every way and yet it is getting off to a far worse start…

There are a lot of factors that come into play when thinking about how this movie is doing in theaters and I can honestly say that the quality of the movie itself isn’t much of one. Disney released it in the middle of stiff competition on a holiday weekend and did a very poor job of marketing the movie.

While it is clear that it is not going to be a blockbuster, I’m very surprised that the company is so willing to write this thing off. It is almost as if they were expecting it to bomb or like someone wants it to… In interviews, people from Disney are quick to admit that they may not have properly marketed this movie and yet I’ve seen no indication that they are about to change course on doing so. One would think they would be trying to take some kind of corrective action but it looks like they have no faith in it themselves


Mr Promey,
I think you are right. It seems to me that the film is aimed at teen and preteen audiences and yet it doesn't seem to be marketed that way at all. It's really not a little kids movie. All the marketing wisdom suggests that the teen age group is the one driving a lot of decision making in families on how entertainment dollars are spent. I know it's certainly that way at my house:lol:
My 13 year old daughter was completely rabid to see it, being a sci-fi as well as Disney fan. The whole teen angst theme in the film was well done. We thought it was one of the few movies out now aimed at the whole family so we were thrilled, there's just not that much out there to chose from that everyone can enjoy. My advice? Go see it on the big screen while you can!


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Possible spoiler enclosed here

Well we just got home from seeing it and we absolutely LOVED it. But you may not want to listen to my review because I know mostly everyone here adored Lilo and Stitch and I thought that was a major bore. (Sorry, couldn't bond with Stitch)

How come it seems like whenever Disney tries to do more of a intellectually stimulating movie they bomb? Is it because people like to sit there like blobs and just be mindlessly engrossed?

Anyway--the movie was amazing, the characters were astounding, and the music was enjoyable. Besides which it was based on a CLASSIC NOVEL....something to get the kids reading Treasure Island perhaps? Doesn't matter for me, my 12 year old has already read it twice.

Does anyone know what Jim became at the end of the movie? What was the white outfit?


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