Transportation nightmare at MK (6/16)

Yankee Mouse

Well-Known Member
There will still certainly be issues with re-routing buses, as it won't be a perfect solution. However, with the additional bus stops, they'll now have extra bays to route the buses to (along with additional covered queue space to hold more guests waiting). And it's possible that with the expansion, perhaps they will add a permanent bus stop for the TTC.

We'll have to see what happens - at least with the expansion of the bus depot, there's the possibility of a better outcome in a situation like the OP described. Ultimately, there's only so much that can be done when that large of a crowd exits at the same time.

Agreed. I guess it goes back to my original point though, which I am not sure I made in my original response. As great as the show is of the monrail/ferry building up your entrance to MK, it just may not be as practical in this day and age. So maybe it is time for regular buses between MK/TTC.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. I guess it goes back to my original point though, which I am not sure I made in my original response. As great as the show is of the monrail/ferry building up your entrance to MK, it just may not be as practical in this day and age. So maybe it is time for regular buses between MK/TTC.

I don't know if I would go so far as saying it's not practical. The ferry and monorail both move a large amount of people, more than a bus (or even a couple of busses) can do at one time. When the ferries and monorails are all running efficiently, it's very effective. The problem is when the weather (or a technical issue) causes one or both to stop or reduce operations.

I do agree, it would be nice to have a regular bus route in place for the TTC, that way there is always the option there. That means when something does prevent the monorail or ferry from running, you already have some capacity ready to roll on the bus route.


Active Member
I do agree, it would be nice to have a regular bus route in place for the TTC, that way there is always the option there. That means when something does prevent the monorail or ferry from running, you already have some capacity ready to roll on the bus route.
Did you skip past my post? lol
3Yankee Mouse said:
Things I wouldn't mind seeing which might help:
1. Additional ferries (1-2). I have no idea if this is feasible, but it seems like it would help when the monorail is down. Would need some infrastructure to be set up but i do believe this is the best solution.
2. Walkway to the GF, which would require some kind of moveable bridge where the electric water parade floats are stored. Not really worth the money for an expensive bridge, plus the walkway would be twice as long as the one for the Contemporary and i don’t think many Grand guests would choose this over a monorail or boat.
3. Buses that run from between TTC/MK when needed. Probably the most difficult of the three to accomplish.Already happens during busy days, holidays, etc. when they know it will be busy and this alternative will be needed. The only issue is a bus needs a driver, and they only staff so many cast members depending on projected attendance of parks and resort occupancy. Unfortunately these freak storms that occur can not be projected 3 weeks out when scheduling makes the cast members shifts.[/quote]
The only possibly way you could have the cast needed in freak occasions like this one is if you had at least 15-20 bus drivers on call, like a doctor for an emergency room, that lived near by (situations like these tend to also resolve themselves after an hour or so, thus you would need people immediately and willing to only work an hour or 2 to help out). But something like that ever coming to fruition would be a long legal battle with the Unions and i doubt would be able to be implemented.

Infrastructure for busses has never been or ever will be an issue, busses are very versatile (you don’t need separated bus stops for different routes, the resorts do not have them), their downfall is capacity per bus and thus needing a very large cast to run them to make the system efficient enough for guest satisfaction.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Not trying to fan this... honest question:
How is an AP parking at a resort, having a drink/meal or shopping, and heading to the park any different than a local (I assume that's who does this?) parking at DTD, having a meal/drink or shopping, and heading to a park?
It's really not, and people should worry more about themselves than where someone else parked.


Active Member
It's really not, and people should worry more about themselves than where someone else parked.
I would agree with you, If walt disney world didn’t have rules and provisions against both. Obviously it is something the company sees as morally wrong. Even if some of the members on this board don't.


Well-Known Member
Did you skip past my post? lol

Snarky response aside, yes I did read your post. And I agree with it. I fully understand that you need drivers to drive buses.

What I said was that with the additional bus stops being created, that should allow for one or more dedicated, year round stops for a MK/TTC bus. If it is staffed consistently on a daily basis, when something happens worst case scenario like the OP described, you would already have several buses on the route to begin to help move the crowds, and additional covered queuing and outside queue space to help with the crowds as described. Hopefully then buses that are already being driven can be re-routed as best as possible... and will have additional places to stop and board passengers.

I understand it won't solve the issue, but any additional capacity in both bus and queue will help alleviate some of the congestion and confusion when a mass exodus occurs with reduced capacity on the monorail and/or ferry.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I would agree with you, If walt disney world didn’t have rules and provisions against both. Obviously it is something the company sees as morally wrong. Even if some of the members on this board don't.
Until WDW does away with the many smaller lots and builds one GIANT parking deck and requires EVERYBODY to park there and nowhere else, you will continue to have people park where they please.

Some people see having to move the car after their first stop as a hassle especially when WDW makes it so easy NOT to move the car.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
We did, rode Pirates and Tiki Room. Was getting close to 11:00, and unlike my friends, I wasn't staying on property, so pretty much had to leave anyway. Plus, they have two kids who were over the rain, ready to crash.

In The Real World, not Disney Online Fanboi World, guests leave in droves when it's late and it starts to rain. I don't think it's too much to expect WDW staff to anticipate and accommodate that. Especially when your two regular methods of transportation back to a resort are down. Monorail being struck by lightning is an act of God; having no CMs or temporary queues in the bus area and no extra buses is an act of management.

I'm sorry, I started previously with some empathy, but now I believe the more you defend your poor judgement, the more you need to defend it. Leaving during a dangerous storm as you stated struck a monorail, you don't think it is too much to ask to have CMs in the same area, in a dangerous storm, with lightening. Equally poor judgement is parents with sleepy kids that risk their young life's going into that lightening storm.

I cannot wrap my brain around the lack of respect for human life, which CMs or as you call them WDW Staff, that you sincerely believe that it is by far worth the risk of their life because you wanted to go NOW to the Grand and the wee ones were ready to crash. The National Weather Service stated Take Shelter Immediately. Your interpretation of Take Shelter Immediately is to Send CMs outside into the storm?


Did you skip past my post? lol
3Yankee Mouse said:
Things I wouldn't mind seeing which might help:
1. Additional ferries (1-2). I have no idea if this is feasible, but it seems like it would help when the monorail is down. Would need some infrastructure to be set up but i do believe this is the best solution.
Number 1 won't need much more infrastructure, they already have 2 useable ferryboat slips on each side of the lake, and they may be working on adding additional ferries


I'm sorry, I started previously with some empathy, but now I believe the more you defend your poor judgement, the more you need to defend it. Leaving during a dangerous storm as you stated struck a monorail, you don't think it is too much to ask to have CMs in the same area, in a dangerous storm, with lightening. Equally poor judgement is parents with sleepy kids that risk their young life's going into that lightening storm.

I cannot wrap my brain around the lack of respect for human life, which CMs or as you call them WDW Staff, that you sincerely believe that it is by far worth the risk of their life because you wanted to go NOW to the Grand and the wee ones were ready to crash. The National Weather Service stated Take Shelter Immediately. Your interpretation of Take Shelter Immediately is to Send CMs outside into the storm?

Florida, lightning not a good combo. I'm just wondering why they are closing at 11 in the summer so far. Other than that, Lightning and thunder and rain, oh my. I ain't moving accept to the nearest safe cover


Well-Known Member
I'm staying under some shelter until they tell me it's time to lock the gates. Really though if I knew a bad storm was predicted I would have left early. Especially with children. We always check The Weather Channel radar while in parks on stormy days.


Well-Known Member
Worried about putting all hope in buses.
Worried about twice as many buses on the little two lane road from MK. This is a main service road already, one accident or Water Bridge flood (it's happened) equals pure bus chaos. Yes, bus station should continue but parallel to other improvements.

Ferries, Boats and Monorails haven't been expanded nearly 30 years. If any one system is down it becomes easier for the others to compensate.

1. A 4th Ferry so a minimum of 3 would be available assuming one occasionally in dry dock. Each Ferry has a max of 600 people. New docks to increase load unload capacity. Double dock at TTC, at the MK an additional new West dock.

2. Expanded hotel boats, all sizes, more with AC. Encourage MK hotel guest away from buses/monorail. Each hotel dock capable of handling two boats at same time.

3. 7th Monorail car - An additional 60 people per train or about 600 an hour. MK & TTC stations expanded. Initially on the Express Line.


Worried about putting all hope in buses.
Worried about twice as many buses on the little two lane road from MK. This is a main service road already, one accident or Water Bridge flood (it's happened) equals pure bus chaos. Yes, bus station should continue but parallel to other improvements.

Ferries, Boats and Monorails haven't been expanded nearly 30 years. If any one system is down it becomes easier for the others to compensate.

1. A 4th Ferry so a minimum of 3 would be available assuming one occasionally in dry dock. Each Ferry has a max of 600 people. New docks to increase load unload capacity. Double dock at TTC, at the MK an additional new West dock.

2. Expanded hotel boats, all sizes, more with AC. Encourage MK hotel guest away from buses/monorail. Each hotel dock capable of handling two boats at same time.

TTC and MK both have 2 passenger ferryboat docks already, from what I understand within the last year they've been using both docks at MK after wishes. TTC actually has 3 docks for ferryboats but only two are allowed for passengers. The docks are already at a max as far as guest flow during loading/unloading and can't really be widened without significant work to each ferry. I know a few years ago they were really kicking the idea around of adding a 4th ferry due to the added capacity from NFL. Typically each one gets a complete refurb every 10 years with the refurb taking around 4 almost 5 months.

They were some rumors on expanding boat service for resorts, one possibly to the four seasons in golden oak and maybe one to BLT but those were just rumor floating around. There was also some talk of new boats, some of the launches are aging and may need replacing soon, they are also not handicap accessible so if a handicap guest arrives on a route that a launch operates a bigger cruiser has to leave its route to transport them. They need more cruisers to assist the current fleet.

The problem is that transportation itself is really a department without a home, at one time it was operated in the parks budget, then it was transferred to hotels and resorts, but now its in engineering. And when you look at it boats are the most overlooked form of transportation, monorails and busses have toys but not boats. So any major expense such as a new boat or a major rework to docks is something that requires a lot of budgeting.


Well-Known Member
Met up with my college friend and her family last night at MK. Massive storm rolled in right after Wishes. Lightning hit the monorail, shutting down both lines. In addition, too stormy for the boat launches, only the ferry was running. I needed to get back to the Grand, the only way to do that was by bus.

I walk toward the bus depot--again, not just rain, but heavy lightning in the area, masses of people fleeing--the only crowd control is two college program kids saying "Ferry to the right, buses to the left." There's no signage on the board for any monorail hotel--when I asked at the window, apparently the three parties behind me all had the same question. The bus depot itself was a mob scene. No CMs that I could see. No switchbacks. No discernable lines. Just a mass of people, pushing and shoving (and parties with ECVs trying to make their way back out like salmon swimming upstream because apparently they went the wrong way to try to get on a bus--again, no crowd control whatsoever). One bus sat at least 5 minutes after being completely filled. In the 15 minutes I stayed there, I didn't see a single monorail resort bus pull up. People were yelling and cursing at the driver to move along and get another bus in there.

I ended up calling a friend who lives behind MK to come give me a ride from the Contemporary. A lot of seasoned guests seemingly had the same idea, because the Contemproary bus lot was jammed, too. Full buses were pulling up and not letting any of the crowd on. Other guests were just grabbing taxis.

Completely unacceptable for any legal "host." Just a complete failure on the part of transportation and customer service management. I will say this. Forget Avatar, forget Cars, the #1 priority needs to be a parking garage within walking distance of MK. Walt's plan of having to be transported to the park may have worked in the 70s, but post-9/11, with modern crowds, it's a stupid anachronism.

I'd have found a nice quiet spot under some cover, and sat to watch all the people running. ;) When they had all ran away, trampled each other, or dispersed in other ways, then I would have calmly gotten up and went to the buses. :D


Monorail was supposedly having issues from Ticket and Transportation around 8ish on July 4th, but given the attendance and the people in route to MK I tend to think these slow downs and delays are more about crowd control at the entry gate than technical difficulty. It's not like they're going to say we're delaying you to control the crowd influx but I understand the necessity, assuming that was the reason. I should've governed myself accordingly to account for any unforeseen delays.

I would also note that I was cognizant and realize the solemn anniversary of the tragic death of Austin Wuennenberg. I can only imagine how difficult that night is for his family and his coworkers.

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