I tend to visit the Parks in order of when they opened when i am around for a few days in FL.
MK is always the first full day...usually stay from open to close.
The day starts with a visit to the Kona Cafe for breakfast. It is a nice way to begin a full day, and the relaxing mood at the Poly is a far cry from the chaotic surroundings at larger establishments or trying to grab a bite once in the Park.
I like to try to arrange it so i will be able to take the riverboat over to the MK instead of other options, as it really sets you up in a great mindset.
You feel a real sense of *arrival* with that voyage across the Lagoon.
So many Guests totally miss this....they are in too much of a hurry to really stop and appreciate the little things.
Dole Whips ( multiples ), riding BTMR about 5 times, and seeing The Country Bear Jamboree are all always-experiences.
Depending on my mood, i sometimes will hop the monorail over to EPCOT in the late afternoon for a few hours, usually post-Parade and then return in the evening for night shows.
ALWAYS take the monorail to EPCOT...pretty much a must.
It was great back when you could ride in the front cab with the Pilots, but alas, that had to be changed. Nothing beats arriving at EPCOT while staring out of the front nose of the monorail directly at SSE.
Absolutely awesome.
The second full day is usually spent at EPCOT.
Again, open to close pretty much.
This Park has always been my *home away from home* and i gravitate back towards it many times during a visit. I spend most evenings there, if not MK. Whatever Park i am in during the day, chances are in the evening i am right back on my *home* turf.
Third day is usually split between DHS and EPCOT. Usually stay at DHS until the afternoon Parade (now defunct ) and take one of the Friendship launches over to EPCOT.
This is a really nice way to make the journey between these two Parks. A scenic cruise..and you can check out the various Resorts strewn about that waterway.
Just don*t do it if you plan to stay very late ( EMH late) at EPCOT, as you will not be able to get back to the DHS parking lot by the same way. You will have to walk the 45/50 trek between International Gateway (EPCOTs *back door* Entrance) and DHS. Not all that bad, as the walk is very nice too.
Fourth day is all about DAK until close...then hop to EPCOT later. DAK is all about the live shows, Safari, and just walking around enjoying the little treaded walkways.
I miss the evening EMHs at DAK, as that Park really is beautiful in the evenings. The lighting is quite nice.
Final day in town i am usually at MK, and after the 3pm Parade i usually turn tail and head back home.
There are certain places i like to visit and take in a meal...usually every visit.
Watching certain Parades, Shows, and attractions from certain seats or sitting areas is also one of my quirks. I went over my choice *attractions seats* in a earlier thread.
I tend to visit only during certain times of year as well.
Right now that tends to be January and September.