Back in another thread, I talked about the sparking sounds that used to come from the sign in front of the outside doors:
It turns out that there is actually a third element to this, which was a speaker element. You can hear it here(compare it to the recordings in the other post and you will hear what is missing):
Back in the original drop sequence days, it only worked on Echo side(all 3 elements worked on that side), while only the "noise generator" element or the air cannons were the only ones to work on Foxtrot side back then.
Anyways, I was looking back at my videos I took back in January, I couldn't help but notice a particular sound effect I heard on Foxtrot side during 2 of the drop sequences when at the top. I looked back at the 1994 preview video that I got that recording from and confirmed my suspicion.
The speaker element of the sparking sound effects is working again on Foxtrot side. It appears that this started working when the audio system got touched back in July of last year. I was able to hear it used in all 4 drop sequences. Not only that, but the "extra" strobes on the sign are actually synchronized to this sound effect and use the exact same strobe sequence from the original 1994 drop sequence. You can hear it somewhat clearly in these two videos when at the very top(especially at 2:45 in the first video and at 2:13 in the second video):
Hopefully when the audio system gets fixed/reset next, this sound effect will stay working and be louder instead of it not working anymore and becoming obscure.