Tower of Terror anxiety help?


New Member
Original Poster
Uh Hi everybody,
I'm going back to WDW in about 5 weeks and well I needed some advice:
I have high anxiety (Aspergers, it's not fun) and so because of this more often than not, I chicken out on Tower of Terror, I don't know why, but I always am on the verge of a breakdown in the boiler room which is unfortunate because i have been on the ride twice and i can handle other rides like EE, not to mention it is extremely well done in the way of effects. Anyone who can give some advice on how to get on the ride would be much appreciated.

also while completely off topic, does anybody know if Tiana & Naveen will still be in liberty square this september?

Thanks in Advance


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to hear about your issues. You have been on the ride twice. Do you really want to go again?

If you do, try to pin point the origin of your anxiety. Dark, drops etc.
After you pin point it, try to use breathing/visualization/coping techniques.

If anxiety has been a life long problem, I am sure your doctor/therapist has taught you coping skills. Try to apply those to this situation.


Im totally with you, im ok with the drops when its happening, but its the suspense... just waiting for it...

I haven't ridden it for about 8 years, but in 8 weeks im going back to WDW and my 10 yr old nephew loves ToT, so ive said im going to ride it with him....

I cant give you any advice though, im sorry... but I hope you ride and enjoy :)


Well-Known Member
I've waited in line with DS 4 times, each time he "chickens out" at the last minute and it doesn't bother me a bit. We are there to have fun. The lobby and "plussing" of the attraction are great.


Active Member
My only advice is: relax. If you go into the ride completely freaked out the whole experience will be much worse than it actually is. I don't think ToT has that big of a drop since the elevator never fall through the whole extension of the tower, so maybe you should keep that in mind to try to relax. :D


Well-Known Member
Uh Hi everybody,
I'm going back to WDW in about 5 weeks and well I needed some advice:
I have high anxiety (Aspergers, it's not fun) and so because of this more often than not, I chicken out on Tower of Terror, I don't know why, but I always am on the verge of a breakdown in the boiler room which is unfortunate because i have been on the ride twice and i can handle other rides like EE, not to mention it is extremely well done in the way of effects. Anyone who can give some advice on how to get on the ride would be much appreciated.

also while completely off topic, does anybody know if Tiana & Naveen will still be in liberty square this september?

Thanks in Advance

So sorry .... my sister in law experienced the same thing this past June. I know it is not fun. she spent a good portion of her vacation sitting in the hotel missing out on the fun. She has taken professional steps to overcome it so that our upcoming trip can be fun for her. I agree with Mukta - breathing excercises has done wonders for her. Also remind yourself you are there because it is fun..... anything that causes that much anxiety is no longer fun. Maybe stick to the rides you are ready for and forego the ones that cause issues.

If you are that determined ..... then I wish you the best.


Premium Member
There's lots of ride at WDW, and missing ToT isn't going to ruin your trip. If its a big source of worry for you, just skip it. You can always take the exit in the load area, that way you can see the preshow and queue area.

Pooh Lover

Well-Known Member
My niece had similar feelings/anxiety about ToT. She got over her fears by envisioning the wait, getting into the elevator and the ride many times over in her mind. She realized that the actual ride would not be worse than anything she could imagine and eventually had no trouble getting on. Good luck and have a great trip!


Active Member
Would watching a few of the ride-through videos before heading to WDW help? Hate to spoil any surprises, but knowing what's happening may help.


Well-Known Member
With all due respect....if the ride brings you anxiety....don't ride it. I go on vacation for enjoyment and relaxation....if I wanted anxiety I could stay home, go to the office, deal with the neighbors/mother-in-law, argue with cold call solicitors, etc, etc

My advice is to ride what makes you happy at wdw and stay away from anything that brings you anxiety. You don't have to do every last thing in wdw....if a wonderful trip means spending o e day at a park and four soaking in a pool at the hotel letting your stress escape you..... Who's to argue with that?


I have anxiety issues myself so I know what you are feeling. In 2007 we went to Disneyland for my first trip and when I was about to get on the California Scream' I suddenly began to freak out and had to get off. I had never had any issues with rollercoasters before. I rode Space Mountain and Tower of Terror and didn't have a problem. Fast foward to 2008 at Disney World and I had a massive panic attack before getting on Space Mountain. This upset me more than I can tell you. I love Disney and the rides and to not ride it the most upsetting thing to me. I couldn't even ride the Barnstormer because the panic attack kept coming back as soon as I would get near a ride. Last year (after being on anxiety medication for some time) I was having a bad morning and had to take a few pills, began waiting in line for SOARIN' of all things and started to have another panic attack, luckily my whole family was there and I had their support, I was crying and freaking out and asked a cast memeber if I could just watch Soarin' instead of ride and she said no, so I MADE MYSELF SIT DOWN AND STRAP IN and I rode it and it was such a great feeling! I still avoided Space Mountian, Splash Mountian, and Tower of Terror BUT, I will never let my anxiety bother me to the point that I will stop going. Sometimes you just have to make your self strap in!


I think that the suspense of the ride will always be there! There is just a difference between the anxiety of the thrill and the anxiety that you can't control without some sort of help!


Well-Known Member
I have an 18 year old nephew with Aspergers. I understand where you are coming from. His parents took him (& his 3 younger sisters) to WDW about 5 years ago and I was amazed at how much difficulty he had. Startling things cause him to come completely unglued. Think about Dinosaur! Eek! Fireworks are an impossibility for him. Even now.

That said, can I just say that I totally applaud your courage in your endeavor to overcome this anxiety? I think the fact that this is something you want to find a way to do is a major accomplishment in itself.

So when you are in the boiler room & the anxiety is building I think the best thing you can do is focus on how amazingly strong you are just to get to that moment. Breathe. Everything around you is part of a show just like tv. Get the perspective correct in your mind. You're enjoying a show. Keep breathing. Think about how wonderful the show is. Take each moment and each step through that room just one little bit at a time. Shows won't hurt you. You've seen this show before so it's a rerun. Find portions you recognize. Look for things that are funny. I like to think of the drop sequences as bouncing like Tigger does. Just let each moment come and go. No matter what, Aspergers or not, you can do anything you set out to do. Stay focused on your strength that got you where you are. You can do it! You'll be soooo glad you did, too!

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