Tourist Mode Goes On...Brain Turns Off


Original Poster
This topic was inspired by an in-depth discussion already taking place in another forum about guests walking around the theater during COP.

This whole debate got me thinking about something my Sociology prof. said years ago:
"Despite your nationality or cultural background, it is law that even the smartest among us goes from sane to batsh*t stupid when they become a tourist."
Besides getting a good laugh from the class, it makes a valid point: All of matter how smart, hard-working, or wise we may be in normal day-to-day life, become brain-fried stupid when the work shirts go off & the shorts & sandals go on.

Those people who walked around the auditorium of COP after being told multiple times to remain seated (in multiple languages) are not stupid people in real life. The people who got up & walked around Splash Mtn, causing the rest of us to be required to use lapbars from here on are not stupid people in real life. People who take flash pictures in dark rides/shows despite warnings are not stupid, and most of these people go to work, pay bills, feed their children, budget, you name it. So what happens to cause the brain to not function when in tourist mode?

I suspect it's because we allow ourselves to unwind too much when on vacation. Sure, de-stressing and letting it all loose is fine, and are what vacations are for. Put your feet up & head back and take a nice hiatus from our daily's a healthy thing to do from time-to-time. But some people get too out of their element, causing the simplest common sense decisions to be a mental hurdle.

I used to work in the hosp./tourism industry up until 2003. I completely understand what Disney CM's, Uni employees, and anyone else in the industry have to put up with. I respect each one of them all the more for having to deal with it on a daily basis, while still making those frustrating them feel like welcomed guests. Afterall, places like Orlando would not survive if it weren't for tourists. And while local economies appreciate tourists & the $$$ they bring in, it still comes at a high price & many-a-headache. CM's do not deal with normal day-to-day people. They deal with people at their worst, with the least bit of common sense working.

Many of those people we see cutting lines, disregarding the simplest of rules, asking the most absurdly stupid questions...they are doctors, teachers, accountants, builders, students, parents, and GOOD at times when the tourist mode is off, and their day-to-day brain begins to function once more.

So please be nice to CM's, or anyone dealing with the traveling public. While their job may seem like good fun from the outside, they put up with a level of idiocy that most of us do not understand.


Well-Known Member
So please be nice to CM's, or anyone dealing with the traveling public. While their job may seem like good fun from the outside, they put up with a level of idiocy that most of us do not understand.

Actually, as American citizens, most of us do understand what it's like to have to put up with an unreasonable level of idiocy. One only needs to pick up a newspaper or turn on the news. And the idiocy that we have to put up with is a lot more offensive than merely walking around a theater mid-show. :cry:


Well-Known Member
I suspect this is also directly related to the many changes Epcot has seen since its opening, both in terms of attractions and in overall concept.


Well-Known Member
I agree that they are not stupid people...but I also think they could have more respect for the CM's and other people around them. Our family has a great time on vacation, being silly at times, laughing and unwinding from everyday life. But we would never disrespect a CM's directions, take flash pictures on dark rides (don't people know they don't turn out?) , go on an adventure in Splash Mtn, or talk about s-- in front of children while drunk in the middle of Le Cellier:lookaroun, etc. Can't there be a balance between being a respectful tourist and having a great time? That's just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
This is a brilliant post. Too many times on these forums I roll my eyes at people who act like they themselves have never committed any kind of social faux paus when on vacation, whether it be at Disney or anywhere else. Of course not everyone is an idiot who refuses to follow rules; it's just that so many people are eager to have the best vacation ever they forget to turn that flash off (because some people truly don't know that it's better to leave it off), or that there might be other people around them who don't want to listen to them excite over every little thing in a show or attraction. ;)


Original Poster
This is a brilliant post. Too many times on these forums I roll my eyes at people who act like they themselves have never committed any kind of social faux paus when on vacation, whether it be at Disney or anywhere else.
I'm personally exempt from ever being classified as a "stupid tourist" due to the fact my high levels of idiocy are prominent whether on vacation or not.

Walt Disney1955

Well-Known Member
I don't know, put me in the camp that thinks people are stupid if they climb out on Splash Mountain. Common sense is a funny thing, but if you don't have that, you should be able to see and hear the warnings of "keeping your hands and feet" in at all times
I don't know, put me in the camp that thinks people are stupid if they climb out on Splash Mountain. Common sense is a funny thing, but if you don't have that, you should be able to see and hear the warnings of "keeping your hands and feet" in at all times

I'm with you too. While I absolutely agree that guests should always be respectful of CMs, I think you are giving too much credit to every tourist. I cannot see how anyone could think walking around Splash was acceptable. Some people really are just not totally with it.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
As much as I'd like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt... no, I'm sorry, when I'm the tourist I don't do ridiculously stupid things, act disrespectful, disobey rules, etc.

Also a person can be smart and also a terrible human being so there's that too.


Well-Known Member
I make it a point to check CM's name tags and thank them by name when they help me. I follow the rules and I try to be courtious to those around me. Karma. :animwink:

Tink ッ

I totally agree, my manager in a park I used to work in in Norway once said that most of the guests leaves their brains at the gates as they enter the park :p Of course this isn't true for everyone, but you have to wonder sometimes. One of the worst things I've seen on a ride I work on (another park) is that there's an outdoor coaster where guests are not allowed to bring any loose items, even hats or glasses. So they put them in some shelves with a sliding door that always covers half of the shelfs. When they get off, they always look in the side that is open and then come and say in a very accusing tone how their bags is missing. Even when I ask if they've looked on the other side they'll say "no I know it's in this side, I put it in myself!" I don't know how they can't understand it's a sliding door there that covers the other half :lol:

I like to think that I'm not of those stupid guests. That I read all the signs, and listen to all safety announcements and all. But I'm sure I manage to do some stupid things my self every once in a while. :king:


Well-Known Member
Some may be that stupid, and others may know better but feel they are above the rules because they do not respect others or the property of others. But, in the vast majority of cases, they're both stupid and arrogant. Stupidity and arrogance seem to go hand in hand.

To say that everyone acts stupidly on vacation is gross generalization. I know because my friends, family, and I do not act that way on vacation. The obnoxious people just attract more attention, which makes it seem like there are many of them.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I do not thing stupidity and arrogance are exclusive. Stupidity and arrogance seem to blend into a lethal combination when people are on vacation. In the case of something like Splash going 101, the average tourist thinks "The ride has been stopped for a while. I am just going to get out and walk off. Those CM's are just being over cautious because Disney does not want to get sued. Nothing bad can happen. I know what I am doing" The arrogance makes them think that they know better than everyone else and the stupidity comes into play when they put themselves in a dangerous situation in spite of being told not to.


Well-Known Member
I do not thing stupidity and arrogance are exclusive. Stupidity and arrogance seem to blend into a lethal combination when people are on vacation. In the case of something like Splash going 101, the average tourist thinks "The ride has been stopped for a while. I am just going to get out and walk off. Those CM's are just being over cautious because Disney does not want to get sued. Nothing bad can happen. I know what I am doing" The arrogance makes them think that they know better than everyone else and the stupidity comes into play when they put themselves in a dangerous situation in spite of being told not to.
Excellent point.


New Member
i will speak for myself and DH only,,,when we are on vacation,,we are actually more polite
something about being a guest somewhere,,,and my mothers rules about being well manered in someone elses home just stuck with me and carried over
I guess that happened with DH as well
I dont act like a moron,I say please,,,thank you,,etc
yeah I may revert back to an 8 year old and eat cupcakes for breakfast...BUT I dont run amok like an idiot
It saddens me when i see people do this too
I also as a teen worked in a HUGE tourist draw spot.
it drew folks from every walk of life and every place you can name,,,NO,,it wasnt Disney,,,BUT summery and touristy none the less
Im will say it wasnt only Americans that behaved badly.And whilst Im aware some Americans do act behave poorly,,,so do other people
please note,,,IM NOT attacking any poster on board,,,nor on this thread,
Im just saying,,,people from all around can lose their minds
WHY?NO CLUE,,,,,i feel like im a guest when i go somewhere and I should respect said place
Wanna know whats also going through my mind?YOU will laugh and i will show my age
but remeber when the OLD MIckey Mouse CLub came on and Mickey wanted all "neat and pretty" because it was Tuesday and Tuesday was GUEST STAR DAY?
yeah,,,,mama chimed in with,,,ok sunshine,,,if mIckey cleans up for you,,,dont make it messy again


I have to say that, in general, most people I encounter at WDW are above the norm when it comes to manners and behavior as opposed to where I live here in the MD/VA/DC area. People here just seem to feel so entitled that they have lost all sense of common decency (again, in general). While, of course, I see the same things that have been mentioned here (and I have encountered quite a few rude "tour groups" of a certain nationality), I have learned to ignore most of it because I'm used to it living here! Unfortunate, but it's just a fact I've learned to deal with since I live here.

That being said, I really hate it when stupid people do stupid things that affect others (standing on Splash Mtn, etc). I'm all for Darwinism taking over instead of lawyers.


New Member
This topic was inspired by an in-depth discussion already taking place in another forum about guests walking around the theater during COP.

This whole debate got me thinking about something my Sociology prof. said years ago:
"Despite your nationality or cultural background, it is law that even the smartest among us goes from sane to batsh*t stupid when they become a tourist."
Besides getting a good laugh from the class, it makes a valid point: All of matter how smart, hard-working, or wise we may be in normal day-to-day life, become brain-fried stupid when the work shirts go off & the shorts & sandals go on.

Those people who walked around the auditorium of COP after being told multiple times to remain seated (in multiple languages) are not stupid people in real life. The people who got up & walked around Splash Mtn, causing the rest of us to be required to use lapbars from here on are not stupid people in real life. People who take flash pictures in dark rides/shows despite warnings are not stupid, and most of these people go to work, pay bills, feed their children, budget, you name it. So what happens to cause the brain to not function when in tourist mode?

I suspect it's because we allow ourselves to unwind too much when on vacation. Sure, de-stressing and letting it all loose is fine, and are what vacations are for. Put your feet up & head back and take a nice hiatus from our daily's a healthy thing to do from time-to-time. But some people get too out of their element, causing the simplest common sense decisions to be a mental hurdle.

I used to work in the hosp./tourism industry up until 2003. I completely understand what Disney CM's, Uni employees, and anyone else in the industry have to put up with. I respect each one of them all the more for having to deal with it on a daily basis, while still making those frustrating them feel like welcomed guests. Afterall, places like Orlando would not survive if it weren't for tourists. And while local economies appreciate tourists & the $$$ they bring in, it still comes at a high price & many-a-headache. CM's do not deal with normal day-to-day people. They deal with people at their worst, with the least bit of common sense working.

Many of those people we see cutting lines, disregarding the simplest of rules, asking the most absurdly stupid questions...they are doctors, teachers, accountants, builders, students, parents, and GOOD at times when the tourist mode is off, and their day-to-day brain begins to function once more.

So please be nice to CM's, or anyone dealing with the traveling public. While their job may seem like good fun from the outside, they put up with a level of idiocy that most of us do not understand.

:sohappy:well said


Well-Known Member
My best part includes, parking the car and letting Disney taking care of everything else (while I'm their guest).

Tink ッ

The best I've seen in Disney restaurant as a server is parents making sure their kids remember to say please and thank you, when they never say it themselves. I had to try not to laugh several times when a kid would say "mom, you forgot to say thank you" :lol:

Walt Disney1955

Well-Known Member
Okay I'll give an example:

1995, my family is at Epcot and had just boarded the Maelstrom. We are sitting down at the back of the boat. I am pretty sure we were just about to head out when in front of us there was this middled aged couple. For some reason the husband gets up and walks off the boat to the right where the lineup is. To this day I have no idea why he did that. The wife is kind of left dumbfounded and starts to get up and do likewise.

At that exact moment the boat starts to move. The woman loses her footing and her leg nearly dips into the water. She is upended. The CM runs over to help and the woman is rude to her and blames her for HER mistake. I'll never forget my mom's comment word for word, she said: "It wasn't Epcot's fault".

That's right, it wasn't. I am pretty sure we were told to keep our hands and feet inside the boat at all times. That's implied anyway. But getting up to dangerously walk off the boat at a time when the ride could start any second is stupid and it is the guest's fault.

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