Touring the Tunnels?


Well-Known Member
Was this meant as a sly comment to the group that has an event during this time? I'm sure you weren't meaning to be rude or mean to other board members who attend that weekend.

Um... I'm sure Vernon was not meaning to be mean to that "group."

Yikes. I didn't really give a second thought to Vernon's comment on my post, but now that I think about it, it was inappropriate.

Way to make my non-sequitur into something not-so-nice. :shrug:
As a member of "that group", it was supposed to be funny, in a Larry Craig sort of way:shrug::lookaroun. I guess it kind of came off rude, my apologies. No harm intended. I will take my 40 lashes now:lol: (that's a joke, I added the laugh icon to make certain you'd know; but if you'd like, I could enjoy the 40 lashes:ROFLOL:). :lookaroun
It is so hard to do sarcasm online!

P.S. My partner and I (see my avatar) will be celebrating our 20th "anniversay" in WDW this December (I'm the one standing).


New Member
As a member of "that group", it was supposed to be funny, in a Larry Craig sort of way:shrug::lookaroun. I guess it kind of came off rude, my apologies. No harm intended. I will take my 40 lashes now:lol: (that's a joke, I added the laugh icon to make certain you'd know; but if you'd like, I could enjoy the 40 lashes:ROFLOL:). :lookaroun
It is so hard to do sarcasm online!

P.S. My partner and I (see my avatar) will be celebrating our 20th "anniversay" in WDW this December (I'm the one standing).
I had your back buddy!


Well-Known Member
The Keys to the Kingdom tour takes a visit to the Utilidor. You must be at least 16 years old to go on this tour, and yes they will ask to see your ID. Because the Utilidor is a backstage area, you may see things like Mickey without his head, or Cinderella looking not quite right. I guess they don't want to ruin the magic for the kids.

Honestly, I wouldn't want to see any of the characters not properly done up, and I'm 21. Obviously I know there's someone inside the costume, but it's fun to pretend. It wouldn't "ruin" the magic for me, but it would be weird.


Active Member
I Took the keys to the Kingdom last year and it's an amazing tour. you do get to go down in the utilidor which is cool. It was my first tour done at Disney but it was so good i want to do more of them now!!


My family has always wanted to do the keys to the kingdom tour and they are going to in december. I may do the tour or just join the goup since i'm a cm now. The tunnels (what most cast members call them cause its easier) don't look all that great but they're still really cool! Its wierd to see headless characters or have them talking with the heads on but you get use to it a bit. I'm friends with two of goofy's good friends so I'm use to seeing those things. It'll always be a bit wierd tho.


Premium Member
in my tour many years ago.. we got to see Mission to Mars from UNDERNEATH the show stage :) You could see up around the center projection, etc


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I don't think one would, but can sometimes say or do things that unintentionally hurt "the group" or its image. (I'm not blaming anyone in particular; I just think this tangent raised an important point.)

The way I see it, if you're a member of any "group" you are allowed a certain freedom of expression concerning that group that others are not allowed.

For example: a certain ethnic slur comes to mind, that only members of that "group" are allowed to say.

Well-Known Member
The way I see it, if you're a member of any "group" you are allowed a certain freedom of expression concerning that group that others are not allowed.

For example: a certain ethnic slur comes to mind, that only members of that "group" are allowed to say.
I agree; there are no rules on who can say what. I think it's a good idea to be aware of how one says things and their effects, because we live in an imperfect world where many ideas are misconstrued and twisted. Who is around when one is using the ethnic slur and what does s/he think?


Well-Known Member
you can always sneak down and if you get caught just say youre lost. there's so many people down there im almost positive they wont notice you. when i worked for wdw i had a kid ask me how to get back up because he had snuck down and couldnt find his way back up...

Yeah, I don't think that would work very well.

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