ToT... is it a must do or ??

Sir Mickey´s

New Member
Original Poster
every time i´am standing before the building in WDW.. something is happening to me...
call it concern, call it frightening, call it FEAR.... :lookaroun

But the thing is.. i like to see what the attraction is like... i see little children go in as if it is the merry go round...
But i´am just an european boy, who isn´t used to all those :hurl: attractions..
Is it a Must do attraction... and do you get sick inside that, that, Thing quickly.. or is it only my imagination ?? :veryconfu


New Member
Coming from a person who gets motion sick from thinking about possibly even considering looking at the Tea Cups says this...

ToT is a must do. Motion sickness has never occurred for me on a freefall ride such as ToT. I was extremely petrified the first time I rode it and couldn't wait to get back on again and again. Do not worry about the sickness, just grit your teeth and go with it. Yes I too was jealous of the 6 year old kids as they smiled and ran all the way to ToT passing the very disturbed me. But it truly is one of my favorite rides at WDW. Enjoy!:hammer:


New Member
Ok, you need to go Tower of Terror! I honestly get sick on the Tea Cups but not on this ride or rollar coasters. People think you get motion sickness but you don't you just free fall. It is so much fun, I can't even tell you!I was scared the first time but after that I went what was I soooo scared of, this is great!
Try it, if you don't like don't do it again.


Well-Known Member
Speaking as someone who hates drops of all have to atleast try ToT once...its truly an experience you will never forget. I have seen people get motion sickness on ToT, but then again I'm sure those people went on with a full stomach (probably after eating, who knows, people do strange things; I've seen people eat a sandwich on their way to ride M:S). Just for the sake of being able to say you have experienced everything at Disney you should definetely try won't regret it. In fact I'll bet you'll want to go on it more times.

Good luck! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Tower of Terror is a must!! I cannot tell you how much I love this ride. If given the chance to ride it all day, I would. Tons of fun!!


Well-Known Member
You gotta ride it once. I rode it once, just once....I am not a big fan of the dropping and the yelling. I usually veer left and go straight to rock 'n roller coaster, so much better on my stomach.


TOT is certainly a must ride. I personally think it is one of the best themed rides in WDW. My Dad isn't that great with rides, and he loved TOT.


Active Member
Originally posted by Sir Mickey´s
every time i´am standing before the building in WDW.. something Is it a Must do attraction... and do you get sick inside that, that, Thing quickly.. or is it only my imagination ?? :veryconfu

I would be sick if I DIDN'T ride ToT at least three times each trip! Go for it.


Well-Known Member
As someone who gets dizzy on regular elevators, I too was not sure about ToT. I tried it once. Now it is my favorite ride. I still can't take regular elevators but this has so mucho themeing to see when you are on it, that you forget about the drops. It is a must in my book!

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
I absolutely HATE free fall stuff. That said, I have done ToT twice--mostly because someone had to ride with the kids.

This time around I took the chicken exit and was quite happy.

The queue is absolutely amazing--one of the best at WDW, IMHO.

So if you absolutely don't want to do it, you can at least have part of the experience.

One word of caution--the chicken exit out of the scary out-of-control dropping elevator ride is (you guessed it) an elevator.


New Member
ToT is awesome. I don't tend to get motion sickness, but I will make this comment. Most people get motion sick when being thrown around in 3 dimensions. ToT only goes up and down, 1 dimension. You'll lose your stomach, but that's about it. Aside from that, it's a Disney ride, so you know it's not just a free fall drop.
I've gotten headaches on RnRC before, but I've never had any problems with ToT. My dad felt woozy once after riding it three times in a row, so I don't recommend that, but otherwise, I wouldn't miss it! It is definitely my favorite ride at WDW. You'll probably spend most of the ride laughing rather than screaming.


Beta Return
Originally posted by Sir Mickey´s
every time i´am standing before the building in WDW.. something is happening to me...
call it concern, call it frightening, call it FEAR.... :lookaroun

But the thing is.. i like to see what the attraction is like... i see little children go in as if it is the merry go round...
But i´am just an european boy, who isn´t used to all those :hurl: attractions..
Is it a Must do attraction... and do you get sick inside that, that, Thing quickly.. or is it only my imagination ?? :veryconfu

I am afraid of heights, don't like the dark, am clostrophobic, and get nautious from looking down at a map in the car for more than 2 seconds. The ToT scares the crap out of me - and I RIDE EVERY TIME I GO!!!!!!

It's just one of those rides.....that just get to you. My stomach is in knots thru the whole line, and while standing in the creepy boiler room. But then comes the drop, and it just energizes you! There is nothing unsafe about it. There is NOTHING that induces motion sickness - I think anxiety is what makes people ill on or around it.



New Member
I agree it is a must do! It is probably my favorite ride in all four parks. I get motion sickness on anything that goes around, but have no problem at all with Tower of Terror. I scream and laugh the whole time I'm on it. It's a great time!

Little Mermaid - I find it interesting that you get headaches on RnRC too. I thought it was just me!! When the limousine takes off at the beginning it seems to do something wicked to my head! It's not enough to stop me from riding though.


New Member
My dad gets sick on every ride, but we took him on ToT and he loved it. Even if you dont like drops I'd say brave them out for the excellent themeing. I have ridden it many times just to try and figure out how they did certain effects. Its my favorite ride at disney!


New Member
I have not been on ToT, but am going to MGM in May with my (almost) 5 year old. He's pretty brave, but I'm still concerned about taking him on the ride. Any thoughts from those of you who have been?


New Member
Do it!

I went to WDW last month and it had been at least 10 years since I had been to the park. Did Mission Space first right at opening, as I am a huge astronaut buff, and got promptly nauseous at liftoff. Made myself do it again in the afternoon (once re-acclimated to rides) and had a *much* better experience.

Did ToT first thing the second day. I closed my eyes through most of the drop and didn't find the handholds (which make a big difference - use them) until midway through the big drop. I walked out thinking "OK, don't need to do *that* one again," but on further reflection will definitely go back.

It's all in your mind. I've been shot off an aircraft carrier (for real) twice, and found then that the really unpleasant part is always whatever you psyche yourself up to be wary of. Just enjoy it.


Well-Known Member
You just have to do it!!!! If you are worried about sickness then get there early and do it before breakfast!

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