Top Tips!


Active Member
We're saving enough with the free dining plan to afford to fly and we're staying longer too.
1. The longer you stay the less it is per day for tickets, but you do have the extra room costs. The difference for a 3 day and 10 day ticket is only about 30 bucks total.
2. Stay during a value season and look for off season specials like free dining and discounted room rates. You're not going to save much on discount tickets and don't buy them on ebay, you may get ripped off. Also value season means the park isn't as full, so you'll enjoy the parks more.
3. Disney allows you to bring small crushable type cooler into the park. Bring some water and some instant Kool-aid packs. It saves a bundle on drinks. Bring along some snacks, but don't ever bring chocolate, the hot Florida sun will melt it in no time.
4. Watch for air fare deals. Sometimes it is cheaper than driving and much less hassle. However I try to avoid connecting flights and fly direct.
5. Buy all your Disney souvenirs at the Disney Outlet near the world or online at disney shopping outlet before leaving.
6. Split meals. The meals in the world are usually very generous and can feed two people.
7. Take simple breakfast foods. As previous poster said you can buy milk there. Don't try to store it unless you get a room with a fridge. Food poisoning will definitely ruin your vacation.
8. Save up. Start saving by putting all your change and small bills into a container at the end of the day. You'll find that you have hundreds of dollars that would have been spent on candy, gum, cokes, chips, newspapers etc...

It can be cheaper to stay offsite, which helps the bottom line, but we prefer to stay in the world and use the transportation. By the time we've toured all day we don't want to have to catch a tram to find our car and drive back. We've done that before and didn't care for it. We usually don't wait more than 10-15 mins for a bus tops and often walk right on them.

Just some thoughts, enjoy your vacation.
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New Member
Original Poster
Right now it seems that the cheapest route is getting air fare + hotel on a site like Travelocity or Expedia. Then buying the park tickets right some Disney. Anybody have experience with doing it that way?

For two people it would be about 650 (a person) for a flight and staying in Pop Century. Then about 200 for the park hopper tickets.
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Well-Known Member
there really is no cheap way of going to disney..but there are cheaper ways of getting around things like staying at a value rather then delux or moderate. Brining food insted of eating out for all meals. For our next trip we have worked it out to about 1500 a person (for two of us) staying at pop century (May 2-9 is what were looking at right now) with 7 day park hopper passes + water with the dining plan and airfare from canada. Im hoping a deal will come along somehwere with airfare but it dosnt really look good.. Any one have any ideas about getting a deal on airfare for canadians in halifax.
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Well-Known Member
We save on limos by using DME in Orlando and driving our car & parking in the airport economy parking lot at home. DME saves us about $100.00 and parking at the airport saves us $50.00 - $100.00 depending on how long we stay at WDW. Next year my MIL & SIL are going with us and I checked out the price of limos for five. By parking at the airport, we will be saving well over $100.00.

We have also taken advantage of booking on the last day of value rates going into peak rates. Your room rate for the entire stay is based on the first day. It can work in the reverse, but it requires to seperate reservations and a possible move from your room.
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Active Member
swimmom said:
We have also taken advantage of booking on the last day of value rates going into peak rates. Your room rate for the entire stay is based on the first day. It can work in the reverse, but it requires to seperate reservations and a possible move from your room.

We did this last year christmas holidays and saved a bundle by booking one day early.
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New Member
UMM lets see

1. Bring your own water
2. don't buy gifts crap like that till the end of the trip
3. don't drink alot of liquor (very expensive) but i do it anyways :p
4. eat at only 2 or 3 sit down resturents your whole trip
5.stay at a value resort, unless you get a big discount, if you are going with a big group get a cabin..
6. DEFF get a hopper pass, they are a little more money but so worth it.
7. try not to eat a snack for breakfast, a decent size lunch at like the latest you can get a lunch special somewhere that should hold you for the night..
8. oh yeah last one get the meal plain.... soooo worth the extra money and it will save you money in the long run
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New Member
My best tip would be to remember why you came to WDW in the first place. Because I live in Orlando, when I want to go to the parks, I just drive, go and come home. I don't eat in the parks (besides a cheep lunch), I don't buy little trinkets with big pricetags, and I use the water fountains. When I want to get away for the weekend, I love going to one of the deluxe resorts. I pay alot for the room, but I generally don't go to the parks at all (Thats right...Disney World with no theme parks). I use the pools and the ambiance and it's like a vacation w/o the drive.

For most of you however, you come as part of a big vacation, and your biggest reason for coming is the theme parks. So avoid the expensive restuarants, the expensive hotels and the souviners that you don't really need, and then you can spend your money on those 200 day, non-expiring, park-hopping, super tickets, with water fun, and all the other bells and whistles.

Alternate Answer: Spend the's Disney and you only live once!!
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Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Flying from Halifax you're not likely to get any great deals or seat sales. Canadian airlines aren't very good even when they do have a seat sale :cry:

But, if you can drive to New England [the ferry to Maine?] and fly domestically in the States, you might be able to get a good deal on airfares...
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Well-Known Member
Well i go with my wife so we share everything. So we only need to buy 1 drink at a time.

Otherwise to save money, we buy souvenirs on the last day so we wait to see what we really want and not just buy anything.
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bgraham34 said:
Well i go with my wife so we share everything. So we only need to buy 1 drink at a time.

We did this last time but it seemed like when I would go for a drink he had already finished it :fork: :fork: the end of the trip I demanded my own drink.

On our last trip I decided that I was going to take some bottled water (with a very small cooler to carry in our backpack) and snacks so we would have to purchase less in the parks, but I ended up paying at the airport because my luggage was to heavy (due to the water) and to rent the refridgerator. :hammer: :hammer: :brick:
Oh well! Lesson learned! But I still ended up being less than if we had actually bought that many botttles of water and it was great to have something cold to drink while standing in line.
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"Disney character outlet store in the Belz Mall near the intersection of I-4 & the florida turnpike"
That place helped save alot the kids were able to get most of the souvenirs they wanted at great prices.
If your able to make it to walmart and stock up on drinks and snacks to keep in the room it helps alot esp. with kids who always seem to be hungry. We also ate at great places outside of Disney which were alot cheaper.
My other tip is have a cast member in the family ;) that helps ALOT my sister gets us great room rates (at xmas shes staying w/us so were getting 50% off our room).
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Active Member
Bring your own pop,water, beer and snacks. Eat @ least one meal in the room with the food you brought or got off site. We did this the last few times we were there and it saved a boat load.
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New Member
Great ideas so far! The best overall is definitely look for the FREE Dining Plan and code discounts obviously!

Saving up for the trip:
1) Like others have said save your change
2) We designate a certain percentage from side work/misc. income towards our Disney Fund.
3) Our girls save Aluminum cans and turn them in (It's not much but every couple of months we get around $20) Also look for other recyclable stuff to get money on!
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