Top 5 Underrated Attractions


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Original Poster
There are a lot of top 5 lists on the board now, but there is one that seemed to be forgotten:

What are you top 5 underrated attractions? Attractions that you like but don't seem to get much credit.

1. Who Wants To Be A Millionare Play It - Nobody seems to ever talk about this. It is a really fun experiance that is often overlooked.

2. CoP - Obviously Disney doesn't pay much mind to CoP otherwise it wouldn't be under seasonal operation. It is a classic that never gets recognition.

3. Star Tours - I was reading the top 5 overrated thread and alot of people mentioned Star Tours. In defense, I must say it is a classic ride based on classic films. You simply can't change the first motion simulator. It would be like closing the first ever water park, oh wait Disney already did that.

4. Tom Sawyer Island - Nobody seems to pay any mind to Tom Sawyer Island, it's just sort of there between Liberty Square and Frontierland. I love taking a break out there in the hot afternoons.

5. Country Bear Jamboree - I've also heard alot of people speaking bad about CBJ. It's another classic, and just a fun, entertaining show. How could you not like it?


Well-Known Member
Tom Sawyer Island and Swiss Family Treehouse.

Both classic stories of yore that are great places to walk through and point out all the many small things from their respective movies and books.

They are fun to explore!!

Epcot is my fav

Active Member
1. TTA- my favorite ride in all much fun
2. Cranium Command.....see my avator
3. Who wants to be a millionaire play it- so much fun
4. COP- just great
5. Timekeeper- its very funny


New Member
Here's my opinion

1.) Cranium Command (without a Doubt!!!)

2.) MIllionarire ( Been in the hot seat and it rocks!!)

3.) Indy Stunt Show (Only if u get to selected to be the extra who dies, proud to say i am a girl and have done so...TWICE!!)

4.)LIttle Mermaid ( a beautiful show, wish they did Kiss the girl However)

5.)TTA (will always be the Wedway to me and i will always love it)

Honorable mention: Timekeeper, gotta love the 9 screens with great details and comedic comments from Robin Williams


New Member
1. Tomorrowland Transit Authority
2. The MK Railroad
3. Ellen's Universe of Energy
4. Walt: One Man's Dream
5. It's A Small World (the song does NOT get annoying :))



New Member
1. Spaceship Earth

2. Living With The Land

3. Caroussel of Progress

4. Tomorrowland Transit Authority

5. Body Wars

and I just gotta:

6. Cranium Command

7. Star Tours


  1. Tomorrowland Transit Authority
  2. Who Wants to Be a Millionaire - Play It!
  3. The Barnstormer at Goofy's Wiseacre Farm - Lots of fun for kids and adults.
  4. Primeval Whirl
  5. Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin


Sorry to reply to such an old thread but I had to throw in my $.02:

1. Ellen's Energy Adventure
2. TTA
3. Liberty Belle Riverboat
4. Ice Station Cool
5. Journey into Imagination with Figment


Well-Known Member
1. Body Wars - Never gets the credit it deserves. Just as good as Star Tours and was Epcot's first thrill ride.

2. The Timekeeper - No excuse for this to be seasonal.

3. Cranium Command - Very funny show with great characters.

4. Flights of Wonder - I am not a big fan of the stage shows but this one is definately my favorite one on Disney property.

5. Sounds Dangerous - I love the binural sound (Big surprise huh :lol: ) and the effects are very realistic.

Honorable Mention: O' Canada (I don't care if we ever get a replacement film here), Impressions de France (Again it wouldn't bother me if the same films stays here).

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