Top 10 WDWMagic Pet Peeves


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Original Poster
I guess I'm just in a "Top 10 List" mood tonight!

For clarification, I LOVE WDWMagic!! I literally consider it to be the best fan forum ever!! However, if you've been posting on it for about the same amount of time as I have (for many people, even longer), then surely there have been things that have come up that have annoyed you. So here's my list (and please keep in mind this is all in good fun):

1. "If you can't say something positive, then please leave these forums!" (in response to a comment that is remotely critical of Disney or suggests Disney is slightly less than perfect)

2. "How dare you post a topic that's been posted before!! You're hereby sentenced to being tarred and feathered for not doing a search first!!"

3. Thread drifts

4. "How dare you not agree with me!! Here is a negative rep point!"

5. Acronyms that I can't interpret

6. Not being able to come up with more than six things for a top ten list.


Active Member
#7 people that have to get overtechnical about everything. (I dont need the intricate workings to understand what you are talking about)

#8 people that post just to get extra numbers on their profiles. (If you dont have anything helpful to add to a post, stay out of the conversation. It would really cut down on the pages of a post. Ive been on here a long time, If i just put up something everytime i was looking at threads id be up to 5,000+ already.

But thats just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Just randomly stumbled upon this older thread, but I want to add my two cents, anyway.

One of my biggest pet peeves is easily (and I realize this is really insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but it still bugs me) when people treat "Disney" as a plural term. For instance "Disney have," "Disney are," etc.

Disney is an entity, and as such, is a singular.

(Now watch, someone will point out several stylistic or grammatical errors I've made in this post, making me look like a complete hypocrite!)


Well-Known Member
hey you! Quit posting just to get your thread count up! :lookaroun

I will as soon as you stop doing the same thing.

Wait a minute. This could make the pet peeve list. :eek:
Not to mention you have been a member of this site for just a little over a year longer than I but my post count pales in comparison to you.
Pot calling the Kettle black???


Well-Known Member
I will as soon as you stop doing the same thing.

Wait a minute. This could make the pet peeve list. :eek:
Not to mention you have been a member of this site for just a little over a year longer than I but my post count pales in comparison to you.
Pot calling the Kettle black???

2007 was a very active year around these parts so I'm not sure what you're suggesting. Guess you just missed all of the action. :cool:

It is interesting that the same peeves from 6 years ago would still make the list today!


Well-Known Member
Not sure if I have 10, but I'll try:

1.People who post sarcastically to try and sound smarter than other people.

2.Posters who get on someone's case for starting a thread about a subject that was discussed 6 months ago. Not everybody lives on the board.

3.This happens more on the DIS, but people who in their signatures, let us all know they're staying "Club Level".

4.Posters who bash a particular resort when they've never even stayed there.

5.This only happens on the DIS but it's so retarded I'm counting it: People that give advice on a resort, the OP says "Thanks for the advice", and the poster replies "You're Welcome" just to up their post count. Please - Get a room.

6.People who refer to WDW as the "Happiest Place On Earth." That's Disneyland. Duh.

7.People that get defensive of the Brazilian Tour Groups. Nothing to be defensive about. Most of them are obnoxious, ignorant, rude animals who shouldn't be allowed in public. Oh boo-hoo, it's not politically correct.

8.People that type in all lower case letters.

9.People who ask "How do people afford to go to Disney every year". Seriously?

10.People who respond to lists like this.


Not sure if I have 10, but I'll try:

1.People who post sarcastically to try and sound smarter than other people.

2.Posters who get on someone's case for starting a thread about a subject that was discussed 6 months ago. Not everybody lives on the board.

3.This happens more on the DIS, but people who in their signatures, let us all know they're staying "Club Level".

4.Posters who bash a particular resort when they've never even stayed there.

5.This only happens on the DIS but it's so retarded I'm counting it: People that give advice on a resort, the OP says "Thanks for the advice", and the poster replies "You're Welcome" just to up their post count. Please - Get a room.

6.People who refer to WDW as the "Happiest Place On Earth." That's Disneyland. Duh.

7.People that get defensive of the Brazilian Tour Groups. Nothing to be defensive about. Most of them are obnoxious, ignorant, rude animals who shouldn't be allowed in public. Oh boo-hoo, it's not politically correct.

8.People that type in all lower case letters.

9.People who ask "How do people afford to go to Disney every year". Seriously?

10.People who respond to lists like this.

You took 9 out of my 10! And about number 9; I raised about $700 last year just by mowing lawns and doing stuff like that (Yes I am 14 years old), and this year I'm paying for myself to go to WDW for a long weekend.

Anyway; (could only think of 5)

1. Rude members (that have usually been here for a while)

2. Text-arguing

3. Threads started in the wrong category!

4. Careless spelling errors (ie. Disny, Miki, DeanFinder)

5. Bad opinions on additions to the parks


Well-Known Member
I have one and it's nit-picky but it drives me NUTS:

Any thread called "New" as in the 50 threads called "New Fantasyland Expansion Photos" or "New Over the Wall Photos". Don't get me wrong - I LOVE the photos but why can't we date the threads so I don't get all excited that there are "New" photos only to find it's the same thread from 3 months ago?


New Member
My #1, posters that have nothing better to do than come into a thread with the sole idea of starting an argument.

My #2, posters that assume that because they say so that we should believe that they are "tight" with Disney so anything they post is correct and others are just amatuers.



1. The Blind Response
When someone reads an OP question, and blindly jumps in with their answer...not checking other responses first to see if the question has already been answered. For example: There was a thread awhile back where the OP asked if you could park hop with a one day base ticket. The responses were all:
"No you cannot"
"Nope, you need the park hopper option.."
"No. You need to upgrade to park hopper.."
"Not without the park hopper..."
"No, you need park hopper.."

2. "^This"
When somebody quotes something they liked or agreed with, but rather than stating why they liked/agreed with it...they simply write: "^This" beneath it.

3. Complaint-Happy
I understand this is the internet, where people can vent their frustrations on life. I understand we all want WDW to have the same quality & meet the standards we've come to expect over the decades. I understand that if AA's or other effects are not working, or if garbage is showing up more often...this is worth venting about. But to complain about a light bulb being burned out, or seeing a weed in front of your resort room...saying this indicates how Disney is going "downhill" ?
Come on people, grab a fig newton & a good book and just relax awhile.

4. Gang-Up's
Someone posts something that is incorrect (i.e. The King Louie at the end of Jungle Cruise thread). Does it REALLY take the entire mob to put someone in their place when they make an innocent mistake?


Well-Known Member
1. The Blind Response
When someone reads an OP question, and blindly jumps in with their answer...not checking other responses first to see if the question has already been answered. For example: There was a thread awhile back where the OP asked if you could park hop with a one day base ticket. The responses were all:
"No you cannot"
"Nope, you need the park hopper option.."
"No. You need to upgrade to park hopper.."
"Not without the park hopper..."
"No, you need park hopper.."

2. "^This"
When somebody quotes something they liked or agreed with, but rather than stating why they liked/agreed with it...they simply write: "^This" beneath it.

3. Complaint-Happy
I understand this is the internet, where people can vent their frustrations on life. I understand we all want WDW to have the same quality & meet the standards we've come to expect over the decades. I understand that if AA's or other effects are not working, or if garbage is showing up more often...this is worth venting about. But to complain about a light bulb being burned out, or seeing a weed in front of your resort room...saying this indicates how Disney is going "downhill" ?
Come on people, grab a fig newton & a good book and just relax awhile.

4. Gang-Up's
Someone posts something that is incorrect (i.e. The King Louie at the end of Jungle Cruise thread). Does it REALLY take the entire mob to put someone in their place when they make an innocent mistake?

This. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
1. The Blind Response
When someone reads an OP question, and blindly jumps in with their answer...not checking other responses first to see if the question has already been answered. For example: There was a thread awhile back where the OP asked if you could park hop with a one day base ticket. The responses were all:
"No you cannot"
"Nope, you need the park hopper option.."
"No. You need to upgrade to park hopper.."
"Not without the park hopper..."
"No, you need park hopper.."

4. Gang-Up's
Someone posts something that is incorrect (i.e. The King Louie at the end of Jungle Cruise thread). Does it REALLY take the entire mob to put someone in their place when they make an innocent mistake?

These ones are good (and true.)

But again, I don't see as much of this type of behavior on wdwmagic. The idiots who do that crap are usually on the DIS. The group here seems much more down to Earth, and much easier to get a straight answer from. That first example you give is hilarious as it always happens on the DIS.


Well-Known Member
My top ten complaints about WDWMAGIC:

1. A lack of free refreshments with each log-in.
2. The stalkers that eventually wind up outside of my windows. Freaks.
3. No executive washroom keys.
4. The constant fear that I am transforming into a lazy sloth sitting at a computer.
5. Three words: Red Sox neglect.
6. Having to convince my wife that my computer acquaintances are really harmless folk.
7. Grammar, grammar, grammar.
8. Trip reports that don’t include me. I mean, come on, a simple invitation would kill you?
9. The Mom’s secret identity, as per a ten year old photo. Why are you hiding from us?!!
10. Posting on old, resurrected threads…um, forget I said anything.


Well-Known Member
My top ten complaints about WDWMAGIC:

1. A lack of free refreshments with each log-in.
2. The stalkers that eventually wind up outside of my windows. Freaks.
3. No executive washroom keys.
4. The constant fear that I am transforming into a lazy sloth sitting at a computer.
5. Three words: Red Sox neglect.
6. Having to convince my wife that my computer acquaintances are really harmless folk.
7. Grammar, grammar, grammar.
8. Trip reports that don’t include me. I mean, come on, a simple invitation would kill you?
9. The Mom’s secret identity, as per a ten year old photo. Why are you hiding from us?!!
10. Posting on old, resurrected threads…um, forget I said anything.


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