What I loved about Universe of Energy was, after watching the intro on the kinetic mosaic when they were actually still kinetic, walking into a giant auditorium and taking a seat and watching the next movie was being absolutely stunned (the first time, anyway) when the large seating areas started moving!
I get that a lot of people enjoy the thrill rides... maybe MOST people... but man, give me a slow moving dark ride with a bunch of AAs and I'm in heaven. PotC, HM, Horizons, WoM, original JiI, GMR, SSE (always my first ride of any visit, assuming it's up), all stone cold classics in my eyes. Even FEA I enjoy; though I'm not a huge fan of the rear projection faces, I don't hate them. I love the idea of NRJ but it's so short with only 1 AA, as impressive as it is; it's just not enough. Shows like CoP and American Adventure are always a joy. HoP has become difficult for me to enjoy and I think AA covers the same beats without the focus on modern polarizing figures (save some brief appearances in the final montage.) And finally the "boring" slow rides without AAs like TTA and Living with (or Listen to) the Land are never-skips for me.
Yeah, I enjoy some of the thrill rides, I think GotG is a heck of a lot of fun despite its screen-based shortcomings. FoP and Soarin' are really enjoyable. SM, BTMR, EE are fine roller coasters that are great rides because they established IPs rather than incorporated IP. But I'm old and a lot of my favorites are probably my favorites because I rode them first as a child. Just like the original Star Wars trilogy is the only one I care for because I was a kid when they came out. People that saw the prequels when they were kids can enjoy them in a way I never could, because I was an adult when I saw them and could tell they were fine demos of the bleeding edge of cinematic CGI at the time, but were obviously and objectively terrible movies. (Just kidding! sort of...)
It's a real balancing act, getting older and trying to retain some measure of openness to new things and fending off the jadedness while also trying to maintain some objectivity without giving into Pollyannaism. Nuance is hard and doesn't generate the discussion on social media like hot takes do. Sorry for rambling and going off topic.