Toontown Demolition?


Well-Known Member
The whole pixar land thing has been a rumor that seems to spring up every now and then...especially when talking about expanding AK and the 'camp'...but this seems to be another incarnation of the rumor...

I wouldn't like to see a land devoted to just Pixar movies in my opinion they should tear down ToonTown Fair and just expand Fantasyland in that direction...and include the whole villains land theme as well (e-ticket and all)...thats just me though...

Interesting rumor...


Well-Known Member
Firstoff Pixar-land wouldn't fly because the characters from all of those movies live in their "own" worlds. There is no theme that could bring them all together. I like what they are doing, sprinkling the Pixar characters and attractions around the world. I hope they continue to do it, and do it tastefully. No harm in bringing them TO toontown, if anything toontown could use a little love.


New Member
Toon Town is going to be "dipped" to make room for a Freeway.
Gas stations and rest stops as far as the eye can see. Imiagine, getting from the magic Kingdom to the beach in under an hour.
People getting off and on off and on all day, ALL NIGHT!...My God, it will be beautiful...


Well-Known Member
NTI2002 said:
Toon Town is going to be "dipped" to make room for a Freeway.
Gas stations and rest stops as far as the eye can see. Imiagine, getting from the magic Kingdom to the beach in under an hour.
People getting off and on off and on all day, ALL NIGHT!...My God, it will be beautiful...

lol that was great, I wish they would just build the toon town from Roger Rabbit.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Hey, color me a misanthrope, but I LIKE Toontown Fair. Because I don't have kids, I know that a large contingent of the Buggy Patrol will be over there for good chunks of the day. It saves my ankles from being destroyed by wayward strollers, cuts down on the amount of whininess in general. If they were to tear it down, I hope it would only be to improve it, make it bigger, and not allow people to leave once they enter. :p

Truth be told, I have gone in to check it out, and it is cute. I even rode Barnstormer last year during a day the park was so not-crowded, we did everything we wanted to do before noon. It has kid appeal, and I'm sure, if I don't go to H-E-Double Hockey Sticks for my previous nastiness, my purgatory will be that I have quintuplets who all want to meet Mickey, and I'll spend thousands of dollars to go to WDW and wait on line for a rat's autograph.

As far as the Pixar-relegated park goes, I'd think it probably wouldn't happen, but for slightly different reasons than everyone else thinks. IF relations improve between Disney & Pixar to the point where they stay in business together, I would think Disney would want, as much as possible, for there to be NO distinction between what is Disney and what is Pixar. They'd want the illusion that it's ALL Disney. Granted, when a movie is released, or if the title of a Pixar movie is displayed on-property, there usually some mention of Pixar somewhere. But to section-off a whole Pixar-related area almost seems like an attempt to say "we're different then they are." And Disney wouldn't want to do that because, quite often lately, whatever Pixar is doing blows away whatever Disney is doing (though I have an ill feeling about Cars). Disney would be scared to death that having a Pixar-related area might siphon off a disporportionate amount of guests to the rest of the park. They're better off letting the Pixar-related stuff be scattered throughout the park, and the World, to keep people thinking that it's just all Disney, as much as possible.

I know some people will argue that everybody knows what is or is not Pixar. TO that, I say, sure, everybody on THIS board. But I know plenty of people who think anything that's a cartoon is a Disney cartoon. Including all the Dreamworks animated output. To some people cartoons=Disney the same way copies=Xerox and bandages=Band-aids & digital recording=TIVOing. Heck, even the drivers on the Magical Express are showing Shark Tale, according to one thread I've read. :lol: The last thing I'd think Disney would want is to make sure more people know that most of the magic being generated in their company nowadays is from an outside source.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
testtracker said:
With their current relationship, I can't imagine Disney giving Pixar the satistfaction of having their own land.
talk about ego trip............... i think jobs head would explode.


Well-Known Member
marni1971 said:
There is on big question about Toontown. It is temporary. It was built as a temporary structure. That was 17 years ago. How much longer will they keep patching it up before some big choices need to be made? The state of the original railroad station is a case in point.

I agree. I was very dissapointed when they converted the Birthdayland and wound up keeping it there. It seems cheap compared to the rest of the park. It does not fit in with the way the park flows. It is not attached to the hub and you need to walk through another land to get there. The train station as you mentioned is terrible. Not like the others.

I would be perfectly happy if they dropped it off and added onto Fantasyland and or Tomorrowland.

All that being said, I have a 4 year old who loves the place so it does have it's apeal. Just not to me.


Well-Known Member
I didn't catch Birthdayland, but I did see Mickey's Starland. The Disney Adventure Stage Show was still there before it was removed to make more room for meet and greets. Even with the kiddie coaster at Toontown Fair, the land has little impact on me now. Disneyland's Toontown is something I would like to see come over to WDW over a land filled with Pixar characters.

I doubt that after Block Party Bash were ever going to see all of the Pixar characters together.


New Member
righttrack said:
Firstoff Pixar-land wouldn't fly because the characters from all of those movies live in their "own" worlds. There is no theme that could bring them all together.
But what is Fantasyland besides the mixing of characters from different worlds all under one banner?

NTI2002 said:
Toon Town is going to be "dipped" to make room for a Freeway.
Gas stations and rest stops as far as the eye can see. Imiagine, getting from the magic Kingdom to the beach in under an hour.
People getting off and on off and on all day, ALL NIGHT!...My God, it will be beautiful...
You are officially the coolest person ever for not only remembering a quote both excellent and obscure, but using it in a context such as this. If there were still any type of rep. system, you would get SO much green from me.

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