Too Much Lovey-Dovey in WDW


New Member
I think kissing, hugging, holding hands are fine. People making out big time and groping and touching each other in places is inappropriate in a family park. Just wait till you get back to the hotel room!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MKCustodial
Americans... :lol: Isn't culture a funny thing? While I'd never "french" my girlfriend in public (simply because I don't feel comfortable about it), we hold hands, exchange small pecks, maybe walk with one hand in each other's back pockets :)o ) and constantly hug. Oh, and with the kinds of ads and soap-operas we have down here, I doubt there's a 5 year old around who hasn't seen open-mouth kissing, or probably worse! :hammer:
But seriously, I love reading about these little differences... A bit of a drift: here, we have the custom of kissing cheeks when meeting (girls on girls and boys on girls, not boys on boys like Russians). During my time at the International Program, I got REALLY funny looks from female neighbors when I tried to greet them like that! :lol: And while working, I'd greet Brazilian friends like that, and some Guests sure looked funny. After I dated this American CM, I started greeting her like that and she was ok with it, unless her manager was around... :rolleyes: Memories... :D

It was a little bit more than just french kissing :lol: :eek: There's also a big difference between kissing in "real life" and kissing on TV.


Well-Known Member
I haven't seen too many overboard PDA's, but I sure have seen lots of ladies wandering around in what used to be considered lingerie!!!:lol:


New Member
Originally posted by Dwarful
I don't mind the pda, its when the clothes don't cover the body that bothers me. I mean come on, its a FAMILY PARK! I am NOT talking about the water parks. I am strictly speaking of the 4 main parks. We actually saw one woman "fall out" of her top...and believe me, even my husband said it wasn't a pretty sight!

ok let the backlash begin~

I totally agree with you there. I know it can get quite hot in Disney, but ladies leave your shirt on over your bikini top! & guys please leave your shirts on, as well.

As far as effection, my dh and I try to show our affection to each other in front of our children (and go to the bedroom with the door closed when necessary! :animwink: )

In this age of high divorse rates, etc. we feel it important to openly show our love to our spouses and children.


New Member
Being a cast member I've seen things in the park and heard of things form others that cross ALL lives of PDA acceptance. I.E. Groping on rides, self pleasure on rides, oral pleasure on rides. I don't mind kissing, even some french kissing, but you have to admit that groping and such is ajust a bit to far in public in any culture.:hurl:


New Member
I don't mind the PDA in the parks.. I'm guilty of it (within reason of course). DisneyWorld is such a fun and romantic place for us as I'm sure it is for lots of other people!

i don't mind kissing so long as you aren't trying to swallow someone's face in one gulp... hugging is fine :) and cuddling but no touching people in certain "personal" areas no hands under clothes no simulations etc lets keep it pg13


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MicBat
It was a little bit more than just french kissing :lol: :eek: There's also a big difference between kissing in "real life" and kissing on TV.

I wish I could find some Brazilian soap opera scenes on Kazaa... You'd see the kind of fiction I'm talking about! :lol: :p


Well-Known Member
Well, MKCustodial I meant a bit more than short shorts. It would be nice if the guys kept the shirts on (isn't that a standard requirement inside the 4 main parks at WDW?). More though I meant things like guys in super short shorts with the slits up both wrong move and the general public is getting to see more than they want to while waiting for a parade on Main Street USA! (nearly happened to us last May/June) or females (young and old) who wear in appropriate tops (and shorts).

my husband said a good rule of thumb is this:

If you wouldn't want to see your parents doing it (groping, french kissing etc.,) in public then you probably shouldnt be doing it in front of all the other guests either!

a little decency and kindness goes along way


New Member
Originally posted by
hugging is fine :) and cuddling but no touching people in certain "personal" areas no hands under clothes no simulations etc lets keep it pg13

Ok, that was what I was looking for, you took the words right from my mouth, keep it pg13! :zipit:


New Member
I agree with Stitch there, there is a certain level that you must stop at since alot of kids are around. Whenever I was not working at Epcot (and my girlfriend was not working either) then we would go to the parks and take our time seeing the sights and sounds and just enjoying each others company. We would kiss each other while waiting in line and I would hold her in my arms....then while walking anywhere we would hold hands. One park specifically is romantic and thats the Magic Kingdom (for our opinion that is...although the Boardwalk was romantic too).


Well-Known Member
I've only encountered one OUT-OF-CONTROL moment at WDW...

It was on SPLM...and the couple behind us was enjoying the darkness a little too much.....and to keep this "G" rated....our picture didn't show up...and the lady left with a "momento" on her shirt..:lookaroun

But I have to agree with everyone else...WDW is very romantic...and sparks romance....happened between me and a freind....together for a year now...
I agree...there is a time and place for for serious romance...but I have no objections to romance in the parks....

:kiss: ---> hope they don't delete my post for that one...haha:cool:...get it:veryconfu...ok...I'm from Boston...leave me alone...:cry: :dazzle:


Well-Known Member
I must be getting old:(

Last time I was at EPCOT, I was watching the Tapestry of Dreams Parade and some couple was smooching though the entire thing.

The whole time they were kissing I was're missing a great SHOW!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Well one time at EPCOT,while riding SE there was a young couple in front of me,they made out really bad*hint hint*. Boy were they suprised to see me when the cars turned around at the top and faced me for a couple seconds:lol:


New Member
I have been guilty of showing my loooove in public at the parks, but I don´t think I ever went past PG13. I think the sense of anonimacy (sp?) is what makes people be more explicit. Who cares? ' Nobody knows me' ... at least that´s what I thought...back home, there is no way you would see me kissing and hugging in public that much because wherever you go, someone knows you or your family.

A few years ago, I went with my girl friends to Orlando and there was a couple in our hotel who left the curtains open and we saw them in action -not a very pleasant picture, but good for us to laugh about! :animwink:

I can´t imagine how disgusting must be having someone leaving the "Lewinsky mark" in the middle of a ride! :hurl: Must have been an uncomfortable moment for the rest of you riding with them! That´s really low class... sorry.


I went to WDW in '96 with a girlfriend that was NOT into PDAs. I grew up in a house where my parents were very affectionate (hand-holding, smooching). When I was at WDW with my girlfriend, it killed me to see couples being so openly romantic. I wasn't mad at them...I was jealous! It was a miserable time, at least where it concerned my romantic moods.

I went last December ('02) with my wife (I didn't marry that girlfriend). My wife and I have been ok with PDAs from the beginning. It was a wonderful trip...very romantic. But we didn't get crazy with it. We didn't do anything on rides other than light kissing. :kiss:

And our resort room curtains were securely drawn when we were, um, frisky! ;)


New Member
Once there was this 30 year old couple standing in the middle of Main Street U.S.A. making out (I mean french-kissing making out). My mom said "get a room" and they looked at us disgusted, but they deserved it.:mad:

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