Trip Report Too Many Cupcakes: Our First Trip Report! **Completed finally!!**

Hey everyone! So I decided to start my first trip report! ;) I love reading other reports and have always wanted to try writing one :) So here goes...

On this trip will be me, Gina and my husband Scott. This will be our 5th trip together. We love going to Disney and nobody else really understands why...every trip we hear "you are going again? Didn't you just go?" :mad: This will be our first trip since May 2012!

wedding photo :)

So a little pre-trip..the two weeks leading up to our leaving was very stressful! 10 days before we were supposed to leave I came down with the flu. It really kicked my butt. I was out of work for a week, couldn't hardly move never mind get things together for our trip.So the week I was sick my husband called and told me where he works they have a rewards program where you get points that are turned into gift cards...and Disney gift cards was an option! Score! So he had 300 in points, plus I had a $100 in disney gift cards from Christmas. Well...the wednseday before he leaves he calls me and tells me he just got a 500 point reward bonus! So we had now about $900 in disney gift cards! Its nice going on vacation and not having to worry about money. Then while we were gone we were going to be having work done on our house. We had lead paint in the house and were having an environmental company come out to remove it, put in new windows, doors, etc. So a couple days before we left, I found out that some of the doors I picked out were discontinued, so they had to come out to measure some more stuff and I had to re-pick new doors. I have no time for this! So by the time friday came I was ready to be out!

Our trip was February 1st-8th at Bay Lake Tower. My parents are DVC members, so we were able to stay on their points. :) We were flying out of Hartford direct flight to MCO. The night before was the usual last minute packing, running errands, and I had to drop off my fur children with my parents.

Daisy(dog) and Bella my furkids! I was so sad to leave them!

February 1st:

Travel days are the worst!! We were up at 4:45 am after getting about three hours of sleep. :mad: Everything went smoothly at the airport..except for the TSA agent screaming that I left my belt on...sorry dude! Now I ABSOLUTELY hate flying...I'm sweating just thinking about it! I had a mini melt down right before we boarded the plane.:cry: Popped a Xanax and off we went! Ride was smooth (according to my husband!) and we landed about 20 minutes early! Yeah! So off we went with magic bands in hand to the magical express. I don't know how many times we have been to MCO and seem to always loose our way when finding DME. Ended up on the wrong side of the terminal. So after about 15 minutes we were finally in line. We waited close to 20 minutes for a bus and finally we were on our way!

Soon we were seeing this beautiful sight! We were the last stop of course! :mad: This would be our first time at BLT. Every time we go they are always booked, but luckily I was able to get us a reservation for the full 8 days. We usually always stay at the Boardwalk Villas, so I was excited to try something new! Check in was a breeze, our room was ready, things were going well! We took the skywalk over to our room:

kitchen area with full length mirror that doubled as my makeup/hair straightening area!

We just had a standard view, but were able to see the bay lake and the castle on the left! The room was very nice. At this point it was around noon and we were STARVING!! So we walked over to Contempo Cafe in the main concourse. We picked up some mugs and got some grub!

Scott got a chicken sandwich that had a salsa like sauce on it...I thought it was good but he thought the sauce was too much. I got a chicken chop salad with cilantro vinaigrette dressing..I'm not a huge cilantro fan but the dressing was delicious! And we got a worms in dirt cupcake! Pleasantly full we were off to Epcot!


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After a few more, we decided it was probably best to start heading back. We had to full day planned for tomorrow! Stopped in a few more stores on the way out and once we got back to the Contemporary, I decided to stop in the gift shop to get a new Alex & Ani bracelet. (Because buzzed shopping is a good idea, right?);)

OMG!! I'm loving this bracelet!! I have to get one!! Was the BLT the only place that you saw them? Can I ask how much :oops:? Were headed to MK for only one day later this year and I may have to hop over there just to get one!!!

Love the report too by the way. :D


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Looks like you guys had a blast! And it sounds like the weather was very cooperative for you. We were just there last month at the end of January and the weather was pretty cold for Orlando (hoodies every day and wishing for more layers).

Love the bracelet and kudos to Disney for giving you such a great bag replacement without any apparent fuss!

Waiting for the rest of the cupcakes .... :hungry:


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You make me want to try 1900 Park Fair for breakfast! The pictures make the food look so yummy :) And love your Alex and Ani bracelet! I got the one of the castle when I was there.. but I really like yours! I tried looking on ebay and amazon for more but they are soooo expensive! Guess I will have to wait until August :(


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You guys look you you had/are having a lot of fun ! I'm following along !
Thanks for reading!

Fab report so far

OMG!! I'm loving this bracelet!! I have to get one!! Was the BLT the only place that you saw them? Can I ask how much :oops:? Were headed to MK for only one day later this year and I may have to hop over there just to get one!!!

Love the report too by the way. :D
I love the bracelet..I've worn it everyday since I got it! I also saw them at Tren-D in DTD, and Uptown Jewelers in MK. Uptown Jewelers had the biggest selection..I remember them having the jewel on the bracelt other colors (red,blue and maybe green?). And it was either 31 or 32 dollars.

Looks like you guys had a blast! And it sounds like the weather was very cooperative for you. We were just there last month at the end of January and the weather was pretty cold for Orlando (hoodies every day and wishing for more layers).

Love the bracelet and kudos to Disney for giving you such a great bag replacement without any apparent fuss!

Waiting for the rest of the cupcakes .... :hungry:
Thanks for reading! Yeah the week before we left we saw how cold it was! Of course I over packed with sweaters and such...and of course (thankfully) we didn't wear any of it.

You make me want to try 1900 Park Fair for breakfast! The pictures make the food look so yummy :) And love your Alex and Ani bracelet! I got the one of the castle when I was there.. but I really like yours! I tried looking on ebay and amazon for more but they are soooo expensive! Guess I will have to wait until August :(

I love the food at 1900 Park Fare! I would definitely recommend it. :) The selection wasn't as big as some other of the breakfast buffets, but it was one of my favorites.


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Day 4..
Woke up this morning early again because we wanted to try to get to Epcot for extra magic morning hours. We've never done EMH in the morning, just at this would be a first! Stopped by Contempo Cafe to grab some breakfast:

This breakfast sandwich was not good at all! The ham was super salty..I ended up just eating the bread. So off to Epcot we went! It was, once again, super foggy out. Once the monorail rounded to where you can see the front gate, Scott and I just glanced at each other..the crowds were crazy! We got right in line, and they started letting people in. Usually they scan your magic band for EMH, but they kind of gave up and just told everyone to hold them up in the air. So after about ten minutes we were in!

so foggy...
We went right over to Soarin' and walked right on. By the time we got out, the line for Test Track was around 30 minutes. No thanks! Next we went into Innoventions and played The Great Piggy Bank Adventure. It was cute..I wanted to bring the bank home it was so cute!

And finally the fog had burned off and it was gonna be a hot day:

Went on Journey into Imagination and decided to watch Captain EO. This show is so cheesy, but we heard they may be getting rid of it, so wanted to catch it one last time. After, it was close to 11, so we decided to start heading over to World Showcase.

Watched O'Canada ( and proceeded to sing the song at the end ALL day ;)). It was starting to get really warm and I was starting to get hungry. Scott asked what I wanted, and I wanted Sunshine Seasons. But we were just over there...I don't care that's what I want! :) LOL I am very fortunate to have a very patient husband! So we walked BACK over to The Land. It was right before 12, so the lines weren't that bad. I got 1/2 chicken with potatoes and Scott got a turkey sandwich with a side of potato salad. And we split the strawberry shortcake. My main reason for wanting to go there was the strawberry shortcake. I love this stuff.

So afterwards, back over to World Showcase! We decided to ride Gran Fiesta Tour.

Walked over to Norway to ride Maelstrom next..

After we got off I tried to get a glance at Elsa and Ana, but the crowds trying to do the same were crazy. The line for the meet and greet was about three hours a CM told us. Three hours!! Eeesh.
Then we we just walked around:

Our attempt at a selfie in the sun LOL

Stopped in the stores in Italy and bought some chocolate and a wine glass for my dad. Walked a little more and decided to head over to the Boardwalk so we could take the boat to Hollywood Studios. We had brought our mugs so we stopped to fill them at the Boardwalk quick serve. I absolutely love this resort! We stayed here for our honeymoon and loved it so much. We got on the boat and made our way over to DHS.

It felt good to sit. It was really warm (and for some odd reason decided to wear jeans :arghh:), and sitting on the back of the boat felt good. Soon we were there!!


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We walked right onto the Great Movie Ride

I really like this ride, but wish they would do a little updating. We walked over to the Magic of Disney Animation and drew Woody:

Haha don't think I'll quit my day job! Scott wouldn't even let me take a picture of his. I love doing this even though I'm terrible at it.
I found this in the store connected to the animation place and I wanted it so bad!

I absolutely love Maleficent, I can't wait for her movie to be released in May! She may be my favorite Disney character! Went over to One Man's Dream next and I was starting not to feel that great. I was getting a headache and very tired..mostly a combination of dehydration, the heat, and waking up early that morning. So we got some ice cream and sat for a few little bit. Normally, we would of probably head back to the room, but we had a fast pass for Fantasmic, and neither of us have ever seen it. I was determined to stick it out!
It was close to 6 at this point so we decided to head towards that direction.

not the best thing to ride with a headache,,maybe next time :(
Stopped into the Villains store and saw this amazing frame that I am kicking myself for not buying!!

I could of bought it all!! So we got into the theater for Fantasmic. They seated us in the Pocahontas section, and we were the third row from the front.

And finally the show started! It was amazing! For some reason, we have never seen this show. I loved it! And we definitely got wet. There was a breeze, so a mist kept hitting everyone. But I didn't care, it felt good! The only thing I wish I could had changed was the super annoying woman sitting behind us. She made a comment for every single thing that was going on. She named all the characters, was yelling at her husband that she was strangle him if he doesn't get good pictures. Then started complaining how wet she was getting and that her camera was expensive. She was very intense. We started laughing every time she said something because every comment was more ridiculous than the last! But besides her, it was amazing. :inlove:

After Fantasmic, I was more than ready to get back to the room, I was ready to drop! Of course it was a mess trying to get out of there. So many people, and then the tour groups started their chants. It was out of control.

Tired and bored waiting for the bus!
Once we got back we were starving so we stopped in at Contempo Cafe and grabbed some food. I had the cheese flat bread, Scott got pasta and we split a salad:

After we ate, I was done and ready for bed! I barely remember going to bed I was so tired! Scott stayed up, went down to the beach to watch the water pageant. I really wished I had stayed up for this!


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That's a Strike Two for you for Contempo Café ... I've only eaten there once and have been happy, but I have heard that it is not always consistent. I am wondering if the ham on your breakfast sandwich was Virginia Ham (in which case it would be super salty). Although, maybe they are a little heavy with the seasoning if the Mahi sandwich was also a little "too much."

Loved your story about the lady behind you at Fantasmic! Seems to me if that lady was intent on getting good pictures then she should have been taking them herself. It's always entertaining to just listen to the other guests around you ... some people sound like a Disney commercial, and then there are those like the woman you mention who can be incredibly annoying -- albeit entertaining after the fact.

No cupcake with dinner?


Well-Known Member
Great Report! I like the full food report as well - better than just the rides, etc. Between the cupcakes, Pizza and Ice Cream, my stomach hasn't stopped grumbling the entire read...

Side Note: Good to see a Hartford Whalers shirt and Red Sox hat in this report!

Todd L

Well-Known Member
For Starters..Your Husband has the coolest Tshirts..Hartford Whalers, DeadPool and Capt. America!

Love the Tr...That First day when you finally get to your room is Just incredible.
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Active Member
Great report so far. Looking forward to reading more.

Cant wait for more info on the cupcakes. I want to do a cupcake crawl during our visit coming up. :)


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Cute report !!!

That's a Strike Two for you for Contempo Café ... I've only eaten there once and have been happy, but I have heard that it is not always consistent. I am wondering if the ham on your breakfast sandwich was Virginia Ham (in which case it would be super salty). Although, maybe they are a little heavy with the seasoning if the Mahi sandwich was also a little "too much."

Loved your story about the lady behind you at Fantasmic! Seems to me if that lady was intent on getting good pictures then she should have been taking them herself. It's always entertaining to just listen to the other guests around you ... some people sound like a Disney commercial, and then there are those like the woman you mention who can be incredibly annoying -- albeit entertaining after the fact.

No cupcake with dinner?
Except for the two sandwiches, I was a fan of Contempo Cafe...they just need to chill with the salt a little bit. :) There are more cupcakes coming up! Between the ice cream, strawberry cake and other sweets I had that day, I had to take a break. I don't really eat a lot of sweets at home, but once in Disney, I seem to crave sugar!

Great Report! I like the full food report as well - better than just the rides, etc. Between the cupcakes, Pizza and Ice Cream, my stomach hasn't stopped grumbling the entire read...

Side Note: Good to see a Hartford Whalers shirt and Red Sox hat in this report!

Thanks for reading along! Yeah we definitely ate a lot of not so healthy food this trip. But hey, that's what vacations are for right?

For Starter..Your Husband has the coolest Tshirts..Hartford Whalers, DeadPool and Capt. America!

Love the Tr...That First day when you finally get to your room is Just incredible.

He is quite proud of his tshirt collection! When he wore his DeadPool shirt, we had a few people just walk up and stare at it, then ask what it was. Quite awkward!

Great report so far. Looking forward to reading more.

Thanks for reading! :)

Cant wait for more info on the cupcakes. I want to do a cupcake crawl during our visit coming up. :)


Bath Bombs! Always the first purchase practically, well for myself...

I actually have never tried any of their bath bombs! I think I may have tried most of their other products...I love that store!


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Day 5...

Today we were up early to make rope drop for MK! I walked over to Contempo Cafe to pick up something quick for breakfast while Scott was getting ready..

I love these chocolate croissants so much!
We got to MK by 8:30, and the crowds were crazy. Watched the RD ceremony and we were in!

We walked right over to Fantasyland and got in line for Peter Pan. We didn't have a fast pass for this, so I wanted to make sure to ride it before the line got crazy long. After we jumped on Winnie the Pooh:

Next was philharmagic. I love this show, I never get sick of it!

rockin' the opry glasses :cool:
Next we headed over towards HM:

It was cloudy out today, but the temperature was in the 70's...perfect weather! Scott said he wanted to visit Tom Sawyer Island...which I had never been to. I never realized until a couple years ago it exsisted!

deep in thought on the raft :p

I'm finally glad I went to see it! There was hardly anyone else on the island. The mine shaft did freak me out..I wanted out ASAP! By this time it was lunchtime and we were getting hungry. So we took the raft back over to the "mainland" and went to Pecos Bill. Scott got the taco salad and I got the Southwest chicken salad. I loved my salad! It had roasted corn on it that was really good and came with chipotle ranch. And of course I loaded it with stuff from the toppings bar. :)

After lunch we walked over to ride pirates and saw that it was a 30 minute wait. We decided to head back to our room to relax and do some laundry. We were coming back to MK that night for our Be Our Guest dinner reservation, and thought the lines would be a little shorter. As we were walking up Main Street, masses of people were coming in. I'm glad we left when we did!
We got back to the room, grabbed some laundry to do and decided to check out the community room. We went through the movies and I wanted to watch Tangled. :) I love that movie...the scene with the lanterns gets me every time! Before we watched I called back home to check in with my mom, make sure the furkids weren't driving her completely nuts! They had a nor'eastern going on, expecting to get 13 inches of snow. I was glad we were missing it, I hate snow! (but lucky me we got another nor'eastern the week we got back :cold::cry:) I watched Tangled(Scott slept), cried during the lantern scene, finished laundry, and then got ready to head back to MK!


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It was around 4...a little cloudy, but the sun was shining. We got onto the train and decided to take a loop around the park. We do this almost every trip, its a boring ride, but we love it.

not so crowded anymore!
Next we had a fast pass for talking Mickey. We didn't get to see him last trip(the talking version), so I was excited to see what it was all about.

Honestly, it freaked me out a little bit. LOL It was so weird seeing him actually talk to you. I know it was all pre-recorded, but it was still fun. We played a card trick with was a decent length meet and greet. Next we stopped in the firehouse to get some cards to play Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom.

We played that for a little bit and then finally headed over to pirates!

On the ride we had a group of teenagers and one girls screamed the ENTIRE ride. :mad: So obnoxious. The entire trip, every time we rode pirates, someone screamed in our boat. :banghead: Headed over to haunted mansion once again:

Walked around a little more after, taking pictures and going into the shops. Finally it was time for our Be Our Guest reservation! I was really excited to eat here finally. When I made our reservations 180 days out, BOG was all booked. But, I was checking about a month before we left, and there was a few times on the day that I wanted. :) So, I was extremely happy we were able to get in. We checked in at 5:15, our reservation wasn't until 5:25...but we actually didn't get seated until a little after 6. When we first entered the castle all I have to say is wow! They did such an amazing job designing!

the west wing...
We were seated in the main ballroom against the windows. It was could see watch it snow outside!

We placed our orders with the waiter and he brought us over delicious french rolls:

I ordered the chicken breast provencal and Scott got sauteed shrimp and scallops.

I loved my dish! The chicken was really juicy and it came with a tomato and olive good.It was also served with potatoes and asparagus. Scott thought his meal was had too many mushrooms for him. We were full after we ate, but we had to get dessert! I read that they had strawberry cream cheese cupcakes and I had to try it. Scott got the triple chocolate had chocolate mousse in the middle and was really good.



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They were so good..I wish I had room to try the other desserts! This meal was my favorite of the whole trip. The only thing I didn't care for was that the waiters encourage you to walk around the restaurant and take pictures. Its just since we were against the windows, lots of people were coming over to take pictures. I could of totally ignored them, but most of them were using their flash. They were pretty much in front of our table taking the picture...ugh put your flash away!!! :banghead:
After we were done we were able to go meet the beast. Then we walked through the front of the castle taking pictures. I did not want to leave!

After we were done we rode under the sea and got stuck where they sing "under the sea" for a few minutes. I didn't mind and sang the whole time (I don't think Scott shared my enthusiasm for this ride!). Once we got out, wishes was about to start. So we stayed right outside of under the sea entrance and watched..the view was perfect.

After we walked around more, went to Tomorrowland and did most of the rides over there. MK was closing soon so we started heading out. It was such an awesome night!


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Happy 4th of July everyone! So I have totally slacked when it comes to this trip report. :banghead: Thanks to hurricane Arthur, we are have a very wet and gloomy holiday! :mad: But its perfect time to finish up this report!

Day 6...

We woke up this morning to overcast skys! :arghh: So, I made sure we had our ponchos packed...and we were off to Epcot! Now that I look back, I wish we had gone back to AK, but staying at BLT makes it so easy to go right over to MK and EP. Oh well. Once we got through the gates, walked onto Soarin', rode The Land, Test Track. I have almost no pictures from this morning! :mad: Walked over to World Showcase and decided we needed a little pick-me-up at the Rose and Crown!


We both got the shandy..which is bass ale and sprite. At home I have had a summer shandy, lemonade with ale, which is really good. The shandies we got were soooo sweet, I drank about half. :cyclops: It was after 12 at this point and we were starved. We decided to walk over to the Beach Club and eat at Beaches and Cream.

So we could not figure out how to get into the restaurant! We actually asked one of the groundskeepers and she told us she would bring us there through Stormalong Bay. Well, as we started going through, the lifeguard started freaking out, asking us if we were resort guests. The groundskeeper explained what we were trying to do, but the lifeguard would not let us pass. I may or may not have made a few none shall pass references for the rest of the day. :p Now I get it, there are rules...but the pool was completely empty, so I think she would have seen two grown adults jump in the pool if we were deciding to sneak in! So the lifeguard had to explain to the groundskeeper how we could get over to Beaches and Cream. Uggghhhh...but finally we made it!

We each got a burger...and they were amazing! I didn't realize how big they were...we could of totally split one(although Scott didn't think so). I ate about half of mine. So we decided on NO ICE CREAM! I don't eat a lot of desserts at home, and felt like all I had been eating all week were sweets. Well, at the table next to us was a couple and they said they were on the disney dining plan and were each given a dessert..and it was too much food, and would we want one of their desserts. LOL. Well, I guess you can't say no to free dessert, especially when its from Beaches and Cream!

Brownie a la mode!

As much as I didn't want was delicious! :hungry: After lunch, we walked over to the Boardwalk. I absolutely love the Boardwalk! We stayed there for our honeymoon and is definitely my favorite resort! As much as I loved staying at BLT, I would take the Boardwalk over BLT any day! We walked through the shops and I took some pictures around the lobby. We jumped on a MK bus and walked back to our room for nap time! I seriously cannot do Disney all day without a nap!

Somebody was a little sleepy on the bus :inlove::inlove::inlove:
After a nice, relaxing nap :) we decided to head back to Epcot for a little bit because we were going to Jelly Rolls tonight! We went right over to World Showcase..

We stopped and grabbed some food at La Cantina de San Angel. We each got tacos de carne, which was beef brisket tacos. Very good!

So after dinner we rode on Maelstrom..

I seriously love this ride, and I have no idea why! I am the crazy lady in the boat who is (quietly) reciting the soundtrack! I am very thankful to my husband, who rides this ride with me many times on each trip! So after Maelstrom, we walked over towards Japan, and the skies decided to open up..a complete downpour! Its okay though we have our ponchos...or so I thought. :banghead: I remembered when we got back from the Boardwalk, I had cleaned out the backpack and reminded myself to put the ponchos back in. I was so mad! Ten minutes later it was still pouring. Scott had seen a samurai sword umbrella the other day in he happily purchased it and off we went.

But of course 10 minutes after buying the umbrella it stopped raining!! LOL

It was pretty close to 9 at this time, so we decided to head over to Jelly Rolls. We had been there once before, after watching a Patriots game at ESPN Zone in 2010. It was ok...but wanted to give it another chance without drinking half the bar before we even stepped through the door! We got a table near the stage and we had a blast! It was so much fun! The guys playing the pianos were great and we had a really awesome waitress. I would definitely recommend going here. It was really funny, and we sang the whole night. thing you know its 1 am!! :eek::eek::eek: How have we been here for 4 hours! We grabbed a taxi and went back to our room.


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Day 7...last full day..:arghh::arghh::arghh::cry::cry::cry:

o we woke up bright and early the next morning. Although we were hurting a little from our late night shenanigans ...I was very determined to make it to rope drop! We stopped at Contempo Cafe to grab some breakfast..

a great cure for a (slight) hangover!

We juuuust missed the rope drop show! Oh was yet again another overcast day!

We stopped in the Firehouse first because Scott wanted to play the Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom game. So we got some cards and played that for a little bit.

SMK is serious business!

We walked on rides without much wait at all. We walked towards Gaston's Tavern and I stopped in the store next to it that has all the Beauty and the Beast merchandise. I had been eyeballing a set of plates the entire week, and after Scott told me he thought I should get them, I did. I love them!

I only got the plates...they had a whole set of smaller plates, mugs, etc. Maybe next time!

It was after 12 and we were starting to get hungry. I swear I feel like all we do at disney is eat! So we stopped in Cosmic Rays. Scott got a hot dog and I got a chicken sandwich with a ton of toppings from the topping bar.

After lunch we walked out and there were craaazzzyyy crowds. People were everywhere.We stopped and watch the stage show in front of the castle:

Next we headed up Main Street, walked through the shops and walked back over to BLT. We stopped at Contempo Cafe for this little gem:

red velvet amazing!
I was really bummed that it was overcast and kind of cool out..I wanted to go swimming! So we instead stopped in the community center to grab a movie..went up to the room to watch and eat our cupcake...and of course took a small nap!


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After we got up, we got ready to head over to the Wilderness Lodge for our reservation at Whispering Canyon Cafe. It was getting really cold and windy by this time. :oops:

It felt like it took a long time for the boat to come, but I think its because I was freezing!

Yeaah!! Finally on the boat!


Scott's response to "Smile!";)

We checked into Whispering Canyon and got seated within 10 minutes. I was soooo cold at this point..the boat ride over did not help! They thankfully seated us right next to the fireplace!

The food was really good. I love their apple salad dressing. We got the beef, chicken, and the fish...which I think was cod. So good. It was such a nice meal. I was getting sad though, knowing the next day we were leaving! :cry: I'm actually getting a little sad as I write this remembering the last night and how sad I was! With full stomachs, we headed back to the boat launch. We were heading back to MK and had fast passes for Wishes!

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