Well-Known Member
You’re wrong about Tron. It’s an advance that has totally new ride profile and vehicles. It doesn’t come close to our Space Mountain which is decades old. Rocket Rods already have a counterpart with Radiator Springs Racers. It doesn’t make sense to revive it on People Mover tracks. Do you think they will rebuilt the tracks for Rocket Rods II? That’s a fantasy. Disney isn’t going to blow the budget for an already failed attraction and market it based on that. Okay, maybe Sequel Trilogy Galaxy’s Edge.
Tron is a success!!! No one will say it’s a stupid decisIon except for you.
The ride experience is similar to Space Mountain on a coaster which is similar to Pony Express. I liked Rockin Roller Coaster, but I still wouldn't want it built right next to Space Mountain as the ride experiences are too similar. I'm not fighting for Rocket Rods II, that's silly, I'm just saying Six Flags over Tron isn't a step forward for Disney and would be a poor choice for Disneyland's Tomorrowland. And seeing that my post has some likes, I'm certain that others to would find that a stupid "decislon."