Have you ridden Space Mountain at Disneyland? I think this is the kind of refurb people above are talking about. At Disneyland they took it out of service for a long refurb, that really put it back into its glory. They fixed or got rid of ambient lighting, added sound on the cars (which perfectly complemented the ride and helped take out track noise), and made the ride smoother; all in the same pattern and with the intended effects of the original. It is like a "digitally remastered" version of the original. Over here, though, in the MK, they only did a short refurb, added speakers on the track (instead of in-car), and basically did it on the cheap. That is what people are pointing out when they are looking for a SM refurb -- with love and care, like DlL's, as opposed to on-the-cheap. Not changing the rides as a whole.
As for TTA, please remember that it was originally the People-Mover, and was essentially the same but looked more "futuristic" in white.
So, overall I think the folks looking for Tomorrowland refurbs are looking for more of what you love, not less.