Since I've got it on the brain...this will be my last addition, and this is the core of where the perception of being "underpaid" comes from. Again, I'm not making any political statement, just providing the whole picture.
While the average wage in FL for Waiters / Waitresses is 22,040 per annum, their take home is much less.
First, they have to pay for Federal Income Tax. If they are single with no dependants, this will be around $1328 in tax. Second, they need to pay 7.65% FICA (Social Security / Medicare). That's 1686.06. The employer pays the other half (7.65%) and employees never see that.
So, their net annual take home is 22040 - 1328 - 1686 = 19026, or about 1585.5 per month.
These numbers change when you start adding children. Lets say a young single mother with 1 child. It would look like this.
22040 + (3131) - 1686 = 23485 per annum. That's right, they actually MAKE money off taxes. That's due to tax credits such as CTC, EITC, etc.
However, how that really works in the real world is that they'll likely only have around the 1585.5 number (or something around that, depending on their withholding level they chose for their W-4) per monthly, and when they file their taxes they'll get a huge windfall of around 4500 as a tax "refund".
Now, if you consider an apartment average rent in Orlando is around $1000 (it could be less or more, I'm making a quick guess), then tack on $250 a month for utilities, $350 a month for car / insurance / etc... It isnt enough.
Of course there is a windfall of $4500 every spring when they file their taxes...which they tend to then go out and spend on new cars, electronics, and Walmart shopping sprees...not kidding, this is why first quarter retail sales ALWAYS spike in the's this mass infusion of cash windfalls for lower income people).
And now, with ACA, they MUST purchase health insurance (even though state programs would cover their children in the US go without health insurance...period, even before ACA). Lets say, after subsidy (because they would qualify) that comes out to $125 a month, so a total monthly expense of 1725 per month, and you'll hear stories of people working "2 and 3 jobs" to make ends meet. They are working 2 - 3 15 - 25 hour a week jobs, not working 80 - 120 hours per week as one may assume.
So, you can see why they feel economically pressured.
Most don't consider the whole picture, but there it is (in case you are curious).