Timekeeper Replacement

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Ghostbuster626 said:
hey I agree with you 100%. I am so anti-tie in its not even funny. I want an original story!

The only tie-in that I guess would be kinda acceptable would be a Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy ride. Disney did make the movie after all and has the rights to it. Might as well get some milage.

Well, the movie wasn't very successfull at all, so its looking doubtful.

But gosh, if they ever do something based off of the little green men, Wilber Robinson, or Chicken Little, I will NEVER visit tomorrowland again. Not even to ride the TTA.
imagineer boy said:
Well, the movie wasn't very successfull at all, so its looking doubtful.

But gosh, if they ever do something based off of the little green men, Wilber Robinson, or Chicken Little, I will NEVER visit tomorrowland again. Not even to ride the TTA.

Please tell that to WDI or send a complaint to WDW via the website.


New Member
With John Lasseter in charge of Creative Development at WDI...It will most likely be a Pixar themed Attraction or more...but...
If the bean counters have their way...coming soon to Tomorrowland...A BRAND SPANKIN' NEW MEET AND GREET AREA WITH YOUR FAVORITE TOY STORY CHARACTERS!!!! YAY!!! *sigh*
Here's hoping that John Lasseter and the WDI gang step up to the plate and deliver something new and innovative....

"Yes, i know my name is mispelled...What are you gonna do? Fire me?"

Fantasia Hat Icon=Abomination
How can it be a Monsters Inc. Ride???? I thought they had a great e-ticket for that planed for MGM Studios? What do monsters have to do with Tommorowland?? ok if this is true..I am DONE with Disney. Im sick and tired of this bs.


Well-Known Member
JeffKatzenburg said:
With John Lasseter in charge of Creative Development at WDI...It will most likely be a Pixar themed Attraction or more...but...
If the bean counters have their way...coming soon to Tomorrowland...A BRAND SPANKIN' NEW MEET AND GREET AREA WITH YOUR FAVORITE TOY STORY CHARACTERS!!!! YAY!!! *sigh*
Here's hoping that John Lasseter and the WDI gang step up to the plate and deliver something new and innovative....

"Yes, i know my name is mispelled...What are you gonna do? Fire me?"

Fantasia Hat Icon=Abomination

I'm not so sure about that. While it makes sense since he came from Pixar, I think he also wouldn't mind an opportunity to branch out a bit. I also think the Pixarification of Fantasyland East is pretty aparent, and someone with an eye for Classic Disney may not be quick to promote it further.


Active Member
I think Tomorrowland is slowly loosing its theme. Tomorrowland Speedway, Stitch, and Buzz Lighyear have little to do with the theme of tomorrowland but are merely and extension of Fantasyland.

I think it would be great if Disney could design a brand new attraction for the Metropolis Science Center using Tom Morrow as the host/theme.


Well-Known Member
Ghostbuster626 said:
How can it be a Monsters Inc. Ride???? I thought they had a great e-ticket for that planed for MGM Studios? What do monsters have to do with Tommorowland?? ok if this is true..I am DONE with Disney. Im sick and tired of this bs.

Ya got me (re:Monster=Tomorrowland).
But Tokyo is getting one in their Tomorrowland (And you know it's going to kick ___).
It could also have something to do with the TDL Hollywoodland rumour for that piece of land.


Well-Known Member
TTATraveler said:
I think Tomorrowland is slowly losing its theme.
Are you suggesting that Tomorrowland has a theme right now?:lol:

I always just thought of it as a convoluted mess.

Current Tomorrowland Attractions:
*Time Keeper-Vacant building. Nothing too futuristic about that.
*Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress-How the past has contributed to the future.
*Space Mountain-Trip through space (works with TL theme)
*Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin-(kind of works)
*Stitch's Great Escape-Alien Prisoner (works, though it is a weak attraction at best)
*Astro Orbiter-Yay!! Dumbo in the sky.
*Tomorrowland Indy Speedway-nothing futuristic about go-carts on a track.
*Tomorrowland Transit Authority-fulfills its purpose (works with theme)

In my personal opinion, the entire concept of Tomorrowland needs to be reworked to a future that more than likely won't be achieved for awhile. Look towards Star Wars and Jetsons for ideas. Floating cars, robots, etc. When you walk into Tomorrowland, it should feel like you've stepped into the future. If there is anyone that can do it, it is the creative minds at WDI. They just need a healthy budget.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
The thing about the WDW tomorrowland is that is easily has the best themeing out of all the other Tomorrowlands at all the other disney parks around the world. However, its really weak in attractions. Even with good themeing a land can be destroyed by lack of good attractions. And if they put in Monsters Inc, Chicken Little or whatever, I'll give up. And I know everyone's gonna jump out and say "wait and see! You'll never know until you ride it!" Yeah? Well I tried that with SGE and look how that turned out.

As for Lasseter, I don't think he'll be biased when it comes to putting Pixar attractions all over the place. Sure, he's a major person with Pixar, but I have faith that he has enough sense in his head not to over do it.


Well-Known Member
I think you can take a look at Disneyland Paris to see how this area of the park has been "reimagined" to incorporate more than just future attractions --DRP's similar area is called "Discoveryland" and it includes Space Mountain II, Star Tours, Buzz Lightyear, a walk-through Jules Verne submarine, a rarely used turnpike attraction, the Lion King show, Honey I Shrunk the Audience, and the Orbiters. It's still designed in the theme of a "tomorowland" but without locking it all into future attractions. I wouldn't be surprised to see a similar change over the years at MK. THe area has already been completely redesigned several times, why would they not change as they look toward the future? In reality "Tomorrowland" has been overtaken by actual real world scientific developments that have overtaken any "future" based attractions. Mission:Space could probably have gone into MK, but it's not going to move anywhere. The Timekeeper area is quite large. The DRP Les Visionarium (the original Timekeeper attraction) was transformed into Buzz Lightyear...with almost no exterior structural changes. It would be easy to put in a theatre with a live show (i.e. as is predicted for this building by other WDW rumor sites) or a dark ride, or even the "Little Green Men" flying saucers update rumored on the Jim Hill site. I think we will have to wait and see what the Imagineers have up their sleeves.


Le Meh
Premium Member
STR8FAN2005 said:
In my personal opinion, the entire concept of Tomorrowland needs to be reworked to a future that more than likely won't be achieved for awhile. Look towards Star Wars and Jetsons for ideas. Floating cars, robots, etc. When you walk into Tomorrowland, it should feel like you've stepped into the future. If there is anyone that can do it, it is the creative minds at WDI. They just need a healthy budget.
I agree. Right now, I feel like the Tomorrowland is a Retro Future. What the future was supposed to be like from the perspective of the 1950s/60s. The TTA is probably the best themed attraction to even a current future. The Abominations Great Escape is sad at best. The AA looks cool, but the story line takes sooooo much away from the cool special effects. Buzz Lightyear really should be in Fantasy Land since technically the story is about a bunch of toys, not a futuristic time and/or land. Indy Speedway will soon become the "Disney/Pixar Cars" ride more than likely. Fantasy Land could use a really good attraction based around the movie The Black Hole. I still dont understand why Disney does not re-release this movie and capitalize on its story. Treasure Planet is another good story line that could fit in Tomorrow Land.


Active Member
hakunamatata said:
I agree. Right now, I feel like the Tomorrowland is a Retro Future. What the future was supposed to be like from the perspective of the 1950s/60s. The TTA is probably the best themed attraction to even a current future. The Abominations Great Escape is sad at best. The AA looks cool, but the story line takes sooooo much away from the cool special effects. Buzz Lightyear really should be in Fantasy Land since technically the story is about a bunch of toys, not a futuristic time and/or land. Indy Speedway will soon become the "Disney/Pixar Cars" ride more than likely. Fantasy Land could use a really good attraction based around the movie The Black Hole. I still dont understand why Disney does not re-release this movie and capitalize on its story. Treasure Planet is another good story line that could fit in Tomorrow Land.

Actually, that is the Tomorrowland slogan:
"Celebrating the future that never was." That was the intent with the 1996 redesign so that the area wouldn't seem outdated as quickly.


Active Member
STR8FAN2005 said:
Are you suggesting that Tomorrowland has a theme right now?:lol:

I always just thought of it as a convoluted mess.

Current Tomorrowland Attractions:
*Time Keeper-Vacant building. Nothing too futuristic about that.
*Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress-How the past has contributed to the future.
*Space Mountain-Trip through space (works with TL theme)
*Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin-(kind of works)
*Stitch's Great Escape-Alien Prisoner (works, though it is a weak attraction at best)
*Astro Orbiter-Yay!! Dumbo in the sky.
*Tomorrowland Indy Speedway-nothing futuristic about go-carts on a track.
*Tomorrowland Transit Authority-fulfills its purpose (works with theme)

In my personal opinion, the entire concept of Tomorrowland needs to be reworked to a future that more than likely won't be achieved for awhile. Look towards Star Wars and Jetsons for ideas. Floating cars, robots, etc. When you walk into Tomorrowland, it should feel like you've stepped into the future. If there is anyone that can do it, it is the creative minds at WDI. They just need a healthy budget.

It used to have a theme, but is a mish mash in its current state. When I say its loosing its theme I mean that new attractions and rumored new attractions can be dropped elesewhere in the park or at MGM. There is certainly nothing futuristic about a character meet and greet or a gift shop either. Lately it seems to have a focus towards acting like a spill over place more families with young children aside from Fantasyland.

Tommorowland really is the weakest themed land in the entire park. I suspect that it's supposed theme is part of the problem (it is hard keeping up with the future). Personally I think Tomorrowland needs to be re-imagineered with a new name. Something should really be done about the Galaxy Theater. Why not enlcose the theater and have a permanent show. This area and the former skyway station are complete dead areas as they stand.


Active Member
Huck said:
Actually, that is the Tomorrowland slogan:
"Celebrating the future that never was." That was the intent with the 1996 redesign so that the area wouldn't seem outdated as quickly.

Right, but the Tomorrowland Speedway doesn't meet that slogan. Perhaps if they were flying cars it would be a bit different. Buzz Lightyear is a cool attraction, but again doesn't fit that slogan either.

WDI really isn't following its slogan to heart. I suppose Stitch fits, but it is weak compared to AE, not that I was a huge fan of AE either.


New Member
hakunamatata said:
I agree. Right now, I feel like the Tomorrowland is a Retro Future. What the future was supposed to be like from the perspective of the 1950s/60s. The TTA is probably the best themed attraction to even a current future. The Abominations Great Escape is sad at best. The AA looks cool, but the story line takes sooooo much away from the cool special effects. Buzz Lightyear really should be in Fantasy Land since technically the story is about a bunch of toys, not a futuristic time and/or land. Indy Speedway will soon become the "Disney/Pixar Cars" ride more than likely. Fantasy Land could use a really good attraction based around the movie The Black Hole. I still dont understand why Disney does not re-release this movie and capitalize on its story. Treasure Planet is another good story line that could fit in Tomorrow Land.

But Buzz Lightyear is the toy of the future!.....isn't he? :)


Well-Known Member
jrriddle said:
And how do the last two fit into the Tomorrowland theme?
Even Chicken Little is a lame fit.
Wilbur Robinson is about time travel AND the film will use Great Big Beautiful Tommorow(performed by They Might Be Giants)


Le Meh
Premium Member
CaliSurfer182 said:
But Buzz Lightyear is the toy of the future!.....isn't he? :)
Floam is the toy of the future. It would be like putting a slinky ride in and saying, well, in 1900, it was the toy of the future....

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