Timekeeper Replacement


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Original Poster
So since it seems to be almost official that Timekeeper is closing at the end of this month, what are some of the ideas for replacement? I am not completely sure of the space that is available for the new attraction in that area. Also, when do you think we can expect an official announcement of the new attraction? Finally, what do you think the timetable will be for the new attraction to be built and when can we expect it to open?


Well-Known Member
matthope03 said:
So since it seems to be almost official that Timekeeper is closing at the end of this month, what are some of the ideas for replacement? I am not completely sure of the space that is available for the new attraction in that area. Also, when do you think we can expect an official announcement of the new attraction? Finally, what do you think the timetable will be for the new attraction to be built and when can we expect it to open?

Who says that an attraction will replace it? Just because it's closing doesn't mean that they're going to start on another attraction. (Look at 20K).

That area is like a bad shopping plaza...no matter how good the store is in it...it just can't succeed because of the size.

I'm only saying that because Timekeeper is/was a great attraction and it couldn't survive.


New Member
it was an OK attraction. pretty good the first couple of times you see it, and then, who cares. i would like to see something along the lines of another 3D attraction. maybe something themed to chicken little, or what about the black hole.


Well-Known Member
Could a smaller version of Mission:Space's ride system fit inside the circlevision theater? (I'm thinking along the lines of a centrifuge/hub n spoke type of attraction.)


New Member
oh i think wdi could fit whatever they want into just about any space. interviews with imagineers admit they tend to work better with known quantities. i figure, why not invent a new ride system, depending on how fancy they want to get with that space. you could even do a walk through interactive attraction, similar to twister at universal. but i would rather see something completely original. that's what i hated so bad about alien encounter leaving. there was nothing else like that anywhere.


Well-Known Member
WDWFREAK53 said:
Who says that an attraction will replace it?
Steve says it on the main page of wdwmagic.com:wave:

I think we'll be hearing some announcements at the Grand Opening of Everest. So far we have:
*Living Seas
*Time Keeper
*Tarzan Rocks
Nothing Earth shattering, but hopefully, we'll get some confirmations.


Well-Known Member
Ghostbuster626 said:
If you guys would read Jim Hill's website you would have an idea of whats coming to the timekeeper building and im not being sarcastic either.
I'll stick to official news from Disney and WDWMagic, but thanks for the heads up!


Well-Known Member
So with reading that on the front page of when TK is going to close, is it open right now or are they going to open it? Cause it seems kinda pointless to have a close date for something that is not open anyways, its kinda like adding insult to injury.

As for what could replace TK, hopefully it will be something in the spirit of TL. Not another character invaded attraction but only time will tell.

And RIP TK, thanks for taking the time to take us through time.


Well-Known Member
jrriddle said:
An original ride NOT based on a movie (especially a Pixar movie) would be refreshing.

Agreed. I really would like it if they came up with something original. I know I'm in the monority, but I don't like the encroachment of the toon elements into that land.


Well-Known Member
Horizons1 said:
So with reading that on the front page of when TK is going to close, is it open right now or are they going to open it? Cause it seems kinda pointless to have a close date for something that is not open anyways, its kinda like adding insult to injury.

It isn't really a closing date. More like a building lockdown date. No more meet n' greets in the queue area (thank god!). Seriously though, the building TK is currently taking up is HUGE. The main show could hold over 600 people and the preshow/queue area could hold a few hundred more. Makes you wonder exactly what the Imagineers are cooking up (as long as it is better than the buzz rehab if you can call it a rehab... :slapforehead: ).


Well-Known Member
cherrynegra said:
Agreed. I really would like it if they came up with something original. I know I'm in the monority, but I don't like the encroachment of the toon elements into that land.

I think you would probably find a few of us who don't care for the Fantasyland takeover of Tomorrowland.
Coming soon: Stitch's Space Mountain!:hurl:


Well-Known Member
Count me in on that.

Disney presents a Pixar Stuidos makeover: The Incredible ToyMonCarRow Land with Nemo & Stitch.

I will go elsewhere at that point.


Well-Known Member
I hope it's a Nemo Attraction!
Nemo in Epcot and in DAK is just not enough Nemo at WDW as far as I'm concerned!
Besides I saw it at Jim Hill's site so it's got to be true!:animwink:


Well-Known Member
Ghostbuster626 said:
Supposedly the new ride is either based on:

-Aliens from Chicken Litte
-Little Green Men from Toy Story
-Tie-in for "A Day with Wilbur Robinson"

And how do the last two fit into the Tomorrowland theme?
Even Chicken Little is a lame fit.
jrriddle said:
And how do the last two fit into the Tomorrowland theme?
Even Chicken Little is a lame fit.

hey I agree with you 100%. I am so anti-tie in its not even funny. I want an original story!

The only tie-in that I guess would be kinda acceptable would be a Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy ride. Disney did make the movie after all and has the rights to it. Might as well get some milage.


Well-Known Member
jrriddle said:
I hope it's a Nemo Attraction!
Nemo in Epcot and in DAK is just not enough Nemo at WDW as far as I'm concerned!
Besides I saw it at Jim Hill's site so it's got to be true!:animwink:
Maybe the Buzz Bumber Cars would be put in instead of taking out CoP.:rolleyes:

I would like to see something completely new. Circlevision is cool, but just dosen't draw as many crowds anymore...unless it's Epcot.

I don't think the area is that big...although the Noodle Station is closed an awful lot now, I would not be surprised that if a new attraction were to be brought in, the line Might take up part of that restaraunt...as it's somewhat close, and there is no other place to put it. This is also assuming the Ride is 1/2way decent, which I hoope it will be far better than that. Is there a line area behind the building like with the Convention Center?

Whatever it turns out to be, the Metropolis Science Center should expect some new residents soon.

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