Tilly to replace HM Leota?

Dr Albert Falls

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Original Poster
I don't believe this for one second, but I thought I'd share this quote from today's USAToday.

Murphy's Mansion co-star, Jennifer Tilly plays Madame Leota - a disembodied head floating in a crystal ball. She negotiated her contract to stipulate that, if the film is a hit, her head and voice would replace the decades-old theme park versions in Disney Haunted Mansion rides.

"It would be a shame," Tilly conceded. "The (original) voice is the same woman who did the voice of the evil queen in Snow White. I hate for tradition to fall by the wayside, but I would rather it was me!"
Full article at:


Premium Member
Originally posted by Dr Albert Falls
"It would be a shame," Tilly conceded. "The (original) voice is the same woman who did the voice of the evil queen in Snow White. I hate for tradition to fall by the wayside, but I would rather it was me!"

Hmm, Eleanor Audley (the current voice of Leota) was not the voice of the queen in Snow White. That was Lucille La Verne. Audley was the voice of Maleficent and Lady Tremaine.


Well-Known Member
I've heard this before from her, but I wonder how true it really is. I want HM to do well at the box office, but I don't want to see Madame Leota touched in the ride.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Dr Albert Falls
I don't believe this for one second, but I thought I'd share this quote from today's USAToday.

Murphy's Mansion co-star, Jennifer Tilly plays Madame Leota - a disembodied head floating in a crystal ball. She negotiated her contract to stipulate that, if the film is a hit, her head and voice would replace the decades-old theme park versions in Disney Haunted Mansion rides.

"It would be a shame," Tilly conceded. "The (original) voice is the same woman who did the voice of the evil queen in Snow White. I hate for tradition to fall by the wayside, but I would rather it was me!"
Full article at:

Good grief, this women's got all of her facts mixed up! First she says that little leota says "Go back!" when she actually says "Hurry back" and now she's mixed up the Elenor Audly voices :lol:. She needs to brush up on her Disney history facts. Although, I'm glad she feels that it would be a shame to put her in there.


New Member
Re: Re: Tilly to replace HM Leota?

Originally posted by imagineer boy
Although, I'm glad she feels that it would be a shame to put her in there.

You're kidding right?

I don't think for a second she would care a bit about becoming the new voice of Madame Leota.


Well-Known Member

Man, you know, I like all those rare trees outside, but I'd rather be burning them now for my own personal growth and for my own new bed room set!

Dear god, I think we won't see that happen, simply because I think the Imagineers won't allow it, but lets look at it this way, mabey she'll be the Holiday head?


New Member
guys. just got out of my time traveling DeLorean to bring you this headline from 6 months down the road:

Jennifer Tilly Sues Disney Co.

hmmm...if this is true, than Disney has a very big problem. if this is true, it's enough for me NOT to go see this movie.


New Member
Originally posted by turkey leg boy
Define "HIT". Maybe it's $400 million.

think in LOTR terms..well let's down scale it a bit, PoTC.

which it won't be because of LOTR: RoTK comes out Dec. 17th...i predict this weekend and possibly next weekend. if that.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, but there's something about her attitude that I just don't like. It makes her sound like such a diva. I hope I'm just misreading her quote or something, but that's just kind of sad to hear. :(


Well-Known Member
since when did jennifer tilly become so popular that she could make demands with disney? i can name ten other actresses that i would have rather seen in that ball than her (in the movie). as far as that goes - she was on a talk show the other day and VERY non disney - and said she didn't even like kids. (not that aerosmith exemplifies disney (but i like them)


Well-Known Member
I'm sure nothing will come of it. Hopefully not, anyway!! For one, I cant see Disney changing something like that in an attraction that has such a huge fanbase. Secondly, I highly doubt this movie will a "hit." Finally... PotC was definitely a hit... are they doing anything with that attraction???
It would be amazing to see the amount of outcry over a head in a crystal ball from fans if this would be true! Yes I would be one of them. :fork: "I know Lady Tremaine and Maleficent, and Jennifer you're no Lady Tremaine or Maleficent!!!"


New Member
Well if that is the case I agree with a previous post will wait for the DVD. I really do not want Tilly on the HM ride.That would be really horrible.


Well-Known Member
I have absolutely nothing agains Tilly, but she simply isn't Leota, anyone who's been to any of the Mansions can say that.

And I sure as heck don't wanna see Chucky's Bride in the attraction!!

Now, when all is said and done, do you guys REALLY think Disney was so DESPERATE to get Tilly in this movie, because she was so PERFECT for the role, that they were conceding on making ANY kind of promesses and arrangments? In the words of Kevin McAllister: "I don't think so."

Dr Albert Falls

New Member
Original Poster
This is so crazy, it doesn't even NEED rationalization, but still....

Madame Leota got her name for a REASON--- Leota Toombs, the Imagineer who's face now fills the crystal ball.

If that weren't reason enough to keep her, the Imagineer who would be responsible for physically replacing the projected image would likely be Kim Irvine---- Toombs DAUGHTER (and the face of Leota in DL's Holiday makeover)

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