Mr. Sullivan
Well-Known Member
The more and more people riding it (on both coasts) and saying that it comes across better in person than it does on video just reinforces to me that their dumbest move in this whole thing was releasing that POV video to begin with. It was genuinely a stupid call. Not only was it just a spectacularly poorly done video to begin with, it's just never a smart idea in my opinion to introduce a dark ride with a POV. It does well for coasters, but not for rides like this.
They could've avoided a lot of unnecessary chatter had they just opened it and let people speak on it for themselves. It's gotten a broadly positive reception from the general public (at least from what I've seen), and even some of the fandom who was negative on it from the videos are saying that it's better than the video made it seem (even if they don't ultimately like it; but I would genuinely say the fandom response is more mixed than negative. There's much negativity here but in other Disney groups/forums I'm in, there's a lot who do like it).
It would've been fine without that stupid POV and just letting everyone on either coast experience it for themselves.
They could've avoided a lot of unnecessary chatter had they just opened it and let people speak on it for themselves. It's gotten a broadly positive reception from the general public (at least from what I've seen), and even some of the fandom who was negative on it from the videos are saying that it's better than the video made it seem (even if they don't ultimately like it; but I would genuinely say the fandom response is more mixed than negative. There's much negativity here but in other Disney groups/forums I'm in, there's a lot who do like it).
It would've been fine without that stupid POV and just letting everyone on either coast experience it for themselves.