I am going to say something and I am hoping that I don't regret it like I have 100% of the time in the past when I have shared this story. It never fails - I tell my story and people think I am crazy/delusional/thirsty for attention/all of the above. But I SWEAR on all that is precious in this world it is the truth. And so far only my mother, who was with me at the time and seen it with her own eyes, believes me. I hope that some of you have maybe experienced this as well or at least have heard of it. Here goes, (what a build up, eh?)...
One time, when we were in Epcot about 22 years ago...it freaking rained FROGS!!!!! I am not even kidding. It was a downpour and it seriously rained frogs. They were no bigger than a nickel - MAYBE a quarter, but they were coming out of the sky. Like plopping on the people, you guys! Judge me if you will...I am used to it. But I promise you this happened lol. It only lasted like 10 minutes tops. But it happened!!!!