So I have this huuuuge fear of rollercoasters and untill a few years ago I had a fear of hights as well, but I've always wanted to go on Disney thrill rides because of the great themeing and details and because everyone I know has been telling me I should and I'm sick of telling them no. So I've been trying to make a goal of going on at least one thrill more intense then the one I went on during the last trip every time I go to Disney. Well I'm going again this summer and I'm not quite sure what to try to go on next. Last year I went on Splash Mountain and Soarin', which might not sound that scary, but to me they had always sounded terrifying. I ended up loving them and I can't wait to try something else, but I don't know where to start. I was wondering if people would be willing to help me out and rank them by intesity or suggest a few tamer ones so I can get an idea of what to try next. Please keep in mind that due to my fears my interpretation of thrill ride is very lose and things that others consider too tame to be in that catagory are terrifying enough for me to consider them one.
Here is a list of the rides and why they are thrill rides:
Soarin - Heights but basically pretty tame and soothing really
Test Track - the inside is nothing more than testing a car, you go over small bumps, through a hot and cold room test your brakes...all at about 15 mphs
Primeval Whirl - basically a minor roller coaster you spin on....well you can see it.
Splash Mt. - has 2 hills you go down, the largest being outside. Otherwise a nice lazy log ride through some great scenery.
Big Thunder Mt. Railroad - no big hills, you just ride a train as it twists and weaves on a railroad track.
Space Mt. - this does have hills, it is dark and seems alot faster than it actually is. There are no big, stomach losing hills, but you will think your going to get your head knocked off and there are a few "whee" drops.
Dinosaur - no hills and not fast but it's like you are off roading in very rough terain...BoUnCy!!!
Expedition Everest - Has some hills and is pitch black for a bit also pretty fast.
Rock 'n' Roller Coaster - You start off going very very fast right off the bat and then do multiple loops after loops after loops. Never lose your stomach and it is VERY gentle.
Tower of Terror - You go up to the top of the tower and repeatedly drop in unexpected, random manner. Repeatedly up and down at varying levels of free fall. BUT it's not that bad really. I don't like those rides where you drop like 300 feet straight down but I'll ride this over and over and over without hesitation.
Mission Space
If you don't mind claustrophobic enclosed spaces where you have a harness over you to boot and you spin like one of those g-force rides where you stick to the wall. I happen to like this ride quite a bit as it has an ineresting affect.