Thrill Rides Ranked by Intensity


Original Poster
So I have this huuuuge fear of rollercoasters and untill a few years ago I had a fear of hights as well, but I've always wanted to go on Disney thrill rides because of the great themeing and details and because everyone I know has been telling me I should and I'm sick of telling them no. So I've been trying to make a goal of going on at least one thrill more intense then the one I went on during the last trip every time I go to Disney. Well I'm going again this summer and I'm not quite sure what to try to go on next. Last year I went on Splash Mountain and Soarin', which might not sound that scary, but to me they had always sounded terrifying. I ended up loving them and I can't wait to try something else, but I don't know where to start. I was wondering if people would be willing to help me out and rank them by intesity or suggest a few tamer ones so I can get an idea of what to try next. Please keep in mind that due to my fears my interpretation of thrill ride is very lose and things that others consider too tame to be in that catagory are terrifying enough for me to consider them one.


So, you've already got Splash down, that's a good start. :cool:

I don't know if you've ridden it, but where else you could start is Test Track, it's actually not that bad, at all. I can literally compare it to riding in a car/convertible. But, with that being said, the last little bit outside is less tame than inside. With the outside loop in front of the building being the most intense, in reality though, it only last probably 10 seconds. This will probably be the easiest to conquer, because you can clearly see where you're going, and if you watch a YouTube video, you can know what's coming next. Plus, it's a pretty awesome ride on the inside.

Thunder Mountain is another one that could be a stepping stone. I actually find Splash Mountain more thrilling than Thunder. But, Thunder is a little more constant with it's thrills. You are outside, of course, thus giving you the ability to see where you're going, so in my opinion, that tones down the trills a little bit.

Another one I'm not sure of if you've ridden since you listed the term "rollercoaster" is Dinosaur. Dinosaur is dark, but it's not a high speed high thrill ride, it's more of "ohhhh ahhh a scary dinosaur" ride. There's some bumps, and some quick cornering, but all in all it's pretty mild. This one may frighten you a bit more because of the darkness, but it's a good stepping stone to something like Space Mountain in which you're also surrounded in darkness.

In all honestly, I think Splash Mountain is a big accomplishment for someone such as yourself, and I think you could handle these three attractions no problem since you've already ridden Splash. :)


Well-Known Member
My boyfriend hates most thrill rides, too. Heck, he won't even take a plane.
The rides he loves are Dinosaur, Test Track and Thunder Mountain. He likes Soarin and Mission: Space (green.) He'll ride Splash once a trip just because it's my favorite.
That's about as far as we've gotten haha.
I'd definitely suggest trying Test Track and Big Thunder Mountain on your next trip. Work your way up to ToT (which is my second favorite and I HATE real elevators... I know...) and RnRC, those are definitely the most intense.
Space Mountain is the scariest one for me, though. When I'm not riding it (like right now, for example) it doesn't seem like it would be bad at all. It doesn't go too fast and there's no big drops. But when you're actually in that tiny rocket, whipping around in the dark, I feel like I'm going to die every time.


Well-Known Member
Well this is just my opinion from the least of thrills to the highest:

Test Track
Primeval Whirl
Splash Mt.
Big Thunder Mt. Railroad
Space Mt.
Expedition Everest
Rock 'n' Roller Coaster
Tower of Terror
Mission Space


My oldest son (16) is also really timid when it comes to thrill rides. We got him on Splash mountain only after a lot of talking and convincing and he was not crazy about it and probably will only ride it again if we are wanting a picture or something. Having said that however, he LOVED space mountain and Rockin Roller Coaster.

He has a lot of trouble riding a roller coaster if he can see the track, but rides like space mountain and big thunder don't bother him. We have yet to get him on everest. But he really enjoyed Primeval Whirl so...I don't know what his deal is. LOL.

I would suggest you try Big Thunder next. The fact that it is built into the mountain and that you are never "off the ground" might make it less scary.


Well-Known Member
Too bad the Barnstormer is gone or that would be the one I would send you on next....totally kidding. But if you liked Splash and Soarin, I would say try Big Thunder next trip. If you are all good on that one and feel like you could handle a little more and feel brave head over to Space Mountain. Maybe Test Track would be better than Space because it's not dark. If you have survived all of the above and still felt okay you could think about Tower of Terror and Rockin and Everest. But I would definitely hold off on them until you conquered the others. Baby steps.....good luck and have a blast.


Well-Known Member
First of all, almost all of WDW's coasters are low/mild thrill with very few exceptions. All major attractions are designed so that families can (for the most part) ride together. I'm not even going to bother to address 99 percent of the attractions. Soarin', for example, is NOT a thrill ride.

Based on G-forces and "scare" factor, I would rate WDW's most intense "thrill rides" in order as follows:

Mission Space (Spinning Version)
Rockin' Roller Coaster
Tower of Terror
Star Tours II
Expedition Everest
Big Thunder Mountain
Space Mountain
Premievel Whirl
Test Track (and only if you have never been in a car before)


Original Poster
Thanks for your advice everyone.:D I think I'm going to try either Test Track or Big Thunder Mountain this summer since they sound like they would be the easiest for me to conquer. I don't want to try Dinasour yet because I still have some issues with things popping out at you in the dark because my mom bribed me onto Snow White when I was two and it sort of scared me for life. To this day when I ride it I have a mini panic attack for the first few seconds in the dark, so Dinasour might not be the best idea yet. :o


Well-Known Member
So I have this huuuuge fear of rollercoasters and untill a few years ago I had a fear of hights as well, but I've always wanted to go on Disney thrill rides because of the great themeing and details and because everyone I know has been telling me I should and I'm sick of telling them no. So I've been trying to make a goal of going on at least one thrill more intense then the one I went on during the last trip every time I go to Disney. Well I'm going again this summer and I'm not quite sure what to try to go on next. Last year I went on Splash Mountain and Soarin', which might not sound that scary, but to me they had always sounded terrifying. I ended up loving them and I can't wait to try something else, but I don't know where to start. I was wondering if people would be willing to help me out and rank them by intesity or suggest a few tamer ones so I can get an idea of what to try next. Please keep in mind that due to my fears my interpretation of thrill ride is very lose and things that others consider too tame to be in that catagory are terrifying enough for me to consider them one.

im in the same boat as you with the fear of coasters and heights, ive been to WDW 16 times and only rode Space Mountain once which was in Dec. of 09 when i last went and it wasnt bad at all. This time im going with my Girlfriend who LOVES all these thrill rides and isnt afraid of any of them and i wanna try new rides like Splash Mountain, Thunder Mountain, Test Track and Expedition Everest but with my fear of heights and coasters IDK what to do. i also have high Blood Pressure but have a pill for it i take every night which keeps it normal throughout the day, cuz this past December i had a Kidney Biopsy to get rid of Protein in my Urine. (sorry if its too much info) Do you guys think i will be okay to go on such rides like the ones i have mentioned before? I have watched plenty of You Tube videos for them all, and i really wanna go on EE and just close my eyes on the long mountain climb. I just dont wanna put myself at any risk, i have no Heart Problems, just the HBP which is controlled

Walt Disney1955

Well-Known Member
Space Mountain, Everest and Rock n Rollercoaster are the only three in the park my wife wouldn't ride. She loved Splash to pieces, liked Thunder Mountain to the point where she wanted to ride it again and loved Dinosaur. She did Tower of Terror but only once and didn't follow me on it for a second time. She also liked Test Track.


Well-Known Member
As a person who goes with a wife who is afraid of heights, i would go with Dinosaur, kali river rapids, big thunder mountain, test track, green mission space, big thunder mountain, space mountain, and then everest. Finish with rockin roller coaster and tower of terror. With Rockin Roller Coaster not being a height thing, but inverted and fast, then tower being an all out drop, of which you are secured in place. The ultimate of thrills!!!!!!!


Do you guys think i will be okay to go on such rides like the ones i have mentioned before? I have watched plenty of You Tube videos for them all, and i really wanna go on EE and just close my eyes on the long mountain climb. I just dont wanna put myself at any risk, i have no Heart Problems, just the HBP which is controlled

I am not a doctor... with that being said. My father has high blood pressure and is on blood pressure medicine as well. He rode all of the rides you listed, and felt fine. But, I would see how you felt when it was time to go on. I think you know having said condition if you're not feeling up to par. EE is probably the biggest thrill as far as Disney is concerned. But, really it's only the inside and the big drop. I don't think it's too intense, so I personally would think that you'd be alright. Like I said, just see how you feel before you go on, and if you think you can handle it, go for it. I would say Splash is a good to go, and Thunder and Test Track are a certain. They're both not so much thrilling as they are just down right fun. If you've done Space, you can do those two as well. Rock 'n' Rollercoaster is also intense, but to me it is just for the launch in the start. After you make it past that, it's almost as mellow as Space Mountain with the exception of a corkscrew midway through the ride. If I were you, I would just ask my doctor, and then judge it based on his answers.


Well-Known Member
I am not a doctor... with that being said. My father has high blood pressure and is on blood pressure medicine as well. He rode all of the rides you listed, and felt fine. But, I would see how you felt when it was time to go on. I think you know having said condition if you're not feeling up to par. EE is probably the biggest thrill as far as Disney is concerned. But, really it's only the inside and the big drop. I don't think it's too intense, so I personally would think that you'd be alright. Like I said, just see how you feel before you go on, and if you think you can handle it, go for it. I would say Splash is a good to go, and Thunder and Test Track are a certain. They're both not so much thrilling as they are just down right fun. If you've done Space, you can do those two as well. Rock 'n' Rollercoaster is also intense, but to me it is just for the launch in the start. After you make it past that, it's almost as mellow as Space Mountain with the exception of a corkscrew midway through the ride. If I were you, I would just ask my doctor, and then judge it based on his answers.

i will most likely do all of the ones i listed except for TOT and RNRC, the drops in TOT will make me sick and the inversions and cork screws will scare the ________ out of me on RNRC so im not too sure about those yet, but thanks so much for your input


Well-Known Member
I have height vertigo. Bad. But I have no problem flying. Primeval Whirl is a little scary for me because you feel like you're going to go off the track. But I love it. The worst part of Everest is the start up the mountain. But the one ride I will NEVER go on again is the rocket ships at MK. I felt like I was going to fall out of those stupid things. Nothing else bothers me. RnR is no problem probably because it is so dark. So for me it's probably:

1) MK rockets
2) Everest (start only)
3) Whirl
4) Tower (when the doors open)
5) Space Mnt


Well-Known Member
So I have this huuuuge fear of rollercoasters and untill a few years ago I had a fear of hights as well, but I've always wanted to go on Disney thrill rides because of the great themeing and details and because everyone I know has been telling me I should and I'm sick of telling them no. So I've been trying to make a goal of going on at least one thrill more intense then the one I went on during the last trip every time I go to Disney. Well I'm going again this summer and I'm not quite sure what to try to go on next. Last year I went on Splash Mountain and Soarin', which might not sound that scary, but to me they had always sounded terrifying. I ended up loving them and I can't wait to try something else, but I don't know where to start. I was wondering if people would be willing to help me out and rank them by intesity or suggest a few tamer ones so I can get an idea of what to try next. Please keep in mind that due to my fears my interpretation of thrill ride is very lose and things that others consider too tame to be in that catagory are terrifying enough for me to consider them one.

Here is a list of the rides and why they are thrill rides:

Soarin - Heights but basically pretty tame and soothing really

Test Track - the inside is nothing more than testing a car, you go over small bumps, through a hot and cold room test your brakes...all at about 15 mphs

Primeval Whirl - basically a minor roller coaster you spin on....well you can see it.

Splash Mt. - has 2 hills you go down, the largest being outside. Otherwise a nice lazy log ride through some great scenery.

Big Thunder Mt. Railroad - no big hills, you just ride a train as it twists and weaves on a railroad track.

Space Mt. - this does have hills, it is dark and seems alot faster than it actually is. There are no big, stomach losing hills, but you will think your going to get your head knocked off and there are a few "whee" drops.

Dinosaur - no hills and not fast but it's like you are off roading in very rough terain...BoUnCy!!!

Expedition Everest - Has some hills and is pitch black for a bit also pretty fast.

Rock 'n' Roller Coaster - You start off going very very fast right off the bat and then do multiple loops after loops after loops. Never lose your stomach and it is VERY gentle.

Tower of Terror - You go up to the top of the tower and repeatedly drop in unexpected, random manner. Repeatedly up and down at varying levels of free fall. BUT it's not that bad really. I don't like those rides where you drop like 300 feet straight down but I'll ride this over and over and over without hesitation.

Mission Space
If you don't mind claustrophobic enclosed spaces where you have a harness over you to boot and you spin like one of those g-force rides where you stick to the wall. I happen to like this ride quite a bit as it has an ineresting affect.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
So I have this huuuuge fear of rollercoasters and untill a few years ago I had a fear of hights as well, but I've always wanted to go on Disney thrill rides because of the great themeing and details and because everyone I know has been telling me I should and I'm sick of telling them no. So I've been trying to make a goal of going on at least one thrill more intense then the one I went on during the last trip every time I go to Disney. Well I'm going again this summer and I'm not quite sure what to try to go on next. Last year I went on Splash Mountain and Soarin', which might not sound that scary, but to me they had always sounded terrifying. I ended up loving them and I can't wait to try something else, but I don't know where to start. I was wondering if people would be willing to help me out and rank them by intesity or suggest a few tamer ones so I can get an idea of what to try next. Please keep in mind that due to my fears my interpretation of thrill ride is very lose and things that others consider too tame to be in that catagory are terrifying enough for me to consider them one.

I was much like you and have gradually been working my way up a sequence of thrill rides over the past few years. I was fine on Soarin'. Then I was told to try Test Track because I have trouble with drops. Test Track is easy - just taking a car through some bumpy roads, temperature changes, and at the very end there is a few seconds of speed driving but it is on a straightaway with no drops, so I was fine with that. Next time I tried Splash, and although I really hated that big drop at the end, it was over as quickly as it started, and overall I enjoyed the ride. Then I worked my way up to Big Thunder which was tamer than I expected. There were a few small ups and downs, but none of that stomach-dropping feeling. From there, things got a tad hairy for me. I tried RNRC because although it is super fast and there are inversions, there are no stomach-dropping big hills. I was OK with that. Then I tried Space Mtn, and there were quite a few ups and downs on that ride which really scared me, but it was tolerable for someone like me. And finally I tried E:E on our last trip, and I have to say I wouldn't ride it again because of the big drops. I also refuse to try Tower of Terror because of my problem with drops. So bottom line is that I'd recommend Test Track next followed by Big Thunder Mtn. RR. Good luck!

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
First of all, almost all of WDW's coasters are low/mild thrill with very few exceptions. All major attractions are designed so that families can (for the most part) ride together. I'm not even going to bother to address 99 percent of the attractions. Soarin', for example, is NOT a thrill ride.

Based on G-forces and "scare" factor, I would rate WDW's most intense "thrill rides" in order as follows:

Mission Space (Spinning Version)
Rockin' Roller Coaster
Tower of Terror
Star Tours II
Expedition Everest
Big Thunder Mountain
Space Mountain
Premievel Whirl
Test Track (and only if you have never been in a car before)

Really? You would rate Star Tours as more thrilling than E:E? I was going to try Star Tours for the first time on our next trip, but E:E was too scary for me because of all those drops, and now I'm not so sure given what you are saying. Then again, I'd rate E:E as more thrilling than RNRC which you didn't, so now I'm extra unsure! :confused:

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