Thoughts on iron man 3


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Original Poster
I am not going to say it nice I hated the movie. What was your thought on this blockbuster that is breaking records.


One Little Spark...
I haven't heard good things about it...but I am not surprised because I thought Iron Man 2 was bad as well...

I have no interest in seeing it, but I still may if I want to kill a night at the local Fork and Screen.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I haven't heard good things about it...but I am not surprised because I thought Iron Man 2 was bad as well...

I have no interest in seeing it, but I still may if I want to kill a night at the local Fork and Screen.
No not good things it is a good movie to kill time but just a poorly put together movie just a cash grab.


Well-Known Member
Was it better than the first? Definitely not. Better than the second? Eh...I'm going to lean towards no. Better than the Avengers? Not a chance! But it was overall good film in my book. I can't recall ever being completely bored by anything so if that means something, it caught my attention. It's certainly not the worst superhero film I've ever seen but not in the same class as Spider-Man from 2002 and the Avengers. A lot of people say that the villain twist on Mandarin was a complete letdown considering how hyped he was. There was definitely room for potential to make it a lot better.


Well-Known Member
I a
This. I liked the movie. Liked the story. Did not like the fact that they ended it the way they did.

I also did not like the after credit scene, it could have been better! Other than that, I liked it a lot. I'm not a huge comic book fan, I know most of the die hard fans were let down by the mandarin twist, but it didn't bother me at all...


Well-Known Member
Loved it. Thought it equaled the first installment. It's funny how perceptions can differ. Many people here loved Oz and I could barely sit through it. I've seen IM3 twice. I didn't know about the Mandarin before seeing the film and it was fun to be completely surprised.


Well-Known Member
Liked it much better than 2 but less than 1. It had a very different feel to it compared to the other two, which I think takes a bit of an adjustment. I enjoyed it up until the twist at the end, which i found to be "meh." But at the same time I'm not a huge stickler for them following the comics to a T... And I know Iron Man will return regardless.

I'm actually really looking forward to Thor: The Dark World. I thought that looked promising. And he's hot. Lol. ;)


Well-Known Member
Broke 1 Billion in global box office today. And some of you questioned Iger over buying Marvel. You know who you are.


Well-Known Member
Saw it last night and was dissapointed. I never found the Extremis transformation believable - it just seemed too "extreme". I thought the best part of the movie was Tony struggling with his anxiety but that never surfaced during life or death moments which could have really added tension to those scenes. Instead he was calm, cool and collected as he jokingly faced certain death time after time.

The final battle bordered on ridiculous. This movie required you to make too many "leaps of faith" vs. Iron Man which was really cool because you not only thought it was all plausible but that allowed you to believe that Tony Stark could be a real person.

Genie of the Lamp

Well-Known Member
For me, I liked it better than IM2, but IM the first is still the best. I liked the action scenes in this film. Like others said, didn't really care for the ending of the film.


Well-Known Member
Saw it last night and was dissapointed. I never found the Extremis transformation believable - it just seemed too "extreme". I thought the best part of the movie was Tony struggling with his anxiety but that never surfaced during life or death moments which could have really added tension to those scenes. Instead he was calm, cool and collected as he jokingly faced certain death time after time.

The final battle bordered on ridiculous. This movie required you to make too many "leaps of faith" vs. Iron Man which was really cool because you not only thought it was all plausible but that allowed you to believe that Tony Stark could be a real person.

re: leaps of faith- It's a comic book movie and like any sci-fi-fantasy-comic book-fanboy extravaganza they exist purely for escapism. I never expect to do anything but make constant "leaps". When one of these movies make an attempt to do anything with a character other than blow him/her up it's cause to celebrate. This movie actually did a lot of character development for Tony Stark . God bless 'em. Next to Star Trek:Darkness it's the best fanboy-sci-fi-fantasy film I've seen this year.


Well-Known Member
re: leaps of faith- It's a comic book movie and like any sci-fi-fantasy-comic book-fanboy extravaganza they exist purely for escapism. I never expect to do anything but make constant "leaps". When one of these movies make an attempt to do anything with a character other than blow him/her up it's cause to celebrate. This movie actually did a lot of character development for Tony Stark . God bless 'em. Next to Star Trek:Darkness it's the best fanboy-sci-fi-fantasy film I've seen this year.

What other fanboy sci-fi fantasy films have you seen this year?

As I said, I did enjoy the character development of Stark, but they never made it count in the crucial moments of the movie. It's like having Superman develop a fear of heights but then never having it affect his ability to fly and fight a villian. His anxiety issue should have been used to create tension during the battles, to create some doubt that maybe he won't be able to overcome his issues but that never happened. He calmly faced every life and death situation and everybody just knew that he would win. "YAWN".


Active Member
I enjoyed the movie except for the ending...those who have seen it know what I'm talking about. I was happy when the first part began, but mad when I saw the end result...not the best thing to have as the last thing on your mind with the movie in my opinion.

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