Thoughts on "holding" quick service tables?

Club Cooloholic

Well-Known Member
On our last trip we used mobile ordering and would place the order while walking to the QS and say we are there abit early. So we would walk in find a spot sit and one of us would get up and get the food when it rang ready. (prolly 2-5 min). I dont see an issue at all. Its disney were all hot and hungry. What needs to happen is familys need to be able to share tables with strangers when needed ( party of 2 using a 4-6 person table and not letting anyone else sit) now that I have an issue with.
The absolute worst is if you go to sit at a bench and one person sits right in the middle of an empty bench by themselves or puts their backpack on the bench next to them. This drives me nuts at airports too. Your bag does not require it's own chair


Premium Member
Food is cold straight from the counter so walking round for 20 minutes is not going to make it any worse.

Just no point spoling other peoples days holding a table you dont need for 20+ minutes.
Where the heck are you eating where holding a table is a 20 minute endeavor? I rarely, if ever, spend more than 5 minutes in a QS line.

People who think they're doing the "courteous" thing by sending their family of six with stroller into the QS line are a much bigger problem than people sitting at the tables IMO. You can't easily maneuver large groups through those queues, so I think it's far more efficient to designate one or two people as the orderers and have the others gather napkins, condiments, high chairs, etc. then meet at the table.

The other thing... strollers don't belong in the QS line, nor do they belong in the seating area. Leave the stroller somewhere out of the way. (To be clear, my girls are 4 and 1 so I travel with a stroller, but I do it like an intelligent person.)


Well-Known Member
The ordering areas are not really designed to accommodate entire parties. They are too narrow and cramped. This only helps to encourage parties to split up.

This really should not be an issue. Disney wants the crowding and intentionally keeps capacity strained. Even the world’s busiest theme park has unused and under used dining facilities, shrinking capacity instead of increasing capacity.

Universal has done a very good job in the design of their high demand quick service venues in the Wizarding World and Springfield. Everything is [mostly] single file, which helps with throughput, with sufficient space for entire parties. Then, on busier days, staff seat patrons instead of making them wander for a big enough spot.

I don't think that is true at all that Disney intentionally created a strained capacity. You are all looking at it from today's point of view, not from when these areas where actually built. 40-50 years ago, the parks where much, much less crowded, the people where skinnier, people where more considerate, etc. They are trying to help fix the issue by adding on the Cosmic Rays, and I can imagine that Pecos Bill's is next. They have no where to go with those but up so making additional seating upstairs is probably what they will do. And just adding more registers is not going to fix anything. You can still only cook a put out a certain amount of food at a given time. You can not change the laws of physics and make things cook faster no matter how many people you have cooking it. We eat at off times so we don't have this issue. I think if people started spreading out their dining times, it would help. You don't HAVE to eat lunch right at noon. Have a small snack and then come back in an hour.

Mr Ferret 75

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
The absolute worst is if you go to sit at a bench and one person sits right in the middle of an empty bench by themselves or puts their backpack on the bench next to them. This drives me nuts at airports too. Your bag does not require it's own chair
I have an emotional support backpack that needs to be near to me at all times. How very dare you judge me for my actions.


Well-Known Member
I don't think that is true at all that Disney intentionally created a strained capacity. You are all looking at it from today's point of view, not from when these areas where actually built. 40-50 years ago, the parks where much, much less crowded, the people where skinnier, people where more considerate, etc. They are trying to help fix the issue by adding on the Cosmic Rays, and I can imagine that Pecos Bill's is next. They have no where to go with those but up so making additional seating upstairs is probably what they will do. And just adding more registers is not going to fix anything. You can still only cook a put out a certain amount of food at a given time. You can not change the laws of physics and make things cook faster no matter how many people you have cooking it. We eat at off times so we don't have this issue. I think if people started spreading out their dining times, it would help. You don't HAVE to eat lunch right at noon. Have a small snack and then come back in an hour.
There are older venues that remain mostly closed. There was no requirement to not add dining facilities and even close some facilities despite increased visitation. Disney is completely free to add venues, increasing the amount of food that can be cooked at once and increasing the number of seats available.


Well-Known Member
There are older venues that remain mostly closed. There was no requirement to not add dining facilities and even close some facilities despite increased visitation. Disney is completely free to add venues, increasing the amount of food that can be cooked at once and increasing the number of seats available.

IDK what you definition of "older" means. But I have been going to WDW for 26 years and Cosmic Rays and Pecos Bills where there back then. Maybe you are decades older then me so your idea of "new" is a bit different. But my first trip in 1993 was when I was an adult, so I am no spring chicken. And they have added and changed over the years. They have added 2 new full service restaurants and a counter service in MK alone in the last 6 years.


Well-Known Member
IDK what you definition of "older" means. But I have been going to WDW for 26 years and Cosmic Rays and Pecos Bills where there back then. Maybe you are decades older then me so your idea of "new" is a bit different. But my first trip in 1993 was when I was an adult, so I am no spring chicken. And they have added and changed over the years. They have added 2 new full service restaurants and a counter service in MK alone in the last 6 years.
Only Be Our Guest was new capacity. Skipper Canteen replaces part of the Adventureland Veranda, so while an increase over it benign closed table service has less capacity than quick service for the same area and only part of the space was used. Not sure what you are referring to as new counter service. Tortuga Tavern often remains unavailable and Tomorrowland Terrace is also closed. These closed and underused venues mean that the Magic Kingdom has less dining capacity now than when you started visiting.


Active Member
Original Poster
I don't think that is true at all that Disney intentionally created a strained capacity. You are all looking at it from today's point of view, not from when these areas where actually built. 40-50 years ago, the parks where much, much less crowded, the people where skinnier, people where more considerate, etc. They are trying to help fix the issue by adding on the Cosmic Rays, and I can imagine that Pecos Bill's is next. They have no where to go with those but up so making additional seating upstairs is probably what they will do. And just adding more registers is not going to fix anything. You can still only cook a put out a certain amount of food at a given time. You can not change the laws of physics and make things cook faster no matter how many people you have cooking it. We eat at off times so we don't have this issue. I think if people started spreading out their dining times, it would help. You don't HAVE to eat lunch right at noon. Have a small snack and then come back in an hour.
I do have to say I love that they added more outdoor seating (in shade for the most part) at cosmic rays. No longer need to worry about crowds there


Premium Member
There are older venues that remain mostly closed. There was no requirement to not add dining facilities and even close some facilities despite increased visitation. Disney is completely free to add venues, increasing the amount of food that can be cooked at once and increasing the number of seats available.
The only places that I ever have a hard time finding seating in are Casey's and MAYBE Sunshine Seasons, and I usually travel with a party of 8. This isn't nearly the issue that you're making it out to be.

Our normal QS rotation where we NEVER have seating issues:
Harbor House
Pecos Bill's
Cosmic Ray's
Tangerine Cafe
Cantina de San Angel
Backlot Express
Fairfax Fare
Flame Tree
Harambe Market
Satu'li Canteen


Well-Known Member
We try timing our meals outside of the heavily crowded meal times. Ordinarily we will have no issue finding a table, but on those occasions when we miss the slot, DW will find our table and I'll get the order. The longest I believe shes holding a table would be 5 minutes??? I dont think thats enough time that its inconveniencing other people. The ones who bother me are the people who have finished their meals, stay sitting at the tables for extreme times resting while diners are looking for seating. I dont mind people conversing over their meals, but some people use their tables as Idly passing time, lounging areas loong after eating.


Premium Member
Tangierine Cafe is one place, possibly because of its location, where people frequently take up tables just to rest and get out of the sun - no food and no intention of ordering any. Still, we’ve always been able to find a table.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
We use mobile order nowadays for the most part, and so we'll grab a table for the five minutes it takes before grabbing our order. For the few exceptions (which is basically Flame Tree in AK because we use a discount or Sunshine Seasons) we grab a table while the rest of our party orders, and usually there's plenty of tables so it's a non issue. Or if there are limited tables, part of our party stands aside until we've actually ordered, then goes and finds a table so that they're only hogging it for about five minutes.

What I personally find more rude is these parties that bring their entire group in line, and then get up there and have no clue what they want. To me, clogging up the line unnecessarily is worse.


Well-Known Member
Where the heck are you eating where holding a table is a 20 minute endeavor? I rarely, if ever, spend more than 5 minutes in a QS line.

People who think they're doing the "courteous" thing by sending their family of six with stroller into the QS line are a much bigger problem than people sitting at the tables IMO. You can't easily maneuver large groups through those queues, so I think it's far more efficient to designate one or two people as the orderers and have the others gather napkins, condiments, high chairs, etc. then meet at the table.

The other thing... strollers don't belong in the QS line, nor do they belong in the seating area. Leave the stroller somewhere out of the way. (To be clear, my girls are 4 and 1 so I travel with a stroller, but I do it like an intelligent person.)
I agree - why have extra people clogging the line up when one person can order/pickup food. It is so frustrating trying to move around an entire family in line. If someone needs a seat in the 5 minutes it takes to get and bring food- I hate it for ya, but better than causing you extra time in line IMO. People parking just to have a place to sit and staying there forever- not eating- not cool.


Well-Known Member
I agree - why have extra people clogging the line up when one person can order/pickup food. It is so frustrating trying to move around an entire family in line. If someone needs a seat in the 5 minutes it takes to get and bring food- I hate it for ya, but better than causing you extra time in line IMO. People parking just to have a place to sit and staying there forever- not eating- not cool.

I think less and less people are aware of society around them. We were taught to pay attention to our surroundings and not get in someone's way. Now you see people letting their kids skip around when people are carrying food and block the lines. I see very few parents keeping their kids contained in restaurants(or anywhere else that is not appropriate for them to run around). There is nothing wrong with having your kid stand still for a few minutes and get out of the way of others. Some parents act as if you are beating their kid when you say "excuse me" to them to get them to move. I shouldn't even have to say that because you should be paying attention to your kid.


Active Member
I did like the method used in Moe’s Tavern at Universal, all the empty tables had reserved signs, so you couldn’t just sit, however once you had your food the universal person moved a reserved sign for you so you could sit and eat. As soon as a table cleared she cleaned it and put a reserved sign down, however my kids are older I can see it would more frustrating if you had little ones or one of your party in a wheel chair.


Well-Known Member
I think less and less people are aware of society around them. We were taught to pay attention to our surroundings and not get in someone's way. Now you see people letting their kids skip around when people are carrying food and block the lines. I see very few parents keeping their kids contained in restaurants(or anywhere else that is not appropriate for them to run around). There is nothing wrong with having your kid stand still for a few minutes and get out of the way of others. Some parents act as if you are beating their kid when you say "excuse me" to them to get them to move. I shouldn't even have to say that because you should be paying attention to your kid.
I didn’t just mean with kids. If our whole extended family of 6 with 4 adults are all in line trying to figure out what everyone wants it backs the line up. 2 stay and order for everyone, we decide before we get in line and the rest gets items we need and gets a table. I wish more people did that. I also do agree that kids should be taught manners and learn patience whether in a line or at a sit down. I hate to see kids get up and run around at a restaurant. Mine knew better. Never too early to teach politeness. Thank you, excuse me and such. Always so proud to see my adult children say thank you every single time a waiter/waitress brings them anything. What I taught them as toddlers stuck with them. :)


Well-Known Member
I didn’t just mean with kids. If our whole extended family of 6 with 4 adults are all in line trying to figure out what everyone wants it backs the line up. 2 stay and order for everyone, we decide before we get in line and the rest gets items we need and gets a table. I wish more people did that. I also do agree that kids should be taught manners and learn patience whether in a line or at a sit down. I hate to see kids get up and run around at a restaurant. Mine knew better. Never too early to teach politeness. Thank you, excuse me and such. Always so proud to see my adult children say thank you every single time a waiter/waitress brings them anything. What I taught them as toddlers stuck with them. :)

I agree that many adults are just as bad as the kids now with holding up the line. I see it all the time at work, people talking the whole time while in line instead of figuring out what they want to order then holding up the line while they decide. Funny how it is the same people who complain how long the lines are.

John park hopper

Well-Known Member
There is nothing worse than getting food from a QS and no place to sit. We decide what we want, the wife stands in line orders while I find a table. If that is considered holding a table then I guess we do. Standing in line while group of inconsiderate people take forever to decide what they want when they have been standing in line with the menu right in front of their faces brings on my line rage. Our last trip i saw this often two people sitting at a table with 3 chairs holding their shopping bags/backpacks while people are wandering around looking for a place to sit


I'm Just A Tourist!
Premium Member
You can still only cook a put out a certain amount of food at a given time. You can not change the laws of physics and make things cook faster no matter how many people you have cooking it.
Pretty sure most of the stuff in QS restaurants is parcooked, so it only needs a few mins on the grill/in the warmer to serve.

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