Thoughts on bringing kids to Disney


Active Member
I first went at 5, I remember it and I thoroughly enjoyed it! When we went our parents dragged us round the parks, we didn't stop for breaks back at the hotels, and we were there from 8:30am until closing. We did every theme park and water park in Orlando, plus shopping, plus a hovercraft trip and a trip to Kennedy Space Center. It was tiring for us, but boy was it worth it, and if I the choice to go back and do it again with a break in the day at themeparks, I wouldn't change it. Around 5 you can do this, maybe a little younger also, but I think 3, 3 and a half would be too young to do this, it depends how much you want to see. Also I was well behaved (speaking my own praises, lol) so I didn't really complain much. You get so enthralled in it all at that age when you're doing everything that you don't realise you're tired and you just enjoy. Ofcourse we did have a few days off in between here and there! These days we go for 2 weeks, and we get 1-2 days away from the themeparks, but it's SO worth it, and we get our money's worth!


Well-Known Member
My DD went for the first time when she was just barely 3. It was wonderful.

I think the reason people take really young children to WDW is because they (the parents) want to go, and they want to be with their child. Same reason people take their kids to the grocery store or the mall.

I have gone to WDW with my kids and without them, and I miss them when they aren't with me. If my only choices were a: take an infant, or b: don't go, then of course I'd pick a!


New Member
my first disney trip was DL when i was two and i have no memory of it... i went again when i was about 4 1/2 and have great memories of it even though ive been told i cried on every ride... i think it really depends on the kid and what their attention span is like.... really you should just take your kids every year starting when they are born until they can afford to take you... that's what good parents would do... and it would definetly be a good use of your kids college fund


kybred72 said:
Someday we will take our daughter to Disney (right now she's 3 1/2) but when talking about WHEN we always get varying opinions from our friends and the grandparents on what age is appropriate to take kids to Disney. I hear a lot of "she'll be too young to remember the trip or she won't enjoy it, blah, blah, blah"

I personally (and I hope I don't offend anyone) don't understand taking a baby/infant who can't walk to Disney. What's the point?

So if you've taken your kids to Disney what age do you suggest is the 'perfect' age?

My oldest was 3 when we first took her, my youngest 5 mos. I have found that right around 3/4 yr. was great. Everything is so magical to them. It is just fun to be there with them. They are generally big enough to go on most rides, and know who the characters are so they get VERY excited. My youngest is now 4 1/2 and going on her 4th trip. I found the last trip we took was the best, and can't wait for the up and coming one. Although, I am up for Disney anytime!:D


New Member
My son is a month shy of being two, but we have already taken him to Disney twice (the first time at 8 months). It's not about what he will remember or not remember at this point. He loves all of the stimulation and characters, and it is really a lot of fun for my wife and I to see him play and take videos/photos to look at down the road. We go just as much for us as we do for our son. For us, it was just great to be able to get out and have a vacation again after having our first child. Disney is just a fun, kid-friendly place to go, even if you do have an infant (and under 3 is free!).


Well-Known Member
We took our eldest daughter just before she was 3 (free admission!) and she loved it. She still remembers parts - of course looking at the photos helps - and she is nearly 9. We took a comfortable stroller, so she could nap, and plenty of little snacks. She was quite a shy child, and I didn't expect her to want to meet any of the characters - but she ran up and hugged them all! My favourite picture is one of her with Ariel - she had never heard of Ariel then, but she went up for a hug and a photo!

Also took our second daughter just before she was 3 (we're so mean with money!) and she was a much more outgoing child, but she wouldn't go near the characters! She wasn't afraid, she just preferred to wave from a distance.

All in all, we've been 3 times with the girls, first time DD1 was nearly 3, second time they were 7 and nearly 3 (I think!) and 3rd time they were 8 and 4/5 (5th birthday in WDW) - and they want to go again ASAP.

I would take them as soon as you think they will enjoy it, even if they don't remember too much.

The Mom

Premium Member
I took The Daughter, for the first time, at 18 months, and against my better judgement. My 15 yo niece was visiting, (supposedly as a "mother's helper" for the summer :rolleyes: ) and part of the payment package was a trip to WDW.

The Daughter had so much fun that we went back a couple of months later, without the whiney 15 yo! We went every few months until she was too old to miss school.

The Son started going as an infant (plus in utero, as had The Daughter) as The Daughter wasn't going to give up her trips for "him."

Now, we live within driving distance (but not close enough for comfortable day trips) so can visit more frequently than those who have to fly or drive for a full day or two, so we don't have the urge to see everything each trip.


New Member
I know i'm only a teen but you could take children when they are younger because its so magical for them and I love seeing little kids faces when they meet the characters:) you could also take them when they are a bit older because they can go on more rides.i went for the 1st time when i was 10.


Well-Known Member
My son as already been 2ce. 1st at 8months, 2nd at 22months and he'll be going in July and will be 2 1/2.

The first time was nice. We went because the rest of my family was going. He did like the Pooh ride though. The 2nd time was better, he could recognize more, pay attention more and he knew what he liked (Small World). He really enjoyed the Animal Kingdom. He's a curious boy so that was good for him to see all the animals. But he absolutely hated EPCOT.

I'm looking very forward to our July trip. He does remember things from the past trip, we look at the pictures alot. He is talking very well and can tell us things he wants and doesn't want. We will also be traveling with my cousin's family and her son will turn 2 while we are there. I think having another child with us this time will be nice too.

I'm looking forward to doing things just for him, like that new Playhouse Disney breakfast and we can still do things that we want to, EVEREST, by using the baby swap.


Well-Known Member
You know your daughter best, but I'm sure she'll have a great time no matter what age.
We took our daughter at 2, and she had a blast, but doesn't really remember it that much. She went again at 4 1/2 and to this day (she's about to turn 21) she can tell you things about that trip that I've long since forgotten.


We put off taking our son because we wanted to wait until he was older, then when he was 6 we were offered his MAW and opted for Disney even though his sister was only 2 at the time. We were a little worried about doing Disney with her, but had a blast. We regretted not going sooner. We've been so many times since that the memories are really all jumbled together, but that's what pics are for.:) If you want to go, don't let her age stop you, just be sure to allow for her schedule and go with a slow easy pace. You don't have to do every ride and attraction to have the best time of your life.


New Member
(EPCOT is most enjoyed by adults)
My advice: At least let your kids try Epcot rather than assuming they won't like it: I've seen tons of little ones having a great time!


Well-Known Member
This topic comes up all the time on these boards, and as usual Scott had the 1st response exactly right, whenever YOU think it is right.

The other points are all valid for someone, and everyone has the right to decide what they want to do with their own children depending on their beliefs and situation.

My DD is 33 months old, and has been to WDW 5 times, and we have never lived closer than NC. (Her 1st 4 trips were from Canada) She made her first trip at about 14 months. She is now a 2 year old than can sing a very fair amount of Disney songs, name more characters than most children regardless of age, knows that Disneyland and Disneyworld are two different places (and which castle each one has), and even knows how to tell Chip from Dale. Not bragging, and not saying that everyone will think these are "accomplishments", but these are things that fit our family well.

I am not going to try to say the trip when she was 14 months old was about her.But it was a vacation in a wholesome family environment where we were able to spend time together in a atmosphere chock-full of stimulation. Each return trip is a little bit more "for her", as she gets a little more appreciation for the uniqueness of the parks and resorts. Even now she knows that she will be going to DLR in a month (We told her in Jan, and she knows it happens when she is "almost 3"), and that we will be going to WL in September (in her words, after she is 3).

She has not been in 9 months, as we have welcomed her baby brother into the world in January. But when I showed her pictures of the WL in Early April, she said "thats the one with water in it" referring to the stream in the center Lobby.


Active Member
I agree with everybody that said it is what age YOU feel is right. Just remember that vacations aren't all about what you will or will not remember from the trip but what you experience while on the trip. It should be about living in the moment not for a moment to remember. Of course you make memories, but that shouldn't be the sole focus.

Our DS was 20 months old for his first trip and I don't regret for a moment taking him then. But some people might, and some children might make the trip unbearable at that age. He had so much fun on that trip. Watching the parades, going on some rides, giving TONS of characters a hug, kiss, and high five while posing for pictures with them, etc. Maybe he won't remember any of that...but I WILL! ALWAYS! And he can always look back on the pics and video! HE went again at 2 1/2 and months later STILL talks about oh so many different things from the parks!


New Member
Scott is right - Only you can decide the perfect time. I do have a little insight though.

I think it all depend on how much you as parents love Disney and wether you have fond childhood memories of WDW. I went on my first trip when I was 6 mo old and at least one a year after that (stil going at least once a year). While I don't remember that 6 mo trip, we do have pictures of me enjoying many rides (especially Dumbi).

Because we (DH & I) love Disney so much we decided that our son would go at least once a year, just like I had. He took his first trip @ 6 mo and has been 6 times now (He is 3 yrs old). When you have kids the trip is about thier experience. I now enjoy watching him ride Dumbo & jump on the cow (image works @ imagination) more than riding SM or SplashM.

This past trip (we just got back:cry: ) he was 1/2" too short to ride Sorin, TT, SplashM, BTM so we didn't even ride them. Instead we took time to play in the fountains and explore the World Showcase & Kid Kots.

When we go back in October he will be tall enough to ride those rides and it will be like a totally new experience for us. We love to watch his face and reactions to the rides and parades. It is truly priceless.

Also, before they turn three they get in free and eat buffets for free. No extra expense.

When they are really young its more about he parents memories that the kids.


Well-Known Member
I went for the first time at 8. I had a great time. I rememebered everyhting about my trip and couldn't wait to go back. I would have to say that it is when you are comfortable taking them. Don't worry about the magic of being very young on the first trip, it's not because they are young, it's because WDW is magical.


Active Member
One of the tour books recommended a Character dinner the first night so little ones get up close but not threatening encounter as might happen in a park. This worked out great for us last December. Both grand children were great and never afraid of characters all week.

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